Amy picked up her mobile and dialed the familiar number. She looked around the living room as the phone rang, her eyes coming to rest on the face of her husband. As always, the phone rang through to voicemail. She sighed before leaving a message.
"Doctor, it's me, Amy… Again. I don't know how many messages I've left now. So many. All asking the same thing. And you don't even know how to check your voicemail."
She laughed; it was a forced and painful sound.
"Have you found her yet? Have you found... Melody? Please Doctor, if you have found her, tell me… I know you'll tell me that I know who she turns out to be, that she'll become River, but I don't want to miss her growing up… The first time she walks, her first word, y'know? If you find her, find someway to tell me, please? I know you'll try to, well, I hope you do…"
She paused as someone knocked on the front door, both Amy and Rory looked at the door and then at each other.
"I have to go… Mels is here... I'll see you soon."