I don't own Pokemon.

Rai belongs to Xerxes Glace Hydro.

Chapter 5: The Take Down!

"Attack!" yelled Domino, pointing to Ash and Rai and signaling the henchmen to go get Ash and Rai.

Both Ash and Rai waited until the henchmen were practically on top of them until they started to attack the henchmen 2 at a time.

Once they had taken care of the 20 henchmen, they went after Domino to find her getting closer to the door, but before she knew it, a blue aura sphere blew up the doorway and she was trapped with Ash and Rai.

"Shall we?" asked Rai, looking at Ash.

"We shall." replied Ash, looking at Rai before both of them turned their attention to Domino.

They both let her have it and she was unconscious after the first blow that she took.

Then, they went to the top floor to find Giovanni and put an end to Team Rocket forever.

(With Giovanni)

"Domino. Domino, answer me!" exclaimed Giovanni, calling her so that he could find out what all the racket was down in the science lab.

"She won't be answering." said Ash, looking at Giovanni from the doorway as he leaned up against the doorway.

"She's currently in the land of the unconscious." said Rai, looking at Giovanni with arms crossed over his chest.

Before Giovanni could do anything, they attacked him simultaneously and before both of them could lay another attack on him, he was unconscious.

"I don't know about you, Rai, but I'm ready to go home and relax." said Ash as they were exiting Team Rocket Headquarters.

"Me too, Ash, but you know that we have to call Officer Jenny to let her know about Team Rocket trying to turn you evil." said Rai, making a point before they left the area.

Soon, they found a videophone and called Officer Jenny and told her everything that happened and she said that she would get over to the Headquarters as fast as she can so that she can press charges against them for what they did to Ash.

They both thanked her for doing that and when they hung up, they both let out a sigh of relief that this day would soon come to a close and they could move on with their life.

They soon hiked home and when they got to Rai's house, Ash called his Mom and asked her if it was ok to stay the night with Rai and she said 'Yes', which resulted in both Ash and Rai giving each other smiles that meant everything was a go.

When they finally wondered up to bed, Rai was starting to say something to Ash, but soon found out that Ash was fast asleep on the floor in Rai's sleeping bag.

"Oh, Ash. Good night, aibou." said Rai, turning out the light on the nightstand before going to sleep himself after a long day.

From then on, Rai always kept that secret kiss to himself and Ash always kept the whole being evil thing a secret so that no one would be afraid of him and Giovanni and the rest of Team Rocket were put into jail for life after making Ash evil with no probation available ever.

The End!

Hope you enjoyed Chapter 5! Too tired. See ya later!

AshKetchumForever-Action first-Think later!