Hi everyone I'm back sorry for the wait but my internet is still down for a while but I manage to corrections to some of my stories and make new chapters to them.

I don't own anything but my life. And that's debatable.

"talk" normal

"think" normal

"talk" demon

"think" demon


After a couple of hours Ivy decided to call the two over.

"Naruto, you and your friend come here for a minute." She called

"Hey Neechan! This is my new friend Hinata." Naruto replied. "Hello U-Uzumaki-sama." Hinata stuttered.

"Please call me Ivy and there's no need for formalities. Now Naruto why did I see three kids thrown by a vine." She asked with a mock glare.

"I'm sorry Neechan but they were being mean to Hinata-chan." he replied. Hinata could only look at her feet. "I hope Naruto-kun doesn't get in trouble because of me." She thought.

"Naruto, I'm disappointed in myself. I mean the thorns on then barely cut the skin and I should have taught you how to make them sharper or use a poison that makes them have no bladder control for a week." Ivy said with a shrug acting as if what she said was the most normal thing in the world.

"I guess being prankers runs in your family." Sanbimu sweat dropped remembering some of Naruto's pranks over the years and some he been accused of. Like the time all the Harunos hair were dyed bright neon orange with goatees glued to their faces.

"That's right and we're damn proud of it." Ivy claimed. This only caused the sweat dropped to grow.

Turning back to the children Ivy smirked. "Come on Naruto let's take you and your girlfriend out to lunch." this caused a blushing Naruto and a passed out Hinata.

After they got the poor girl to wake up, the four went to get their lunch.

(Village gates)

"Lady Tsunade please at least tell me why we had to rush here." Shizune pleaded. Ever since Tsunade gotten the message she drag both Shizune and Tonton without stopping once for three days straight.

"I drag us here because those lying bag of bones lied to me and Jiraiya about our god-son being dead." She growled.

"What! But after the Kyuubi attack, they showed you Naruto's body! You were in a depression for years." Shizune said not noticing a small group just overheard their conversation.

"Well apparently it was a fake. Now I left him alone when I thought he was dead. Kushina would kill me if she found out." Tsunade sighed.

"You mean my cousin?" a voice caught their attention.

Turning to the source they saw Ivy, Naruto, Hinata, and Sanbimu.

"K-Kushina!" Tsunade stuttered.

"No, she was my cousin. My name is Ivy, I came her after hearing there was an Uzumaki here in hopes to find her, but I found her son." Ivy explained. She put down her villain name on her papers seeing that Naruto and basically everyone else will refer to her as that.

"You found him?" stated a shock Tsunade.

"Yes, now please explain that god-mother thing again." Ivy replied.

Tsunade's head went down in shame and sadness. Shame for not being sure and sadness of what she lost that day.

"After the Kyuubi attack was over, Jiraiya, Naruto's god-father, and I were called by the elders. They show us a body of a baby and said it was him. I left the village thinking that there were nothing left for me here. Knowing Jiraiya, he probably threw himself into his work to get away from the pain." she explained.

"Wait, two of the legendary sannin are his god-parents?" Sanbimu asked in shock.

"Yes." turning to Ivy "Please show me him. I -I need to apologize to him."

Tsunade felt a small tug on her pant leg. Looking down she saw it was a little boy with blond hair and blue eyes.

"N-Naruto." Tsunade's eyes widen.

"Don't be sorry, you were lied to. Besides I forgive you away!" he said.

Tsunade just picked him up and gave him a hug. Years of pain, regret, and depression is now gone and in it's place was happiness of having a family again.

But all good things must come to the end and a growl from Naruto's stomach signal that it was time to eat.

"Come on, it's time for lunch. Besides Naruto, you didn't forget your new friend already." Ivy said motioning towards Hinata.

Eyes widening Naruto quickly went to Hinata grabbing her hand gently "I'll never forget you Hinata-chan! Come on I know a great place to eat at and the people there are really nice!" he said while pulling a blushing Hinata away.

"He's going to be a flirt when he's older." Ivy smirked.

(Five minutes later)

After a nonstop chase after the two kids which caused them to wonder where Naruto got his energy and stamina from the small group arrived in front of Ichirakus.

"He's defiantly Kushina's son. Ramen on the brain." Tsunade muttered remembering all the times she lost thousands of ryo when she treated her student to lunch.

"I blame myself for this." Ivy groan.

"What do you mean?" Sanbimu asked.

"I sort of first introduce her to ramen." Thank goodness I came up with that., hard to explain I ate it when I was having their ancestor.

"Then I'm sure that Teuchi (sp?) will thank you for that seeing that Kushina was half of their income, and that was on days where she wasn't hungry." Tsunade said as the three join the kids inside the stand.

"Welcome to Ichiraku's. Hey Naruto, let me guess the usual." Teuchi said as he greeted is favorite customer. "I see you brought a friend."

"Yeah this is my new friend Hinata-chan!" Naruto shouted. "H-hello." Hinata greeted. It was this moment that the old ramen stand owner notice his other three customers.


"No let me explain!" Ivy moaned. She really gotten sick of explaining and lying.

One hour and a hundred bowls of ramen later.(Naruto had 96 of them)

"So that's it huh. You know I always had a feeling those elders were no good. They're suck in the old ways." Teuchi said.

"I'll say. As soon as I get my hands on them there going to regret what they gone." Tsunade said as she thought the many ways to inflict pain to the two bags of bones.

"As long you leave me some Tsunade-hime." A voice came from behind them. Turning around the small group saw it was none other than Hiruzen and Jiraiya.

"I was wondering when you were going to show up." Tsunade mused.

He only smirked and turn his attention to the younger blond. "So you're my god son huh, you look just like your dad, but with my luck you inherited your mother's personality."

"What do you mean?" Naruto asked.

"Well she was stubborn, hotheaded, and ramen obsessed. But a good person to be around." Jiraiya smirked.

"Don't forget she beat you to a pulp when she caught you peeking in the hot springs." Tsunade said remembering the beating Kushina gave him.

"Don't remind me. I still have bruises."

"Peeking?" Ivy asked.

"Yes. I am not just a powerful toad sage, but the famous author of the Icha Icha series!" (Insert his dance)

"So you're ero-sannin." Naruto said making Jiraiya face fault and every one else laugh.

"Why did you call me that?"

"Because the anbu cat calls the silver hair anbu ero-dog because he reads them, so that would make you ero-sannin."

(Other side of the street)

In the shadows said dog face faulted while the cat laughed.

(Back with the others.)

Things are getting interesting around here" Hiruzen thought as he watch the scene in front of he.

Sorry for the wait and short chapter, I was stuck on this and writers block was killing me.


I have new poll, I need you guys to vote because the ideas are keeping me form writing new chapters quickly. The top two will be chosen