- I'm going to try and keep this as close to the actual events of DBZ, but a couple of small things might change (like how long it takes for the Earth and Namekian Dragonballs to regenerate) because I have to make room for my character.

- Please R/R, and you can give plenty of constructive criticism, as I will appreciate any ideas that will help my writing improve.

- Nappa is probably really OOC. But I haven't seen much episodes with Nappa in it, and the ones I did see were about 2 years ago. But it shouldn't matter much because Nappa only features in this Prologue, and not in the rest of the story.

On with the story.

DISCLAIMER: As much I would like to, I don't own DBZ - it's the property of it's respected owners.


[A Forgotten Saiyan]

[Rating - PG 13]

Prologue: A Vivid Memory

It suprised him to no end how Frieza kept underestimating his power. Always sending him on pathetic assignments, against even more pathetic enemies. He wanted a challenge. He was sick and tired of wasting his time on Frieza's dirty work - he wanted a real fight, against a true warrior; in which he could battle with full force, full power. Then, when he won, he would be truely appreciated and he could get his revenge.

He stared down at the limp bodies of several Taethians. Absolutely pathetic.

"Hmph." He turned to face his Saiyan comrade. "Nappa."

"Yes Prince Vegeta."

"Why on earth does that bastard Frieza insist on sending us on such worthless assignments? We are far too elite for this."

Nappa shrugged. "He doesn't care, my prince. We are merely play things for his entertainment."

He walked up to one of the bloody bodies lying on the wine-dark soil, and spat on it.

"The day will come when I will slaughter that bastard, and make him pay."

He felt a slight bubble of energy rise up in him, and his eyes lit up with vengence. I look forward to the day when the universe is finally rid of such a monster.

A roar escaped his throat, and he threw a bright blue ki blast at the torn, gashed bodies which were spread out in front of him. He smirked as the bodies were turned into dust. He narrowed his eyes, and let the anger inside erupt violently. He flew up into the air, and let all hell break loose.

Oh dear Lord Frieza, this will be you one day. You will be the one to die, you will be the one to suffer. And I will be the one to do it to you.

He suddenly felt the presence of one of Frieza's loyal henchmen. Zarbon. He turned to see him arrive in front of Vegeta. Nappa soon joined Vegeta at his side.

"If your've finished playing monkeys, Lord Frieza has ordered you to finish your job and hurry back to the ship. It seems he has a suprise for you." Zarbon crossed his arms and looked at Vegeta and Nappa.

"Shut up Zarbon." Vegeta replied gruffly. He hated Zarbon, and Zarbon hated him. "We will get back to the ship when we feel like it."

"Listen you fucking monkey!" Zarbon growled. "If you don't get your arse back to the ship, I will destroy you myself!"

Vegeta snorted. "Don't kid yourself. You know that I could pound you into oblivian if I felt the need. But I don't feel like wasting my precious time on someone as weak as you." He smirked and looked Zarbon deep into the eye.

Zarbon smiled. "I'm afraid that you will be the one that will die... unless, however, you bow down to Lord Frieza." He uncrossed his arms. "Now move your arse and get back to the ship, pathetic monkey." And with that, Zarbon turned his back on Vegeta and Nappa, and flew back towards Frieza's ship.

Vegeta fought back the urge to follow him and obliterate the bastard. One day... one day I will be able to kill these bastards. Argh! Dammit! Why won't it come?!

He turned to Nappa. "Fine, lets hurry up and dispose of this planet and see what the little fuck wants."

Together, they powered up and formed balls of ki in their hands. Feeling the energy swell in his hands, Vegeta pushed it out, and straight into the crumbling ground.

A huge quake ripped through the earth, cracking the solid floor of the planet, sending hot pools of lava spilling out into the air, nipping at their feet. A shaft of stone and rock suddenly exploded toward them, flying between the two Saiyans. Vegeta knew at that point that they'd better get off the doomed planet, before they became dust like the Taethian army had been reduced to.

"Nappa!" He yelled over the sound of exploding rock. "Let's go!" Motioning to Nappa, he flew off towards Frieza's ship.


It didn't take them long to arrive at the ship. Once inside, Vegeta, with Nappa following close behind, tramped down the long corridors, and into Frieza's chamber.

"Ah, Vegeta. Glad you could make it. What a nice fireworks display you put on for me." Frieza calmly turned around to face the adolescent Saiyan Prince.

Vegeta clenched his fists together and bowed before Frieza. "Glad you enjoyed it Sire." He stood up and looked at the short freak, making sure he was standing as tall as he possibly could. He knew that Frieza was incredibly self-conscious of the fact that he was vertically challenged.

Frieza ignored this and smirked at the Saiyan Prince. "I have a small suprise for you Vegeta." Frieza waltzed past Vegeta, and entered the long corridor, which circled the main section of the ship.

Vegeta glanced at Nappa, then followed the small contingent of Frieza's henchmen down the hall, and into a stark room full of electronic devices that Vegeta had never even laid his eyes on. What the hell is all of this shit? Since when was Frieza interested in this crap?

Frieza must have noticed the confused look on Vegetas' face. "My, my Vegeta. How confused you look. Can't your small monkey brain handle all the thinking?"

Loud laughter erupted from Frieza's henchmen, as Vegeta snarled at Frieza. "Shut up and tell us why your've brought us here."

"You're far too impatient Vegeta." Frieza said, ignoring the informal tone in his voice. He looked at Vegeta. "Very well. Even I cannot keep this secret from you for much longer."

"Zarbon." Frieza instructed. "Open up the cover."

Zarbon approached a large control panel, and pressed a series of buttons. Suddenly a large door opened, revealing a new room. Vegeta stepped forward, and peared into its darkness. There were several more computers, and other assortments of worthless junk. Then, he saw it. Right in the middle of the room, stood a long chamber, which was filled with a liquid. And inside there was a small girl, attatched to countless tubes and wires.

Whaa? What the hell is this?

As Frieza watched smirking, he walked forward, towards the chamber. He stopped right in front of it, and inspected it's contents. She only looked about 5 years old, but was truely beautiful. She had a mass of thick, black hair which circled around her shoulders; her skin was a flawless creamy colour. As his eyes traveled around her body, a long, thick tail caught his eye. His eyes widened. What? A tail? But how?!

He turned to face Frieza, his face expressionless, despite the feeling of puzzlement that he was feeling.

"Vegeta." Frieza said in his irritating voice. "Meet, your sister."

"Sister? Since when did I have a sister?"

"Poor Vegeta. There are so many things that you have no idea about." Frieza walked up to the chamber and stared inside at the young Saiyan. "She is your sister, Vegeta. A last gift from your father."

My sister... He studied her face. Yes, I guess she could be. She looks alot like my Father. And her power is so strong. Only someone of royal blood could be that strong. But... "If she is my sister, then why is she in this thing?" He motioned toward the chamber.

"She was far too beautiful for her own good. Even at a small age she had my men drooling over her. And seeing as she is going to be my mate, I thought it best I put her somewhere we she won't get in trouble, and then I wouldn't have to waste my time killing anyone that dare touch her."

Vegeta glared Frieza. Mate? She will never be a mate to someone like that freak. "She will never mate with you."

"What are you going to do about it Vegeta? You know that you can't do anything about it. She will mate with me and we will spawn a new race of the most powerful warriors ever known." He stood closer to the chamber and examined her. "Such power, for such a small girl. I believe her ki level is even stronger than yours was at that age Vegeta." He smirked. "Zarbon! It's about time we released her."

"Very well, Lord Frieza."

Vegeta heard a sharp snapping sound and watched the tubes begin to break away from the young Saiyans' body. The liquid began to drain out from the unit, leaving the onyx eyed Saiyan battling to stand. Her eyes still closed, she coughed, spitting out orange liquid.

"Ugh." She grunted in a childish voice. "What the hell is this shit?"

Vegeta smirked. I now have no doubts that she is my sister.

She looked up into the room, her eyes narrowing as she scanned the numerous people inside. Her eyes feel upon Frieza, and she snarled.

"Finally decided to release me huh? Whats the matter? Have you finally realised that your army is just a worthless pile of crap and that you need me to do your dirty work for you?"

Frieza growled. "You will not address me so informally, monkey. Do it again and I will be forced to dispose of you."

"No you won't." She smirked at him. "I know you want me as your mate," she stated in her childish voice, "And if you get rid of me, then you won't be getting a mate anytime soon, will you?" Looking him in the eye, she added, "Lord Frieza."

Frieza looked at her but yet said nothing. He finally smirked, and then turned to Zarbon. "Go and get her some clothes."

"Yes, Lord Frieza." Zarbon turned and headed out of the room.

Frieza then turned to the rest of the men that were in the small, dark room. "All of you! Get out!"

A flurry of "Yes Lord Frieza" soon followed, as the men hastily left the room.

Frieza then faced back to Vegeta. "I suppose you want a few moments with your sister, Vegeta."

Vegeta said nothing. He just found himself interlocked in a searching stare with his new found sibling.

"I'll take that as a yes. Nappa!"

"Yes, Lord Frieza."

"Come with me. I have a few things I need you to do for me." Frieza stalked out of the room, with a reluctant Nappa following him.

As the fading sounds of footsteps echoed down the hall, the room became covered with a silence. It was not a tense silence, or a uncomfortable one, yet one of introduction. He felt strangely at ease with her, like he could be open to her, and not feel like he had loss any of his pride. During this loud silence, the young Saiyan winced and grabbed her stomach, kneeling down on the floor.

Taken aback by this action, Vegeta approached her, kneeling beside her.

She looked up at him, her dark, opaque eyes holding back tears. "I hate him." She clenched her fists hard, so hard in fact, that she drew blood. "I know what he did. He killed our father. He murdered our people. He destroyed our planet."

Vegeta was shocked at her openess and sudden weakness. But then, she is still a child. She has been locked up in here for so long. She has no idea just how bad it is. He looked at the ground in thought. She will not be Frieza's mate. He will not touch her.

"He may have destroyed our father, our people, our planet. But he has not destroyed us. He will never lay a hand on you... ah..." I don't even know her name!

She seemed to sense this. "Delphi."

Vegeta smiled his first true smile. "... Delphi."

Silence once again passed over the room, but it was broken when Zarbon entered the room, carrying some clothes for the young princess, which she swiftly got changed into.

"It is time for you to begin your training." He grabbed her forcefully by the wrist, and she writhed to get out of his grip.

"Don't touch her!" Vegeta screamed at Zarbon.

"She is going to train, monkey. Orders by Lord Frieza." He dragged Delphi out the door behind him.

Vegeta stared into her opaque eyes as she was leaving, and slowly nodded. Train, little sister. You must get stronger. She seemed to understand what he meant, and stood up properly, walking behind Zarbon.

Whatever it takes. I will protect you. No one will ever lay a hand on you... he trembled with power and rage.

... especially Frieza.


It was such a vivid memory. As clear as day. He could remember it like it was yesterday. He had vowed to protect her from anything that dared harm a hair on her body.

But he had failed.