Parent Trap
"The court grants all rights to Marissa Novak Winchester to be given to Castiel Novak," Dean sighed as he listened, so that was it, the twins were being separated.
"The courts grants all rights to Melissa Winchester Novak to be given to Dean Winchester," Castiel looked up as the final ruling from the judge.
"The court grants all separation from this marriage, also it saddens this court that such a nice family like this one was is now officially over, I hope that the children will be able to see each other from time to time." The judge stood after everything was said and done, it was always emotional with family splitting apart for good.
Castiel could feel Dean's eyes on him as he stood, he couldn't fault the man for wanting to keep his family together, but in the years of being with someone, it could have been worse, one or both of them could have filed for full custody of both, but they had decided when they separated that each would get one child.
The twins Marissa and Melissa were born to them over a year ago, through a surrogate and they at the time really didn't care who the biological father was, but when the divorce came, a test was performed and the family had discovered that it was indeed Castiel who had fathered the children. He could have had them both, but thankfully his father had talked him out of it, stating that both of them were the fathers and that Castiel had to be fair when it came to that, Dean was much of a father as Castiel was and Castiel had agreed.
So Marissa would go back to New York with him and the Novaks, while Melissa would stay in California with Dean and the Winchesters. It was a mutual agreement and Castiel would get use to it.
Eventually anyway…
(12 yrs later, California)
"DADDY!" the shrill scream of a thirteen year old had Dean choking on the coffee he had just taken a sip out of; he glanced at the clock and saw that Melissa was home from school.
"Maple is out of the fence again." Melissa said as she came in the house dropping her back pack off as she ran back out the door.
Dean scrambled out of his chair screaming for Sam as he raced out of the front door to see his daughter running after the wayward horse. That damn horse was going to get herself killed one day if she continued getting out. "Maple come girl, heel." He hollered out as Melissa got closer to the horse.
"Dean she is not a dog, you know." Came the running voice of Sam as he had been in the barn washing down the other horses, Dean rolled his eyes while running after his daughter and her wild ass horse.
Dean started slowing down as was Sam when they saw that Melissa had her horse and was calming her down. Melissa had been raised with horse all her life and she knew how to handle them, Dean had no fear when it came to horses and his daughter.
Melissa came up to them with her horse. "I got her daddy, sorry for worrying you." She said as she walked on to the barn. Sam smiled at Dean following after her.
(12 yrs later New York)
"Daddy please let me go home, it smells awful in here." whined Marissa as she leaned back a little in her father's chair. Castiel looked up from his chart with a smile on his face.
"It's a hospital sweetie; it's supposed to smell like this." Castiel said as he closed his chart, going on to a new one. He sighed as Marissa pouted again. "Look grandpa is going to look into a summer camp for you, okay? He even said he would pay for it, just give it a couple of more days and then Gabriel will be home and then you can stay with him. Deal?" he said picking up another chart to scribble something on it.
Marissa moaned again and the nurse that was sitting off to their right smirked at their banter. "But daddy I am thirteen years old, I think I can take care of my self at home." She bemoaned, curse her father for being overprotective.
Cas looked up again and smiled at the nurse and his daughter. "Yeah I don't think so sweetheart, you know the rules and last time I left you alone, you invited two of your friends over and destroyed the house, so nope not going to happen."
"Daddy it was an accident, I told you I was sorry." Marissa folded her arms over giving a huff and glare to her father. Castiel was unimpressed with the whole thing.
"Marissa I was only gone for five minutes and you killed the oven. I liked that oven." He said as she lost the glare. "So cheer up, because I am done with work and we can grab some lunch and go home." Castiel smiled when his daughter jumped for joy grabbing her bag and was off to the car with out waiting for Castiel to close the chart.
Handing the chart to the nurse, and watching her smile, "Call me if there is any change in Mr. Hoffman," he said as he followed after his daughter. Sometimes it paid to be a doctor and a father, sometimes…
(12 yrs later Kansas)
Two men sat in a coffee shop catching up on old times. They would meet here in the same spot every six months.
"So John, how is Melissa doing?" John sighed as he drank some of his coffee. He nodded when the other mentioned his granddaughter.
"She is perfect, just like her father in everyway, which should be frightening," he smirked when the other laughed about that.
"Well Joseph how is Marissa doing?" John started again as Joseph leaned away with a shrug.
"Same I guess, I don't get to see them much, but that is not why I called you here a few months ahead of time." Joseph said as he routed around in his carry on bag for something.
"I thought that seemed kind of odd for you to call; in fact I was joking with my wife when I thought you wanted something else, she told me to let you down easy, stating that I was already married." Joseph looked a little confused, but when John laughed it finally made sense.
"Oh I get it, yeah I'll be sure to tell my wife not expect that threesome she has always wanted, don't worry I hope she won't be too disappointed." Both laughed at that one, "No that was not the reason I called you. This is what I called you about." Joseph said as he handed a pamphlet to John.
Reading what the booklet had he looked up at Joseph with an evil smile. "Our children will kill us if we do this," Joseph smiled at that, nodding all the same.
"I think it high time that the girls meet each other, and then we'll see where it goes; they have been apart for too long." Joseph said as he looked at John as he nodded.
John Winchester was now going to do what ever it took to get his grandchildren back together again, and if his son got angry then so be it, he just hoped that Joseph could handle Castiel. The man had a temper that could literally bring forth hell.
So summer camp it was.
To Be Continued…
Thanks for Reading.