First YJ story that is a chapter story XD I'm so excited! Anyways first off HUGE thanks to my Beta Inscriber! Second ENJOY THE STORY!

Chapter 1: Missing

Everyone heard the explosion that rocked the building and made it creak like a rocking chair, everyone saw the rubble fall from the ceiling, smelled the smoke and gas that came with the explosion and fire.

"Everyone out!" Robin yelled, as he coughed into his arm, "the buildings gonna collapse."

Superboy quickly punched the goon nearest to him and with a huge leap shot out of the building through a hole he had made earlier, you could hear the faint boom as he landed outside and the dust swirl up into the sky, M'gann followed suit throwing two goons off her with telepathy she flew out through the whole, Robin and Kaldur ran for the door, Kaldur firing water at people whenever they came too close, Wally ran out right behind them, opening the door and allowing Kaldur and Robin to dive through.

The building groaned like a wounded animal as fire erupted from it, the black smoke twisting into the sky like a dragon. Suddenly Wally's eyes widened and he grabbed Robin's shoulders, he had been the first to realize someone was missing, "Where's Artemis?" He asked Robin, his green eyes lighting up with worry.

Robin's eyes widened behind his mask and turned to face the team, counting heads, no Artemis, he turned to Miss. Martian, "Can you make contact with Artemis?"

M'gann closed her eyes, before wobbling when another explosion echoed into the air and the fire crackled and she sunk down to the ground, sweat dripping from her forehead, "too hot." She said simply as she leaned against Superboy for support. "I can't contact her."

"Artemis come in," Kaldur said into his communicator, nothing came back over through the ear piece. "Nothing." He told Robin.

Kid Flash's eyes went from worried to panicked, which confused everyone even himself, he was supposed to hate the spitfire blond, before they settled into a determined stare as he eyed the door, pulling down his goggles he turned to Robin, "Don't follow me." He said simply before taking off into the burning building.

"Kid, wait! It's too dangerous the building's going to collapses any moment!" Robin yelled after his friend, but Wally was gone, and he had a sinking feeling he might never see the cocky green eyes and messy red hair again.

He turned to the rest of the team M'gann's eyes were wide with fear as she watched Wally disappear, Superboy's eyes, although he hid it well, were filled with slight panic and it was only Kaldur's hand that stopped him from going after his doomed friend, "if you go after him," Kaldur said simply. "There will be no hope; the whole building will come down."

So all they could do was waiting, wait and watch as the dragon in the form of fire and smoke ate away at the building, ate away at their friends' lives.

So what did you guys think? I hope you enjoyed it I got my Beta to spazz out XD hopefully I did the same to you guys anyways please tell me what you think!