(October 22nd, 2011)

Hello everyone! So I thought I'd try something a little different. I love mediveal times esp. Henry and all his wives so I thought I give it a try expect with our favourite characters!
Please bear with me, I do not know all the protocols of their time. As well as I set their language a little more modern (plus it would be really annoying to write like shakespeare for an entire fic). So as usual please REVIEW with your thoughts (no flames please!) and enjoy!

Hermione, the daughter of the Duke of York, is finally at Hogwarts to start her season now that she's eighteen. She's thrown into the bustle of court and all it's gossip to find herself a suitor that may save her family from bankruptsy as her father's delicate condition declines. Not only does she catch the eyes of many different suitors but one highly sought after war hero, Harry Potter. But everything is at jeopardy after an unfortunate encounter with the ladies man Draco Malfoy who threatens her if she doesn't comply with his demands. With Malfoy's threat hanging over her she decides to go for a ride to clear her head and discovers a secret that changes her life and put her in a danger that she couldn't have ever imagined.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or any of it's characters. Just this plotline.

Chapter One

The North England, 1562: Long live their Majesties King Albus Dumbledore and his gracious Queen Minerva

The constant rumble of horses hooves pounding down the gravel road is all I could hear, my chaperone fast asleep across from me and my loyal beagle, Shanks, lay by my feet. I gazed out of the shaking carriage to see nothing but a blur of green as we moved through the forest. For once in England's history it was not raining; instead the sun is shining like there's no tomorrow. I'd been travelling for two days now and hopefully by this evening I will have arrived at Hogwarts, the royal family's main estate located near Northumberland on the edge of Kielder Water, otherwise known as the Black Lake. In these past days I have already finished the five books I brought along and re-read one of my favourites, Hogwarts; A History. Now I watched as the sun started to dip down into the sky until my eyelids slide shut.

"Miss Granger! Miss Granger!" Someone gently shook me and I opened my eyes to see Ms. Meadows near my face enticing me to get up. "We're here Miss! Come take a look! It's as beautiful as they say!" She hopped delicately out of the black carriage with the help of our driver Mr. Diggle. Shanks licked my hand and I picked him up gently, making my way to the door. I held my hat as a wave of white heat hits me, my emerald green silk dress swayed in the wind. As I looked around I gasped as I took in the scene around me. The most beautiful stone building stood before me, towers sprout from the rooves and there must be at least seven floors. Gardens and flowers are on every surface and courtiers as well as servants bustled about tending to their chores or running errands. Some servants beside me were unloading my luggage and Ms. Meadows standing beside them ordering them about. I walked around the four white horses that lead our journey to the edge of the cobbled road to see the most stunning lake; I looked down the valley to see it stretch on until it disappeared in the sun soaked horizon. "Miss Granger! Would you please step away from that edge, you're making me nervous!" I stood next to her stroking Shanks when a man in deep red uniform came out and marched over to us. He bowed low when he was only a few feet away from me.

"M'lady, I hope you journey was a safe one. The court has been anticipating your arrival with much excitement. May I lead you to your rooms?" I nodded in consent and he waved a finger at the men with my luggage and they sped off without any sound, he bowed to me once more and guided me up to the third floor and down many hallways until he swept his arm out in front of an open mahogany door where the men I had seen not ten minutes before were placed my bags in the common area. The uniformed man snapped his fingers and they left immediately hastily bowing as they rushed past me. He turned to me and smiled; "I hope you find these rooms to your liking M'lady, the queen herself picked them out." I smiled back taking in the spacious, high-vaulted room; there was a fireplace surrounded by several sofas and chairs, as well as a small dining table. A door across the door was open, through which I could see a four-post bed with vibrant red covers and white sheer curtains.

"Yes this is marvellous thank you." He bowed and started to retreat out the door.

"Please rest, their majesties would like an audience with you this evening once you are settled, someone will be sent for you." He disappeared before I could blink an eye, Ms. Meadows turned to me, a scowl on her face.

"This room is not adequate for a girl like you, there's not really enough room. What were they thinking?" I sighed and walked over to my bags to unpack my dresses, placing them carefully in the wardrobe provided.

"Really Doras, it's a perfect size. Since you'll be leaving I wouldn't want a huge empty suite all to myself." Shortly there after I put all my books onto the small shelve next to the fireplace while Doras mumbled under her breath about "improper" and "rank". Finally after the sun had set a messenger knocked on the thick door asking that I accompany him to see the king; we walked down a floor to a study where the king and queen were engaged in a game of chess. The messenger bowed and spoke without raising his head.

"Your majesties, may I present Hermione Granger of York." I curtsied all the way to the ground, my skirts billowing out around me. I heard a sliding of chairs and footsteps approaching me, and then a gentle hand raised my chin, my eyes finding bright blue eyes surrounded by a handsome face with brown hair. He beamed and pulled me to my feet; I looked at the queen to find her covering her mouth unable to hide the smile from her face. She was beautiful, long brown hair, streaked with grey like her husband that was placed delicately on her hair adorned with sparkling jewels. Even though they were both into their fifties, they looked as fit as twenty year olds. Minerva opened her arms, I beamed and hugged her, letting her squeeze the breath out of me. Once I was released Albus looked me up and down,

"My dearest Hermione how you have grown! The last time we saw you I could fit you in my arms. Now you're a stunning women! We'll have to hire a full-time guard to fight off your suitors." He chuckled while I flushed a faint pink against my all-too-pale skin; Minerva grasped my hand and pulled me over to a set of chairs, gesturing me to sit down.

"How is your father doing? I hope he's recovered since we saw he was here not a year ago. And your mother? Oh how I would love for her to come visit!"

"Mother is fine, unfortunately she won't be out this season, with father ill she has to run to the estate." Minerva nodded gravely patting my hand.

"I understand, her letters to me have indicated that his condition has gotten worse. But he's a lucky man to have such a wife." Albus spoke up turning to his wife.

"Now really Minerva, don't you think this conversation is a bit heavy this late at night?" He faced me, his eye twinkling. "Aren't you excited to be at court? I've been asking your parents for years to bring you, but they asked that you wait until you're eighteen so you can enjoy being a child. What have you been doing all these years? What sort of schooling do you have?" My face lit up as I started to explain my studies over the course of my life: mathematics, arithmetic, astronomy, herbology, and history, French, Spanish, Latin and German. "Hmmm yes I've heard you're quite the genius, just like your mother. How are you at chess?" I nodded shyly; since I was ten years old I could beat anyone, including my father and but I had heard that the king was truly the best. "Then I insist that tomorrow once you have rested we have a game. Tomorrow evening there will be a banquet for some of our finest soldiers will be returning from France. I would like to introduce you formerly to the court, it's the best way to attract future suitors." He chuckled, as the queen scowled at him. "Not that you need it, your looks alone will make anyone look twice." He stood up and squeezed my hand gently. "We have been waiting some time for you, my wife especially has been excited about you joining her ladies-in-waiting. I'm sorry you've been sent away at such a critical time for your family." I thanked them and curtsied, knowing when I was dismissed. The queen spoke before I left the door,

"You may take a few days of rest before you enter my service, walk about the castle get the feel of things, try not to wonder off on your own though. And beware of the forest, it's absolutely forbidden to enter, for your own safety. There are things in there that you would rather not encounter." I nodded again and walked back to my room thinking about the day ahead of me tomorrow.

I awoke the next morning to the fanfares of trumpets and the pounding of horses making their way up the same steep cobbled hill I came up yesterday. I got up and looked out the window over looking the Black Lake, Forbidden Forest and the main entrance of the castle. I saw a hundred of multi-coloured horses with riders decked out in red and yellow holding shields or flying banners. Courtiers, servants and many other guests in the castle were lined against the wall clapping and cheering their return. I moved away from the window to see a note from my chaperone saying she had left this morning for home and bidding me good luck in my endeavours. I sighed in relief and called out for Shanks, who bounded out of a fluffy basket that had been placed by the fireplace. There was a knock on the door and I opened it to see three maids curtsying, stating that they were to be my chambermaids during my stay. They helped by dress into a sky blue and silver dress that had been sent with them from the queen, along with another stunning silk dress for the banquet tonight. After nearly dying when they tightened my corset, they helped to apply face powder and place my unruly light brown curls in a bun on my head. Before I left my room I grabbed my white satin fan in hopes of trying to beat off the hot may heat. I strolled down the halls taking in the high ceilings and many exquisite paintings, I must've been walking for some time until a stunning red-headed girl about my age walked up to me in a green dress.

"You must be Miss Granger! What a pleasure to meet you." We curtsied and starting walking towards the entrance to the back gardens; immediately two female servants covered us with parasols as we entered the hot outdoors. "I am Ginerva Weasley but please call me Ginny, I hate the name Ginerva. It makes me sound like an old lady." We giggled behind our hands.

"Yes of course. You're the daughter of the Viscount Arthur Weasley? I heard you have a lot of siblings at court." She laughed rolling her eyes.

"That's right I'm part of the huge red-headed clan, although I'm their only daughter. When did you arrive at court?"

"Only yesterday, although I already find it pleasing."

"Gosh I can't believe that your parents waited so long to send you to court. I've been here since I was fourteen. But don't worry, I'll show you the ropes." She winked and looped her gloved arm through mine. The sun was high in the sky by the time we reached the entrance of the castle again, we parted with plans to meet at the celebratory dinner tonight and I was escorted to king Albus' study where he was sitting behind a marble chess set. I curtsied after I entered and was summoned to the opposing chair. We started our game, talking about home and my interests and studies. The king filled me in on various important people and events that had occurred, testing me on my knowledge at the same time. I think I impressed him because his eyes would twinkle every time I said something out of the ordinary. An hour or so later I had successfully taken his king; he clapped his hands.

"My dear, it's been too long since I've played a game like that and lost. Your father wasn't kidding when he said you were a brilliant girl." I brushed fiercely. "Don't be embarrassed child! I cannot wait until the men at court behold you; you will knock the wind out of them with both intelligence and beauty. I have no doubt that you'll fit in here at court, although if anyone gives you trouble you are always welcome to come to me." I smiled, not knowing how to respond and nodded hurriedly. "Now, pip-pip! The dinner will start in a couple hours, and you wouldn't want to be late to your debut!" I bid my farewell and was escorted by one of my maids back to my room where the other maids where laying out my satin lavender dress for tonight. I spent the next two hours washing in rose water, putting on my dress, applying make-up and taking my curly hair and piling it on top of my head, with perfect ringlets hanging around my face. I wore a simple pearl necklace above the heart-shaped cut of the dress showing my cleavage made with the force of the tight corset. Rhinestones glittered my hair and small pearl earrings sat on my earlobes; I had been told many times that I was the spitting image of my mother who is deemed one of the most desirable women in England. But all I see is a plain face and that's all men will see, because as soon as they learn I have an opinion about things, I'll become about as attractive as the dung heap in the stables.

Soon enough I was escorted down to the great hall, I hesitated in front of the massive doors taking a deep breath to steady myself. I could hear the music playing and the buzz of voices, clearly the dinner had already begun. I nodded to the doormen and they heaved with all their might to open the doors. There were three loud clangs from the doormen's staff as he got everyone's attention. The loud buzz slowly died out, and he cleared his throat, then his voice rang out as clear as a bell.

"May I present Miss Hermione Granger, Daughter of the Grand Duke and Duchess of York!"

Murmuring ensued, leaving me to walk the long journey to the front table where their majesties sat. My heels clicked on the stone floor as I moved, my satin dress swishing; I kept my face forward and shoulders back, trying not to panic. As I glided further up between the long tables people started to gossip behind hands or fans; good or bad things, I don't know but I had to ignore it. I finally reached the head table and stepped up onto the raised platform, I curtsied all the way to the ground, my puffy dress surrounding me like a purple soufflé. I stayed there with my eyes fixed on a point on the ground until I was summoned to rise again.

"Miss Granger, it is a pleasure to welcome you to court. The queen is looking forward to your service. Please, be seated." I rose slightly, lifting my head.

"Thank you your majesties, I will serve you with all my heart." Shaking, I bobbed another bow and turned around to see Ginny with her flaming red hair motioning me to take the empty seat next to her. I had never been more grateful for a friend then in that moment when I just wanted to blend in. I moved gracefully to the empty seat where all the men within a 10-foot radius stood up hastily and bowed, stumbling over greetings as my chair was pulled out for me. I smiled and Ginny started to introduce me. She pointed to a lot of redheaded boys sitting a few seats down.

"Those are my brothers; the eldest is William, followed by Percy, the twins Fred and George and finally my closest brother, Ronald." Having heard his name Ronald stood up and gave a clumsy bow, managing to knock over a glass of wine in the process. People around him laughed and his freckled face turned a bright shade of pink.

"It's a pleasure meeting you m-m-miss Granger. I look forward to h-h-hearing of York." His voice wavered as he stared at me, his mouth slightly agog. I smiled back, trying not to giggle.

"Why thank you Mr. Weasley, I would be honoured to tell you about my home." Rule number one my mother had taught me; when it comes to men, always flatter, make them think you'd love nothing better to do then to entertain them. As Ronald sat back down he nearly missed his chair and the twins roared with laughter. Ginny leaned over whispering behind her gloved hand,

"My, my, it appears to me that you already have your first admirer." I looked at her with an eyebrow raised. "Yes I'm not joking, although I wouldn't be too concerned, he fancies a different girl each month." I suppressed a laugh as I continued to gaze down the table and as I did Ginny continued to point out various people; Seamus Finnegan, Neville Longbottom, Lavender Brown, Pavarti Patil, Michael Corner and many more. Soon my eye fell on an extremely handsome man sitting within the Weasley crowd; he was tall with a mop of messy black hair, with tanned skin and even over the layers of clothing it was obvious he was muscular. He looked my way and his bright green eyes caught me staring at him, I quickly looked away, flushing with embarrassment. Ginny noticed our exchange and murmured under her breath.

"That, would be the Archduke of Whinging's son, Harry Potter. He's being honoured tonight; he was a hero in France risking his own life for another soldier. They both escaped, but Harry got that scar on his forehead" Surprised I looked over in his direction cautiously again to see him talking with Ronald, a lightning bolt scar hovered above his right eyebrow.

"An Archduke's son went to war? But why?"

"Apparently he wanted to do something more then sit around at court doing nothing. He's terribly handsome wouldn't you say?" I nodded trying not to stare. "But I'd be careful, he doesn't tend to stay at court long, I've heard that he returns to France in a few months." Ginny went on filling me in on the court's gossip, but I only was half listening, thinking of the dark man down the table from me.

After dinner had finished it was announced that their would be dancing one of the many ballrooms. Ginny immediately dragged me out of my chair and followed the growing crowd to the ballroom. Many young women introduced themselves and were genuinely interested in me; I noticed that like Ginny, these girls were of my age ranging from seventeen to twenty. Most of them were Counts or Barons daughters, but there were some of Dukes and Marquis's. We reached the large room with lively music playing; people we already dancing in the centre while women and men surrounded the perimeter, chatting or in the women's case, waiting for a dance. I followed Ginny and the girls to a table with a red punch to help ourselves. I was mesmerized by the dancers, how graceful they were and suddenly I was very nervous; I had only danced with my instructor and sometimes my father, until now I had been shut out of society by my parents who, until now, refused to let me out of the city of York. There was a group of men on the opposite side of the room, they were all looking at me and nudging one another. They all started to push Ronald until he walked over to me and held out his hand.

"Miss Granger, would you care to dance?" I took his hand as I fought back the urge to join the girls in a fit of giggles.

"I would be honoured." I lightly placed by hand on his as he led me in a dance.

"So Miss Granger, what do you fancy?" He continued to stare at me, stepping on the hem of my dress.

"I like to read" I wouldn't encourage him too much, mother always told me to make them work for it.

"Really? What genre do you enjoy?"

"Any kind really, but I do find economics and sciences very interesting." Ronald gave me a quizzical look, shaken by my answer. Like I said before, it's rare for a girl to be reading such heavy things.

"That's… interesting." Silence followed for the rest of the dance until the music stopped. We bowed to each other and I thanked him for the dance. I had barely made it over to the side when Seamus Finnegan asked me for a dance. The next hour was like that, one dancer following the next, only to my disappointment Harry hadn't asked yet. After my dance with Neville Longbottom I turned down another dance with William and mouthed to Ginny that I would be outside on the balcony getting some fresh air. She grinned from the arms of Michael Corner and nodded so I knew she understood. I took a fresh glass of wine with me onto the tall balcony; this ballroom was on the top floor so the moon illuminated the Black Lake and the surrounding forest. The air was warm and smelled of summer with a light breeze that was refreshing. I took a sip from my glass, taking in the scene before me. I always found the night soothing.

"Well, I would say you must be the hardest person to get a dance with this evening." I nearly choked on my wine, when someone came up behind me; I managed to swallow and turn around. Harry Potter stood before me; his emerald eyes mischievous and his mouth turn up in a grin. I smiled coyly back at him and curtsied.

"Why my lord, if I had known you had wanted my attention, all you had to do was ask." My tone was sarcastic with just the right amount of charm. He stepped forward, encouraged by my words, now there was barely a foot between us.

"But if I had then you may not have come out here, then I wouldn't have had this opportunity to talk with you without the pretentious music hurting our ears and other couples stepping on your stunning dress." With the latter comment his eyes raked my body from head to toe, lingering of my swelling bosom. I flushed with pleasure, unable to look him in the eye. "And without the inconvenient social graces that only allow us to talk for a brief dance all evening." He smiled showing perfect white teeth and he lifted my chin so my hazel eyes bore into his. "You are by far the most wonderful creature to have graced this castle in quite some time. You know, the moon reflects your beauty even more, especially your hair…" He trailed off, brushing a loose tendril behind my ear and caressed my face. For spilt second I completely forget all protocols and what people would say if they saw us, my jaw slackened and my lips pouted without thinking. He leaned in and I could smell his musky scent, for an instant I leaned in as well, my mind blank. Then I remembered myself and turned my body away from his so I faced the lake again. I heard him sigh and I was scared that I had completely lost him. Instead he too leaned on the railing and turned towards me.

"I apologize, I don't know what came over me. It's just you have caught my fancy with your beauty and hopefully I can gain your fancy too in time." I didn't say that his looks alone already have my attention. "With my apology I would like to ask you to come for a morning ride with me tomorrow. Do you know how to ride?"

"Yes, a little." I said softly, still in a daze. He looked excited as he spoke again.

"Wonderful! I will send someone for you in the morning to bring you to the stables where you can pick out your own steed." He bowed and took my bare hand, bringing it to his lips where I felt my skin tingle under his touch. "Good night Artemis" he winked at me and then was gone. It took me another few minutes to recuperate before I could face the dancing again. Ginny found me almost immediately, practically dragging me over to a space where we could talk.

"Where on earth did you disappear too? And why do you look so flushed? You're not sick are you?" She pouted clearly upset at the thought of me out of commission for days. I shook my head, trying to straighten my thoughts out.

"Um I just had to get some air outside and it was a little breezier then I thought it would be, that's all." I didn't want to mention the fact that Harry Potter had just invited me for a ride with him; I wasn't sure how Ginny felt about him. "But now that you mention it, I do feel tired; I think I'll retire for the night. How about tea tomorrow?" She pecked me on the cheek enthusiastically; agreeing whole-heartedly and then went off to dance with Neville once more. I found my way out of the crowded room to the door, I declined the servants' offers to show me the way to my room so I could have the time to think during the many flights of stairs. Harry Potter. He was certainly something; handsome, witty and of course if he was the Archduke's son he was rich, mother would love that. I was engrossed in my thoughts when I heard footsteps. I stopped on one of the platforms and looked behind me to see nobody then faced forward to see a tall body standing straight before me. I had to tilt my head you to see his face surrounded by angelic blond hair. He was handsome but something about him sent dangerous signals down my spine. He gave me a smirk stepping forward, eyebrows raised above steel grey eyes.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" He gave me a once-over and he smiled in approval. "I don't believe I've seen you around here and I would definitely remember a pretty face like yours." He walked around me in a circle, trailing a finger along my collarbone and the back of my bare neck. Involuntarily I shivered, his cool touch a relief on my hot skin; encouraged he took another step forward so he faced my back and breathed into my ear. "Judging by your response I'm guessing I haven't given you the pleasure of my company either. Why don't you join me back in my chambers?" Immediately I stepped forward and turned to face him.

"And who do you think you are? Just waltzing up to me and treating me like some maid. Do you have any idea who I am? Who my parents are?" He chuckled, clearly amused; I could see in the dim candle light that he was in his early twenties, only a few years older then me.

"You're Hermione Granger, daughter of the Grand Duke of York. You arrived yesterday with your chaperone Mrs. Meadows and your beagle Shanks. You're eighteen years old and your parents are quite close with the King and Queen, but haven't joined you at court yet." My mouth hung open taken by surprise, he shook his head bringing himself closer to me to bend down and tickle my ear with his words. "And to answer your question; yes, I know exactly who you are. But the question is, do you know who I am?" I closed my eyes, trying to think of a response, but when I opened them again he was gone and I was left standing alone again. I hurried back to my chambers and bolted the door shut. Wrapping the covers tightly around me, Shanks hopped up beside me nuzzling me until I let him under the covers then I waited for sleep to find me.

So what did you think? Like it? Love it? I know that my "historical" facts or whatnot might be off, but that's just how it might be. Just enjoy it for what it is!

