Last chapter! Yay? XD Enjoy.


The meeting's finished at last. England sighs tiredly as he walks through the same hallway as he has gone through this morning. He has purposely chosen the hotel next to their conference building so he won't need to take a cab; the driver most likely won't understand him anyway. Also, his French equals to garbage. Hence he doesn't bother to even try.

He searches around his trousers' pockets and fetches a small lollipop — at least something to cure his tea-loss today. He tears up the plastic cover and pops it into his mouth. Not bad.

Not so far in front of him, a group of Asian nations gathers, chatting in various languages at once. And there is also, as out of place as he can be, a certain Japanese; the only one who doesn't seem to be involved in the whole ordeal, looks rather uncomfortable.

The sight reminds England instantly to their last encounters. It's not like he's never kissed someone, or in this case, France, before. But somehow the idea of an indirect kiss sounds thrilling.

But he's not in the mood of meeting the Japanese. If he's lucky enough, maybe he can mingle with the surrounding crowds and pass through the group without being noticed. That's it, England decides. However, he's too lost in his thought to sense an approaching figure. It is when he feels the lollipop being pulled out of his mouth he put his whole attention back on.

"Hey!" He whips around to find the culprit.

Oh, shit! Exactly the last person he wants to see at the very moment. And to add up to his today's bad-lucks list, he seems to have shouted loud enough to get the initially bored Asian's full interest.

"France, give it back!" the panicked British scowls. He can already feel the heat rising.

"Don't be stingy, sourcils. Give me a little taste." He sneers to the angry man, simply swirling his tongue around the treat. "Eww! Tea-flavoured lollipop? Can't you taste more British, lapin?" France turns to his companion to see a rather unexpected view; England as red as ripe tomatoes.

"Stupid frog!" he mutters, snatching his property back from the confused blonde's hand. What's with the double meaning statement! "I bloody am British!"

Thoroughly mortified, England tries his best to nonchalantly putting the sweet back into his mouth. Though, to be completely honest, he doesn't even know what it tastes like any longer. Stealing glance curiously, he catches a particular raven covers his nose with both hands tightly, failing to prevent a drop of blood from dripping down his chin. With that England knows what they both exactly have in mind.

An indirect French-kiss.

Without looking back, England quickly walks past them, red-faced, leaving the puzzled Frenchman behind.

Review? Anything'll be highly appreciated. Even harsh critics. Now, till next time (if I ever write any story again)! :)