Disclaimer: I do not own Young Justice… sadly.


I stared at the kids in disgust. Kids,allofthem. I hated them all. Just spending that year with them made me sick, but it was worth it for the Light.

"What's the matter, Robin?" I taunted. "You don't seem… whelmed."

"I'm going to kill you," he snarled in response.

"Well, wouldn't that be a sight?" I asked. "Robin, the Boy Wonder, sidekick to the Batman, killing his own partner. You'd be back in the orphanage before I'm over in Belle Reve."

"You're not my partner," he said, reaching behind his back. "You never were! I trusted you!"

"You trusted me? You never even told me your name!"

"And this is why Batman didn't let me. Yes, I trusted you, but Batman didn't. He considered letting me tell you all, after Red Tornado was gone and there was no mole, but it's a good thing that he changed his mind. You would have been the first one I told."

"You know, Robin, for being the Boy Wonder, you suck at lying. Your dear old Wallace West would have been first to know."

"Don't you dare speak his name!"

I put a hand over my mouth and faked a shocked expression, "But he was my partner, too!"

"He was never your partner!" Robin screamed. "You're the one who killed him…M'gann!"

…To be continued…