
The night was spent with so many kisses and words of love and sounds of laughter. They were together, at long last. With both of the films done, they spent most of the next day together. And what was their first date, but a promise that he had to fulfill.

To sing.

It took Kyoko singing four songs before he picked up the microphone. He spent about an hour looking through the song book for something he was willing to sing. After everything he picked an English love song.

Kuon was... horrible. It was true, he couldn't sing a single note, and Kyoko loved him for trying. She promised that she would never make him sing again.

Three months later, Love's Rival premiered, and it was massive! The film released sooner than Tragic Marker because of how much less CG was required for it. They went down the red carpet together, smiling arm in arm. Thousand of questions erupted from the press and a single answer almost caused a riot.

"Are you two together, now?" Some random reporter screamed out.

Ren smiled down at Kyoko and replied, "Yes." While the press did ask millions of new questions, they would have been out there all night if they allowed it. They answered the one and headed to their seats, only to be stopped by someone as soon as they were in the clear.

"Congratulations," Murasame Taira stepped up in front of them in a stylish black suit. Both instantly recognized him, of course, but they weren't suppose to know him. They smiled politely to him, and Kyoko bowed.

"Thank you," she said with a gentle voice and a sweet smile and started to move forward. He took a step to the side and watched them. They were almost home free when Murasame spoke again.

"It really was you, wasn't it, Tsuruga-san?" he asked out astonished. He had the same height and build. It had to be him.

Ren turned towards him and graced him with a gentleman's smile. "To what are you referring to?" he asked curiously.

Murasame glared at him suspiciously. "You know what I'm talking about. That's Kyoko," he pointed at her, "That's Sets.."

"Excuse me," Ren cut in with a gentleman's smile. "I think it would be best if you went to your seat and simply forget any type of theories in your head." Ren took a small threatening step to the slightly shorter man and whispered darkly, "I preferred it when you knew nothing, remember?" He gave him a little Cain like smirk and proceeded to escort Kyoko to their seats. Kyoko looked back and forth between the two men fearful.

"Ren, was it okay to do that?" she whispered nervously.

"I KNEW IT!" Murasame yelled out behind them, making Kyoko jump.

Ren laughed. "Probably not, but the film is over and people will find out sooner or later anyway. I don't think he will tell anyone." He didn't. Though it did give Murasame a much deeper respect for the two who played the Heel siblings.

Love's Rival was an instant success. It was the expected big hit of the summer with the grand Tsuruga Ren playing the shy, handsome love interest/rival against the charismatic and surprising kind lead played by Kyoko. The critics were weary of the casting choices. They showed dozens of her clips as Mio and determined the film to badly casted. They stated that she was too dark and not pretty enough to stand side by side to Tsuruga Ren. Even if they did praise her acting as Mio, they thought someone prettier with less talent would have been the better choice for a light hearted romantic.

Then Natsu finally appeared on Box 'R'. The critics did make a reprieve on one thing. Kyoko could do sexy, that perhaps there was something more to the package then previously stated. Still, she played another bad girl. Why would the audience accept a Japan's most wanted man falling in love with a bad girl, especially when Tsuruga was playing a introverted but determined rival? They thought the relationship would become one of master and servant.

The day after it's premier, no one could phantom the thought of anyone else playing Aika.

"She's gorgeous, fun, and you couldn't help but fall in love with her."

"The passion between the two leads was insanely hot. I felt like I was intruding every time they kissed."

"Tsuruga and Kyoko a dynamite duo in Love's Rival. No one could Rival the battles and love between the two."

"Kyoko, the next Co-Star Killer? Has The Tsuruga Ren been caught by the rising starlette?"

Oh that headline came shortly after the premiere. With the unexpected announcement on the red carpet, a massive outcry was sounded for a real interview. They wanted to hear more than a single word about the sudden relationship. It was long overdue for an announcement.

They were booked on a talk show, the most popular one they could find, The Minori Show. The woman was an icon when it came to the entertainment industry with music, arts and film, so it was expected that she would be ruthless.

"To get right to the point, you two are dating?" Minori asked rather rudely, but everyone was rather vehement to find out.

Both Kyoko and Ren smiled politely, and Ren answered, "Yes. Since the end of Love's Rival, we've been seeing each other exclusively."

"So then you fell in love while your characters fell in love?" She asked, her voice already voicing how very cliché it was. Any actors that date after doing a romance was going to crash and burn in their relationship.

Ren again answered, "No actually. I was in love with her when we did Dark Moon together."

"You fell in love with Mio?" Minori asked shocked making Ren laugh softly.

"I fell in love with Kyoko," he said sincerely.

"Was it the same for you, Kyoko?" Minori turned her meat hooks onto the less experienced girl.

"Um, sort of," Kyoko admitted with a blush. "It was difficult for me to come to terms with my feelings for him. It wasn't until the end of Love's Rival that I finally gave in to his charming ways." She turned to look up at him with a knowing smile.

"Was that because you were dating Ishibashi Hikaru while filming Love's Rival?" Minori let out her biggest find of the young starlette. They had interviewed almost everyone on the set of Love's Rival and found out that Kyoko was playing the field while on set. They spoke about Ren driving and having lunch with her during their breaks, then suddenly another man came into the picture. They all defended the young girl clearly stating that Kyoko claimed Hikaru to be her boyfriend, never Ren. While they all liked Ishibashi, they wondered why she wasn't with Ren when he was so smitten by her.

Minori could see the young girl start to sweat from the question but the barest of hugs from the man next to her made her prey got stronger.

"Yes," Kyoko admitted. "I didn't have much experience with love or dating. Hikaru was my first real relationship, and I will never forget that; however, things between us were never right, and we agreed to go our separate ways romantically. I am thankful that we are still friends and talk frequently."

"Really? Then why did you quit the show that you worked with him on? Rumors have it that he was heartbroken after the breakup," Minori continued relentlessly. Kyoko flashed her a dazzling smile and placed her hand on Ren's knee for a quick pat.

"My agency felt that it was no longer best for me to play a mascot in a variety show," Kyoko explained. "I do so regret it though. It was my first acting job, and I loved playing Bo. All the improv and animation I had to perform while inside of a suit made the role challenging and fun. Not to mention, I became friends with the Bridge Rock hosts."

"And the rumors of your break up? Was he heartbroken that you left him for Tsuruga Ren?"

Kyoko continued to smile though was finding it more and more difficult as the interview went on. Not only because of Minori's excruciating accurate accounts of her relationship with Hikaru but also because of the dark, soul sucking anger that Kuon was radiating beside her. Oh, one look at him and everyone saw Ren was smiling patiently, completely unaffected by the lines of questions being thrown to his girlfriend. It was like he didn't have a care in the world, or had complete utter faith in Kyoko to handle this situation.

He did have faith, for they trained for this the moment they announced who was going to interview them. He drilled her mercilessly with off the wall, heart wrenching, rude and sadistic questions about anything and everything. From her time in LoveMe, her past with Sho, their sex life - or in this case the lack of it, and her relationship with Hikaru. He taught her out to artfully answer a question to the best of her ability. Kyoko still had to think about certain things, but she was better than when she first started.

"I won't lie, there was some difficult times between us when we parted. There are hard feelings at the end of any relationship. We both needed some time apart before we could summon up the courage to speak to each other again. Thankfully, our friendship was strong enough to overcome our attempt of seeing if there was anything more between us," Kyoko replied with confidence, an unwavering smile and never diverted her eyes from the host.

Minori couldn't question it anymore. She had nothing more to go off of. The three Ishibashi men wouldn't speak to her about it other than they dated and broke up mutually. The heartbreak was from the crew of Kimagura Rock, but none of them had the personal relationship with Kyoko or Hikaru to know what really happened. What Kyoko stated, they dated, broke up, didn't speak for a little while and now are friends, all of that was what she found out from everyone else. Well shit. Minori thought and moved on. After that her questions were almost civil, and the two newest and hottest couple in Japan left without any lingering scars.

Everything that Kyoko said about Hikaru was true. Well partial truths that couldn't be excused. Their friendship was still on watery ground, more so now that she had to quit being Bo. That was full truth. Sawara, Takarada and Kuon all agreed that doing Bo would do nothing but hinder her career. Sawara told her he would take care of it and find a replacement, but Kyoko wanted to tell them herself.

On her last show, she knocked at the door of the Ishibashi wait room and bowed. They greeted her politely, but it was never as warm as it was before. She wanted to tell them her news first and foremost.

"I'm quitting Bo," she told them bluntly. She gave them a brave smile with teary eyes. She explained her reasoning and her wish that she could stay with them. Yuusei was the first to speak.

"It was expected. I was surprised you didn't leave after doing Mio," he said softly.

"It's going to suck trying to find a good replacement," Shin'ichi said with a scowl. "No one has ever done Bo the way you did. Everyone knew when you weren't playing him."

"I'm sorry," Kyoko said again with a thick voice. Yuusei and Shin'ichi both stood up and walked to her.

"Keep in touch, Kyoko-chan," Yuusei said with a smile.

"Even though you broke leader's heart.. Oof!" Yuusei jammed his elbow into Shin'ichi's gut for his callous words. "As I was saying," Shin'ichi said with a glare, "I miss us all hanging out together," he said sincerely, and then leaned in and hugged her. "We should do it again sometime, when you aren't so busy."

No words could express how very happy Kyoko was to hear that. She nodded quickly as the two men left leaving her alone with Hikaru. He was sitting on the couch with his back to her, his elbows resting on his knees with his hands clasp lightly together. She looked at him as he stared off at nothing, waiting for the privacy he asked for.

"Are you doing this because of us?" He asked the air in front of him, instead of turning around to look at her.

She shook her head even though he couldn't see it. "No, what I said was true. Everyone thought it was best for me to quit. Having a dedicated time slot taken every week would be detrimental for future roles," she said it as if she was quoting someone making Hikaru nod. If she was lying, then she would hesitate more.

"They're right," he agreed softly. Time ticked by as silence filled the room. Kyoko was about to speak up when he abruptly spoke up. "Are you happy with him?"

Kyoko quickly closed her mouth and looked down sadly. Was she allowed to be happy with another man? Could she really tell her ex-boyfriend that she was happier without him? While her mind was ripped apart with her guilt, Hikaru stood up and quietly stepped up to her. She saw his hand reach up and cup her face.

"If you're not, if he does anything to make you angry or sad..."

Kyoko shook her head. She didn't want to hear this. Didn't want to know that he still loved her or what he would for her. She shook head and cupped the hand that was at her cheek.

"I am," she said softly. "I'm happy."

Hikaru nodded and slipped his hand from her face. "Good," he whispered as he kept nodding. "Good," he repeated. "So when is it?"

She frowned confused. "When is what?"

"The wedding? I need to find a date, because there is no way in hell I'm going to my friend's wedding without a bombshell of a date," he joked making her laugh. She assured him that it was a LONG, LONG way off. They were talking things slow, enjoying their time together as boyfriend and girlfriend and working towards their goals.

A month later, Tragic Marker came out sending out questions as to who the British actor Cain Heel was. His background, filmography and biography, all a huge mystery. Kuon was getting a kick out of the whole thing.

Kyoko sat down next to him on his couch as they watched Entertainment Tonight. They showed scenes of the top grossing film of the weekend and all asked who BJ was. The actor was bone chilling and brilliant. They even went as far as to ask Director Konoe if he hired a real serial killer for the film. He assured everyone that he was a simple actor, one of the best there is.

"One of the best," Kyoko repeated. "Yet, no one will know it was you who played him. When are they going to release that information?"

"It's more fun this way," Kuon said. "Look at how they are all digging around trying to find Cain. It's hilarious."

"Murasame-san knew. I'm still surprised that he didn't tell everyone," she stated.

"Eh, he had no real proof. Besides, he isn't the brightest bulb in the house," Kuon said casually making Kyoko smack him playfully.

"That's mean. How could you say that about someone?" she said flabbergasted.

Kuon laughed. "Easy. You would think a person would back off when someone bigger and scarier than him tells him to fuck off from his girlfriend."

"I was your sister, not your girlfriend," she clarified with a little blush. Kuon tightened the arm that was around her shoulder and then twisted in his seat to lean down and whisper in her ear.

"I would have preferred if you were my girlfriend, then I could have done this," his lips pressed a little kiss on her ear lobe making her smile, "and this," he placed his hand on her bare knee and squeezed it gently making her laugh softly, "and I would have a ton of these," he finished with a stolen kiss.

Her lips melted with his. His kisses still making her feel light headed and her body overheated. She felt the hand at her knee slide across her silky skin under her skirt. She whimpered into his mouth, but he didn't stop. His fingertips reached her panties and slipped underneath the elastic to slide his whole hand up and caress her hip. Kyoko's eyes burst open and broke the kiss as she tried to move back crawling onto the couch.

Kuon followed her, crawling onto the couch as his lips started kissing down her neck and shoulders. His hand never explored more than her bare hip. He could have moved it back to cup her butt, or even dared to venture forward to the hidden valley of her sex, but he didn't neither. He wanted to touch her, touch her intimately but not enough to scare her away. She found herself laying on the couch with Kuon on top of her, kissing her skin. Her right knee was bent up into the air next to his waist. It was the same side as his hand exploring under her unmentionables. Meanwhile, her left was pinned straight underneath him.

"Kuon," she whispered in a throaty voice making him moan. His hand moved down her thigh towards her knee easing the tension within her. She slid her leg down, and Kuon slid his finger tips along her leg as she did so, sending goosebumps all across her skin. When her leg was straight beside his, he finished the course, going all the way up to the high cut of her panties, and then pulled the fabric of her skirt down, covering her back up.

Kyoko smiled and then gasped as his naughty left hand came up and squeezed her breast over her top. He was a real enigma, constantly contradicting himself. Well, he made no sense in Kyoko's mind. He stretches her limits by doing things like slipping under her panties and then comes back with honoring her chastity by pulling her skirt back down only to take it back by groping and...

"AH!" Kyoko screamed as his mouth clamped over her left breast while his hand massaged her right. Both actions done over her blouse. His right hand joined in on the fun, molding her breast, blouse, bra and all to perk into his mouth. How was it that she could feel his tongue through all those layers of cloth. She moaned as he teased her hardened nipples, his tongue running round and round the soaked cloth between them, while his thumb rubbed her right, back and forth, flicking it up and down driving her mad. She jerked her hips against him when he bit down and let her tortured peaks go.

His mouth moved down, kissing her shirt over her stomach until he hit the edge. Kuon nuzzled his nose between the end of her blouse and the start of her skirt and licked her skin right below her belly button. Of course with that, he revealed more of her skin which he couldn't let go untouched. He licked and nipped her skin until he revealed her whole stomach. He pulled back and pulled down her blouse letting his hands slowly run from her shoulders down over her breast and stomach to smooth out the blouse.

Kyoko was beyond gone, letting him do what he wanted, because it felt oh so good, and she trusted him. Trusted him to stop when he knew she was uncomfortable, and he somehow always know when to stop. She felt him shift on the couch, the heat of his body coming near her and then she yelped as he kissed the mound of her sex over her skirt. She looked down at him and saw him smirking wickedly up at her, making her blush and hide behind her hands. Kuon laughed softly and crawled up. He pushed her hands away and leaned down to kiss her again. They were playing, playing until she was ready, testing and fulfilling his desires until it finally happens.

There was no hurry. They will make love for each star in the sky, kiss for every grain of sand on the beach and love each other with the same intensity as the sun. He promised her forever, and forever it will be.

A/N: The End!

I really hope you all enjoyed reading this. It took several months of lost and found inspiration to write this. I'm happy it's finally done. Thank you everyone for reading and again thanks to all those wonderful reviews. I hope to see you all again on my next crazy idea.