Pairing: Faberry,some Finchel.
Warnings: Eating disorder.
Disclamer: I don't own anything,Quinn Fabray and Rachel Berry belong to Ryan Murphy,if I owned Glee, Faberry would be canon.
I'm Cut
Rachel was on her knees in front of the toilet,she loved her body of course she did. She always got people telling her to get a nose job because she wasn't 'pretty' enough or the definition of 'pretty' for other people. But that wasn't the reason she was shoving her index and middle finger to the back of her throat. Finn had showed lately still having kind of a puppy love crush on Quinn,she was gorgeous but he was dating her right now,not Quinn and that's what made her to this. The cheerleader was the prettiest girl on school and everyone would be dying to date her and Finn once did and he had choosen her instead of Quinn,but lately he had been so…uninterested on her. She was vomiting in the toilet,she wouldn't have choosen doing this to lose weight since she always did a morning routine but right now this was her only choice.
'Santana?' She heard a soft voice from outside the stall,and from the only Quinn Fabray. Rachel stopped vomiting when only bile came out and she started coughing. Cleaning her chin with her sweater's sleeve. She was scared to come out,Quinn always made fun of her appareance or clothing. What she would do when she knew she was the one throwing up? 'Santana,is that you,stop with the nonsense already we've been through this. Coach Sylvester said-'
'It's not Santana' Rachel interrumpted Quinn,her voice was raspy so she doubt she'd recognize her. '….Rachel?' Dammit,she had. Rachel stood up,flushed the toilet and opened the stall slowly. She was looking at down at her feet,tears forming in her eyes. Too scared to look up at the blonde. 'Rachel…how? I mean…why?' Quinn was confused now,Rachel always seemed to be happy with her body,even tho all the crap people used to give her,including her. 'It's nothing…' Rachel mumbled. 'When someone is shoving their fingers down their throat it isn't nothing,Rachel.' Quinn said harshly,but she did it because even if she didn't want to admit it worry her and she cared. She wished she would've had the enough confidence to haven't got a nose job before. But here she was,standing in front of the person that always proven to love herself no matter what throwing up not because she was sick,because she wanted to lose weight even tho she was in a perfect shape. Quinn was pregnant,still not with a baby bump since the Cheerios' uniform was tight enough to make her look like she had just a big lunch. 'It's Finn…' Rachel said looking up to Quinn infront of her.