Chapter 1 Introduction

Two years. It had been two years since Harry and Sirius had been captured by death eaters. Forced into a cell together after they were captured during a raid on Diagon Alley, fifteen-year-old Harry and thirty five-year-old Sirius had been subjected to torture of unimaginable proportions. Voldemort had snapped their wands in front of them.

One year. One year since Voldemort had forced a gender changing potion down Harry's throat and then fed both of them potions that made them have an uncontrollable need to do…that with someone. Locked together in a tiny cell only big enough for a large bed it was only natural that (in their potion addled state) they do exactly what was expected. Harry had been a virgin at the time of course. It hadn't been a good experience. The potion had addled them so much that Sirius didn't have the sense to be gentle. It had hurt both of them. Harry (now Jade) didn't blame Sirius though. No, all the blame lay with Voldemort as far as she was concerned. She couldn't believe anyone could do that for their own enjoyment. Voldemort had enjoyed it though. He had stood there the whole time and watched them. It made Jade sick.

But that wasn't the worst. Jade had started feeling ill. Voldemort wouldn't stand for loosing one of his favorite playthings and had taken Jade to a healer. Jade was pregnant. Voldemort was delighted. It would be wonderful for him to torture both his toys at once by torturing their child. He got to hurt three people all at once!

Jade and Sirius had been distraught. What were they supposed to do with a child? They couldn't even protect themselves for Lords sake! It also hurt that he had forced the two of them together. They were going to be parents together and they had never even felt that way for each other! They had resolved to try, for the baby. They weren't going to allow their child to be raised in an environment where its parents didn't even try to make things work. It was bad enough that the poor thing had to be born in a prison cell!

To their surprise they had worked rather well together. It had taken time, but in the nine moths leading up to their child's birth they had gradually fallen in love. Voldemort had been uncertain whether he liked this development or not, until he had realized it hurt them even more to see each other tortured when they were in love. He had then decided he loved this situation. Jade and Sirius were just glad they were allowed the small comfort being in love gave them.

Voldemort had had to ease up on torturing Jade because it could hurt the baby. He didn't want to do that. Yet. He had to wait until the child was old enough to live through it, no matter how much he wished he could just kill the thing and be done with it. It would hurt the lovebirds (as he was now calling Jade and Sirius) more when the child was killed if they were allowed to get attached to it first.

When Jade was sixteen when she went into labor. Sirius was the only one there for her. The death eaters were all out on some raid, and the mediwitch hadn't been called before hand because the baby wasn't due for another week or so.

Sirius had done the best he could given the circumstances. He had done a wonderful job both delivering the baby and avoid all the curses Jade accidentally threw at him with wandless magic. They knew that was going to be their way out and had been training as hard as they could in it.

Soon Jade and Sirius were the proud parents of a beautiful baby girl. Her name was Emerald Ivy Black. She had her mother's green eyes and her father's brown-black hair, though her hair was curly where his was wavy. Both cuddled over the tiny girl for a few minutes before Jade allowed Sirius to take the child from her so she could go to sleep.

Voldemort had tortured several death eaters when he found out that his favorite pet had had to bear her child with only her lover to help. Apparently a couple of death eaters were supposed to stay behind in case of this type of thing. Voldemort was angry that he almost lost the chance to torture two of his pets. He was not being kind to Jade, Emerald, or Sirius; he just liked torturing them more then he liked torturing everyone else.

Emerald was a small baby because he mother was so petite and hadn't been fed enough for a pregnant woman. Jade was fed more than the other prisoners, but it still wasn't enough for her.

It was almost exactly two year to the day after he had captured Jade and Sirius that Voldemort made his fatal mistake. Emerald was only three months old when Voldemort decided she was old enough to live through torture. Jade and Sirius vehemently disagreed. Emerald and each other were their only reasons for living. If they lost Emerald they didn't think they could go on.

Voldemort had knocked Sirius away and into the wall when he had tried to grab his daughter back. Sirius was just barely holding on to consciousness. Jade screamed as Voldemort pointed his wand at Emerald. She broke the binding spell he had put on her and ran in front of Emerald.

"NO!" she screamed loudly.

"You want to play this game?" Voldemort asked with amusement. "I have to admit your mother was quite awful at this game. I was expecting her to do better…ah well, maybe you can make up for the disappointment she gave me."

Jade shuddered as she realized she had unconsciously mirrored her own mother's moves in the last few moments of her life.

Jade glared at him angrily.

"So brave….a pity you choose the wrong side," Voldemort sighed. "At least I have an excuse to finish you permanently now. AvadaKadavera!"

Jade did the only thing she could think of. Using all the love she had for her child and husband, her old friends, Ron, Hermione, Remus, her parents….everyone, she created a sphere of light. She threw it with all her might at Voldemort. The sphere blasted straight through the killing curse and flew towards Voldemort.

His eyes widened considerably when he saw it coming, and he threw a spell at Jade. It was meant for her heart, but hit her arm instead, and a stabbing pain flew through her. It diminished quickly in comparison to all her other hurts though. It was still there, it was just ignorable.

However, Voldemort didn't seem to be having the same recovery rate. Jade's spell had hit dead on; straight to his heart. He was thrashing and gurgling on the ground. Sirius had finally managed to get back to his feet. He rushed forward and grabbed Emerald from her crib before going to stand behind Jade and wrapping an arm around her waist to hold her upright.

"Are you alright?" he asked quietly and urgently.

Jade could only nod, too shocked to do anything else. Had she finally done it? After two years of torture were they finally going to escape? Was Voldemort finally going to die?

That question was answered instantly when Voldemort gave a final gurgling breath and lay still, his chest not moving. His body disintegrated as the small family watched on. Sirius shielded Emerald with his arms as she started to cry. Emerald was the quietest baby Jade had ever heard of. She almost never cried. Like, ever. She only cried when she knew one of her parents was hurting really badly. Jade would've sworn the child was empathic. Emerald had even slept through the night ever since she was a month old. Jade didn't know much about babies, but she knew that wasn't normal.

When Voldemort's body was completely gone Sirius walked over to the place where he had been standing. There was nothing there to suggest that the Dark Lord had ever existed. The ground had a scorch mark, but it looked like something that could've come from a fire spell or an experimental charm.

"We have to get out of here," Sirius muttered. Jade swayed on her feet and he reestablished his hold on her waist.

Jade didn't remember much after that. She remembered sneaking through the manor, holding Emerald close as Sirius cautiously checked each hallway before he would let either of them walk down it. She remembered him fighting someone and the alarm ringing through the manor. After that it was all a blur.

And that was how they got to where they were. Standing on the doorstep of Number 12 Grimald Place, holding a baby with Sirius holding Jade up and Jade clinging to him like he was a lifeline.

Sirius took a deep breath and opened the door….