This is my first fan fic so go easy on me.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Victorious. At all.

"What the..." I wake up catching a glimpse of the night sky before looking down at my body. My arm is awkwardly rested on my chest while the other arm is dangling, swaying freely. I look down passed my swaying arm, eyes barely open, and notice the cracks of what seems to be a sidewalk passing by to the sound of heavy footsteps. It takes me a moment to realize that I'm not dreaming and I definitely am not flying. I'm cradled in someone's arms. I panic for a moment before I realize that my awkwardly positioned arm is pressed against things that no man would have unless surgery was done. Boobs! I'm being carried by a chick! A hood casts a shadow over her face so I'm not able to make out who this person is. I quickly pull the back of the hood to reveal the stranger. This isn't a stranger at all. My heart feels as though it has dropped into my stomach. I rub my eyes to make sure I'm not hallucinating.

I can't... I can't believe my eyes.

"Urgh. You pulled my hair, you idiot." Her tone is soft yet harsh.

"Jade?" I blurt out. "Wha-what's going on? Put me down!" I begin to squirm but she continues to hold a tight grip.

"Shut up, Vega." Jade's tone stays the same. She looks around to see if anyone has spotted us. "Seriously. Sh!"

"Why are you carrying me?" She stays silent, eyes fixated onward and continues walking. I can't even begin to gather my thoughts right now. Being carried by Jade West isn't exactly something I would call normal. If anyone from school saw what was happening right now, they'd probably pull out their cell phone, record this on video, and immediately upload it onto the slap. 'JADE WEST AND TORI VEGA: TRUE IDENTITIES AFTER SCHOOL HOURS' would probably be the title. Yep… that would definitely get a ton of views.

I can't stand this silence…

I grab Jade's face so that she could look at me. She instantly shoots me a glare that I've seen one too many times. I slowly let go. "Look, Jade. I just want to know what this is all about."

She came to a halt that almost made us fall over. "If you don't shut up I'm going to drop you… kick you…" her voice grew quieter. "and make sure some freak kidnaps you. It's pathetic that I'm carrying you at this time of night… no… it's pathetic that I'm carrying you at all."

"Then put me dow-"

"No!" She looks around again and stops herself from yelling. "I've carried you..." She takes in a deep breath and exhales. "I've carried you for a good block. I've made it this far and I'm not putting you down until I get your skinny ass home. Now shut your mouth and I promise that I won't leave you to die." I'm pretty sure that last part was more of a threat rather than words of comfort, but I don't know why they just made me feel somewhat safe. The pride and anger in her voice is something I've never heard before though. "Oh and by the way… put my hood back on for me. I don't want anyone to see that I'm carrying a Vega." The emphasis on the Vega made my family name sound like I disease. I grabbed her hood and pulled it down over her face so that she couldn't see a thing.


"Mature, Vega. Very mature and very smart. I'll continue walking until I trip over onto you." She shook her head so that the hood could adjust itself from covering her eyes.

I slightly adjust myself in her arms so that I'm more comfortable. One of my hands move across her shoulder blades to grab onto one of her shoulders while the other hand holds onto the side of her neck. She lets out a groan but I have no other option to decrease the continuous bouncing with each step that she takes. She's going to have to deal with it. None of this was my idea… I think.

I can't remember what happened after I stepped out onto Cat's front steps during her party. I had nothing to drink tonight, so it wouldn't make sense for my memory to go completely blank. Everything after walking out her front door is blank. That's it. Blank. Now I'm here in Jade's arms, with a throbbing headache that I also can't explain. For all I know, she could be taking me to a basement so that she could lock me up and starve me to death. Or worse… she could be bringing me to a ditch so that she could bury me alive. Those ideas are silly but not completely unlikely, especially when it comes to the infamous Jade West.

As we continue this journey, which already feels like forever, I try to put together the puzzle pieces that don't match up at all. Why would Jade carry me after any situation? She doesn't even like hugging me… let alone touching me at all. This is probably the longest we've ever kept our bodies in contact with each other and she doesn't seem to mind. Well, I'm sure she does which brings me to the fact that none of this makes sense.

Before trying to put all these jagged puzzle pieces together, I notice that we're already at my driveway.

"Got your keys?" she asks as we get to the front door.

"Um… I think so." I reach into my back pocket and pull them out. I place the house key into the lock and stare at Jade before unlocking the door.

"What?" she says angrily.

"Are you going to put me down now, master?"

"No." she says in a monotone voice. I really don't understand this girl. This is getting on my nerves. Maybe she's up to something or maybe this is her idea of returning a favor. Whatever it is… I need answers. I need answers now!

I finally open the door.

"Ow!" I hit my head against the door frame as Jade walked inside. "My head already hurts, Jade!"

"Oops." She says sarcastically.

"What's going on here? Why are you carrying my sister?" Trina's voice seems amplified, making my headache even worse. She shoots up from the couch with a concerned look on her face. I have to admit, it's sweet when Trina decides to actually care but I'm not in the mood for sweet right now… or her whiney voice for that matter. "Are you two drunk?" Jade and I both ignored her. "Not going to answer me? Urgh. Whatever… I don't understand you two."

Trina just happened to make a point without actually saying it. Jade West and Tori Vega; we aren't exactly the best of friends. To be honest, I still can't figure out if we're friends at all. We're polar opposites. That I'm sure of.

"You're lucky my parents aren't home for another two weeks, Jade. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't be too happ-"

"Shut up! Your parents are unlucky to have a daughter like you." Jade continues walking up the stairs as Trina sat back down on the couch, moving her wrist back and forth with the remote in her hand.

"Whatever, Jade. You two continue your little bipolar relationship. Just so you know... my parents are lucky to have a daughter like me. I'm pretty, I'm talented, I'm swee..." her voice begins to fade away the deeper we get into the upstairs hallway. We finally get to my room and Jade kicks open the door. She rushes to the side of my bed, dropping me.

"You didn't have to drop me, you know."

"Be thankful that I dropped you on your bed and not on the cement." She begins rubbing her forearms and walks to the opposite side of the bed with her back faced towards me. She sits down and lets out a sigh. There's something about Jade tonight that I can't grasp. She's still Jade… same attitude, same daggers for eyes, she still seems to hate me but there's definitely something going on in the mind of hers. I was never the type of person that was able to read people right off the bat. Facial expressions help but Jade is like a stone wall; Indestructible unless the right machinery is used to tear that stone wall down. Truth be told, I actually wish I had the right machinery. Jade would probably rip my head off if I ever told her that little detail about myself. So, I'll keep my mouth shut if the subject is ever brought up.

"Are you going to tell me why I was carried all the way to my bed?" I lay back on my bed, rubbing my temples, praying that my excruciating headache would disappear.

She stands up, turning on the lamp on one of my night stands. Her back is still facing towards me. "It's not a big deal, Vega. Let it go."

"Not a big deal? Not a big deal? Let it go?" I quickly removed my hands from my temples, lifting my back off the bed with my elbows. "I've been carried home. No wait… let me rephrase that. I've been carried home by Jade West, out of all people! I didn't drink tonight and I remember nothing after walking out Cat's front door. My head is throbbing and I-" I shoot up off my bed, frustrated that she still has her back turned to me. "I want to know wha-"

"Okay! I'll tell you! You whine way too much… just so you know. Just shut up and I'll tell you." She walks towards my dresser which isn't too far from the end of my bed. Jade lets out a sigh, facing the mirror, leaning forward on her hands. "Look, Vega. I'm going to tell you this stupid story, but you're keeping your mouth shut until I'm finished speaking. One word from you and I'm out of here." She says pointing at the door.

I propped myself back onto my bed, leaning against the headboard. "Keep my mouth shut. Got it. Got it."

"Okay good. This really isn't worth my time but knowing you, you probably won't let this go until I punched you in the face." She crossed her arms and her face grew bored. "Anyway, Sinjin and Cat's brother were tossing a beer bottle around and I guess you walked out and got caught in the crossfire. Bang!" She smacks her hands together causing me jump. "You got hit in the head. Then Bang!" She smacks her hands together again. "You fell to the ground and hit your head on the ground." I raise an eyebrow, unsure how I should react. "Yeah, I know. Stupid, right? Anyway, they were both staring at you like complete morons so I decided to help. But don't feel special because if you died, I would've been a witness. So if I helped I'd probably be left off the hook." I still can't process any of this in my head. I feel like I'm listening to one of Cat's stories, minus the enthusiasm, of course. "So there. Tori Vega getting into the middle of things when she's not supposed to."

I can feel my facial expression slowly start to drop. "That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard..." If Cat was really the one who told me this story, I would let it slide. But this is Jade West I'm dealing with here, not Cat. I'm studying her body language, her facial expressions but that wall is up. That stone wall that no one can tear down. I don't even think Beck has even gotten passed that wall. Okay, maybe he has just a little bit. But that doesn't matter. She's hiding something. I know it. But wait... something just dawned on me...

"Wait a minute... Jade?" I say with suspicion evident in my voice, pushing myself off the headboard. "You weren't even at Cat's party. Wha- What were you doing in front of her house?" She's hesitating. She's staring at me and I feel as though I've broken off a piece of that wall, just enough for me to see the fear in her eyes.

"I was taking a walk. Okay. Are you done with your interrogations?" She pushes herself off the dresser and starts heading for the door. "I'm going now."

"Oh ho no no no! You're not going anywhere." I quickly get up and slam my back against the door, getting in between Jade and her only way out. The fear in her eyes is nonexistent now and it seems that wall is being protected by anger. I grab a hold of her arm. "You're not going anywhere until you tell me what the hell is up with you. I'm not letting you leave, Jade. I won't have it. I've let things you've said and done go before... but not tonight. I'm not doing that tonight."

"I swear to god, Tori. I'm not kidding. Move out of my way... right... now!"

"Or what?"

"Don't test me, Vega. Don't" she glares at me. I refuse to reveal the fear that I feel inside even though I know what Jade is capable of. Like I said, I'm not letting this go. Not tonight. Definitely not tonight. She takes in a deep breath, grabs me by the shoulders, and throws me to the floor. "Tori, no one is getting hurt tonight. Don't piss me off! I'm going to walk out of here and pretend like none of this ever happened." She turns around and before she could turn the doorknob, she was on the floor with me looking down at her, heavily breathing. Jade lets out a scream and as she got up, she charges for me and pulls me to the ground.

I'm getting dizzy. My hair is being pulled and I have no choice but to pull her hair too. We're both being whipped around the floor and a yell is let out after each tug. Once again, I can't process anything through my head. Everything around me is spinning and I'm catching blurry glimpses of Jade below me. I think I'm crying but I can't tell. I don't feel pain but I feel like I'm hurt inside. I want to get through to Jade but she won't let me. She never does and this is always the outcome; a fight, an argument, a storm that's always formed unexpectedly. We're rolling around the floor now, tangled in each other's limbs, still yanking at each other's hair, still screaming with each pull.

All of a sudden a bright light shines onto us. "Uuuh... guys? I- uuuh- Okay. Keep it down, please? I'm trying to watch... tv. Okay... have fun... I guess. Like I said, you two are BI. POLAR." Trina says. The light is gone, Trina shut the door. Couldn't Trina be sweet this time? I wish she pulled me off this mess.

I finally get Jade pinned to the floor. I'm on top of her with my legs on either side of her hips and holding onto her wrists which are pressed to the floor. "Get off me!"

"No! I need answers! I see it in your eyes, Jade... you have to tell me something!" My face moves closer to hers.

"I have nothing to tell you!"

"Why didn't you let Sinjin and Cat's brother do something about me going unconscious? The Jade West I know would've just kept walking and let me die if it came to that. You carried me home! You wouldn't put me down! Why didn't you le-" A drop falls onto Jade's cheek. I am crying and I hate it. I can't stand it at all.

"Vega, get off me. I have nothing to tell you! You always overanalyze things! Please, get off me!"

"I just want to get past that wall." I say under my breath.


"Nothing." I slowly lose my grip and finally get off her.

She gets up and before heading out the door, she wipes my tear off her face and stares at the small wet spot which is now on her finger. She turns around to look at me as if she wants to say something. But she doesn't.

I'm glued to this floor and she has left me speechless. I'm not letting this go. I refuse to.

If you made it this far, I salute you. I know that I kinda rushed through this chapter but I felt like I needed to. It gets better and the chapters will get more descriptive and reasonably longer. I promise. I wont bore you... hopefully. How many times have you heard that one? haha. Anyway, I'm going to bother you people to review... so REVIEW.