
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of its characters.

Summary: It's Temari's first day at a new school. It's her senior year and she wants to get a fresh start, leave the past behind her, and develop a new identity. But in her homeroom, Temari comes across a kid she knows from summer camp, and she's sure he remembers what happened all too well.


It had been done. There was no going back; no redoing what she had just done.

It wasn't as if anyone got hurt. Except maybe herself, so why did she feel so guilty? So torn apart?

They were supposed to go somewhere quiet by themselves so they could just talk instead of attending their final fire camp ceremony with the rest of their campers. He had promised to give her a night to remember…

"Come on," he urged. "Let's go have some fun. The fire camps suck. I'd rather spend my time with you." The simple comment had made Temari's stomach do a couple of flips of excitement.

"What about the camp counselors?" she asks uncertain.

"Just say you have to go to the restroom," he said as if where the most obvious thing. "Meet me in front of the boys' cabins." Temari looked over at her brothers, Kankuro and Gaara. They surely would notice her absence. "Forget about them." He whispers in her ear urging her on. And soon he is gone, on his way to the boys' cabins.

It was now or never. Temari decides to follow, slipping past the strict counselors and asking the nicest one to go to the restroom. The counselor nods not even registering who had just asked him to go to the restroom. Temari rushes to the designated spot where he was already waiting for her there. He seemed to fidget with his shirt, not his usual cool and poised self.

"What's wrong?" Temari asks him in concern.

"Nothing," he says between his teeth. Then he gives a smile that is a little off. "I just want to make sure to give you a night to remember." He steps in and gives Temari a deep kiss. She kisses him back. It wasn't their first time doing this. They had flirted with each other since they first met on their first day at Camp Suna, and their relationship quickly developed. Her younger brothers often complained about their obsession with each other, but mostly Temari's obsession with him.

He slid his hands underneath her shirt and pulled her closer to him. Temari softly moaned into his mouth. His hold on her only seemed to tighten and his movements became frantic. He shoved her against the door of a boy's cabin. Temari didn't know which one, but she didn't care. Her attention was fixated on the man in front of her. She moved her left hand up to pull at his light ash colored hair while her right tugged at his shirt.

Suddenly he stopped kissing her, still dazed from the kiss Temari didn't realize what was going on until they both stumbled into the cabin still embraced. The coldness of the cabin sent a shiver up Temari's spine, snapping her back into reality. She realized what his intentions where now. But her reaction was too late. It was as if her mind was processing everything ten times slower than the way they were happening.

He guided her over to the closet bed and threw her on it, clumsily getting himself on top. The kisses were becoming harsher, sloppier in the dark. She couldn't see him but could feel the closeness of his breath on her neck as he bit down harder than he usually did. He managed to pull her t-shirt off and was hastily working on her shorts when Temari finally reacted.

"W-wait," Temari managed to huff out.

"What?" he growled.

"I just—I don't know if we should be doing this. Here of all places." In a way, she didn't want him to stop. She really liked him. He was good looking and had a sarcastic sense of humor that she liked in guys, so why not do it now? Her body was responding, and she was enjoying his touches…but something wasn't right.

"What are you talking about?" his voice husky, giving her a thrill yet scaring her at the same time. It was obvious his he only had one thing on his mind.

"What if someone comes back?" she asked, not knowing what other excuse to come up with.

"Don't be stupid, they're all at the camp fire roasting mushrooms like little kids. But we aren't little kids anymore right?" he went back to working on her shorts and pulled them off with ease. She didn't know when he had taken off his shirt and jeans but suddenly she could feel his nakedness against her body.

Her mind was reeling. Part of her knew what was happening, and the other part was thinking about the campers and her brothers who were probably exchanging stories while she got laid in some old moldy bed slept in by many previous boys. She shut her eyes and tried not to think about it because there was still yet another part saying that she wanted this to happen to her. Temari had always wanted to experience sex, but did she really want to do it here?

Why not? You like him don't you? A voice tried to convince her.

He didn't take the time get her ready. Instead he penetrated her without a warning. A sudden burst of pain shock Temari's entire body; mistaking it for pleasure he began to move faster. She tried to adjust at first but it felt like Temari's insides were being ripped apart. To hell with pleasure, all she wanted to do was get him off of her. She tried her best to shove and push but her arms felt like Jell-O, and his body was getting heavier by the minute, not letting her breath. Temari gasped for air, clawing at his back to get him off but he seemed to misinterpret her intentions. Temari tried to speak but her voice wouldn't obey her either; her whole body was betraying her.

He's movements only became harder, faster until all he could do was shake on top of her as he let out a deep grunt. He collapsed on top of her only making things worse. She shoved him aside and this time he obliged, rolling over next to her.

"Aw, baby, that was great," he whispered still trying to catch his breath. Temari quickly squeezed herself out of his grip and groped around in the darkness for her cloths. "Where are you going?" he asked sensing her movements. Not trusting her own voice, Temari didn't respond. She hadn't cried during the whole thing and she wasn't about to now. "Come on, stay a bit longer."

He hadn't done it the way she had expected him to. She thought he would be gentle and loving, but it hadn't been that way at all. He had been rough and impatient. Even though she tried her best to keep up, she couldn't and it had hurt to try. Temari knew he was experienced, and it's not like she was any stranger to the male body, but it had been her first time going this far and this was not the way she had wanted it to happen. The air around her was choking her up.

This wasn't where she wanted to be.

Temari threw on her panties and cloths, wanting to get out of the wooden cabin as soon as possible. As she headed toward the door she could feel him coming after her.

"Hey, wait!" she heard him say.

She turned toward the door and hurriedly opened it letting the chilly night air in. As Temari stepped into the night but was brought to a sudden halt. She felt a million eyes on her.

Boys, of all ages where staring at her. Some her age, others still at the innocent age of ten where glancing around clueless. A few glared at her disapprovingly, while others were cracking up into cruel laughter. The camp fire had probably ended a while ago, and everyone was coming back for their final night at Camp Suna only to encounter a bewildered Temari rushing out of a dark cabin.

"And that, my boys, is how you do it." Temari turned around and saw Hidan at the entrance of the cabin. Only in his black boxers, he proudly wore a smug smile across his lips. Several guys laughed even harder at the comment while Hidan's smile only got bigger.

"Nice man," a friend of Hidan snickered patting him on the back as he handed Hidan a bundle of dollars.

Had she been a bet? A joke to him!

If her dignity hadn't been stolen from her only minutes ago she was sure she would have punched him right then and there. But her she felt powerless, a feeling she had never gotten before. She wasn't the type of girl to be intimidated and run away, but today she would go against her very nature. All she could do was run from the situation.

On her way through the sea of boys, she heard cat calls and whistles all of which she ignored. Temari kept her head down and ran as fast as she could. Not looking where she was going, she bumped into one of them. His body strong made her lose her balance. His hands gently reached out to stabilize her.

She looked up and saw a dark haired boy a head taller than her, but obviously younger. His expression was hard as stone. Temari didn't know why, but his expression made her explode. "What?" she yelled at him. "Don't you want to make a comment?"

His expression relaxed but he stayed silent for a while before shrugging off her loud screams. "What you do is none of my business." With that he turned around and lazily walked away.

When Temari arrived at her cabin, all the other girls were already in their beds. Nobody cared to ask where she had been so she rushed into the restroom to clean herself up as best as she could without making too much noise. She slid into her bed and finally let herself cry.

okay, i know that was a bit harsh to make Temari go through that but it's basically what the story is based on. So yes there will be lemons (and drama) later on in the story but not as harsh as this one. I love Shika/Tema and they will always be together in my stories!

also, I would really appreaciate some feedback since this is my first fanfic and i would like to hear some constructive critizism on how to improve my writing or stories. so let me hear what you have to say, good or bad! :)
