Disclaimers: I do not own the epicness or anything of Naruto!

Previously in the last chapter:

"Team 7, Uzumaki Naruto-"

"Yosh! Team 7, dattebayo!" Naruto stood up on his desk, while punching the air with his fists.

"Uchiha Sasuke-" Sasuke gave a disappointed grunt.

"Noooo- My Sakura-chan!" Naruto, devastated, slumped down back on his chair while he cried.


Team 7

Suspense was killing all of them!

It felt like Iruka-sensei did it on purpose to prolonge the dramatic effect and the gasps.

A lot of the females in the class nervously clattered their teeths together, closed their eyes and held their hands together to pray that kami-sama (1) would provide their wish; to be in the same team as the heartthrob.

Well the heartthrob in question was too busy to curse his luck, to be at the same team as the dobe, that he didn't notice the short gasps and murmurs of prayers that filled the entire room. From the females I note again.

The "dobe"didn't feel the glares from the heartthrob that slowly digged his skull, because his entire form was reducing into a pile of goo. Devastated that his chanches to be a super, heroic and ramen-eating hero (A/N: Naruto's words not mine!) would be pretty low since Sakura wouldn't be there and see it.

Suddenly, during Naruto's imaginative mind between heroes and ramens he stood up from his desk and chair filled with tears, his mind finally clicked. Naruto grinned when he found out that Sakura still could be a part of his team. Now his smile did reach his ears while, like any other desperate females, he prayed that Sakura could be on his team.

"Sakura-chaaan~ Team 7~ Team 7" he chanted on and on. Unknown to the pair of eyes that sadly smiled at him.




Hm, what more can I describe the situation? Beside hearing pleads and prayers getting louder and louder just for one person (Sasuke/note: Hey, it's not my fault that I'm adorable. A/N: Yes, yes. Being adorable is a gift and a curse. I know all about it^^)

Well it seems the situation is undescribable for now. Let us just take a closer look at the characters.

"Please, oh please kami-sama. Let me be on Sasuke-kun's team instead of Ino-pig!" Sakura clenched her fists tighter and tighter at the thought of a boasting Ino who mocked her that she was on Sasuke's team and not her.

"I don't care if the baka is there. Just please, please! Sasuke-kun's team!"

"Sasuke-kun! No matter what will our love prevail! Nothing can stop our love, not even forehead-girl!" Ino thought. To see Sakura turning into stone when Iruka announces that she would be on Sasuke's team, oh it would be so...deligthful!

Hinata, who just sat in her seat, smiled nervously. Who knew a lot of females where devoted to her brother. She knew that her brother had fangirls, but still she couldn't imagine something like this. Maybe it would be far different of what she thought it would be, as she rubbed her eyes constantly.


Argh! The students couldn't almost take it anymore. Why oh why, Iruka-sensei?

If the students didn't knew any better, they wouldn't have seen the playful glint in Iruka-sensei's eyes. Oh, he spent a lot of his time with Kakashi sometimes.

Chants, pleads, and ticking of the annoying clock drove some students insane. Except from those who really didn't care and to those who fell asleep. Note, in the background, you could hear faint snoring from a certain pineapple-head.



Well insanity must come to an end sometimes.

Iruka-sensei sweatdropped. If only he could get the students worked up like this, but to homeworks instead.


"Fine, sorry, my bad,!" Iruka-sensei apologized and looked on his desk instead of the glares from the students. Heck the male Uchiha seemed to glare at him to.

"-and Uchiha Hinata".




And it all happened so fast.

Ino turned into stone instead of Sakura as she predicted. Sakura lost her soul. And Naruto froze as his mind tried to understand what just happened. Like some of the other students.


Oh, they got it.

Two pleased Uchiha's; the first one pleased and the other one half-pleased because he noticed that the dobe was still there.

Speaking of the dob-ah I mean Naruto, it seemed that when his mind finally registered what happened, he slammed his hand down on his desk and yelled;

"Iruka-sensei! Why do I have to be on the same team as Sasuke-teme! Can't Sakura-chan be on my team instead"

"Naruto, you know that we choose this teams because we thought you could balance each others, by of course of your marks. Uchiha-kun here was on the top, and you Naruto, was dead last" Iruka said.

Now was the classroom filled with laughs. Naruto with no smart remarks slumped down on his seat. Unknown to a worried look and a "Naruto-kun" to him.

Sasuke was pleased.

"Dead last"

Naruto heard the comment from Sasuke, and the results was a glaring contest.

Their glaring contest came to an abrupt end, because on of the students took up their hand.

"Is it alright with two Uchiha's on the team?"

Curiousity filled the classroom, while Iruka smiled nervously.

Two Uchiha's on the same team?

He would never have thought of it a mile away! Not at least suggested it!


"Hm, Uchiha Hinata. I never knew someone like that in the Academy" Yuhi Kurenai said.

In the office of the third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, they had a meeting with the jounins to discuss the placement of genins in each different teams.

A flip of the page of Kakashi Hatake's book, Icha Icha Paradise, meant that he also agreed. After all he spied some times on them. Especially the Uchiha. And he have never laid his eyes-ah I mean eye, on some female Uchiha known as Hinata.

"Don't worry. I, specially, have kept her under my watch. Why she didn't attend the academy is kind of a personal matter that would be explained later some day. In the mean time let us all go back to why we're actually here" the Hokage explained.

"Well for my part I would take Uchiha Sasuke. I don't care about the others, but him I specifically request" Kakashi said, never leaving his eyes from the book.

"Very well, since you after all have the Sharingan. Others?"

"Hm, I would like to try the Ino-Shika-Cho trio" Sarutobi Asuma, son of the third Hokage, lightly held his trademark cigar at the tip of his finger examinating it a bit before putting on his mouth again.

The third could see a hint of amusement in his son's eyes.

"It would be a great generation from the original trio. Can you handle that Asuma?"

At this Asuma just smirked, while he blowed smoke rings at the air.

"What about you Kurenai?"

"Hm, I think I would prefer if I had an Inuzaka and an Aburame. They would probably be a good team for me"

"Hmm...a tracking team. Sounds good enough. While you're at it why not take Uchiha Hinata? Hm? She may be good for you".

At this everyone looked at the third, except from Kakashi, but his ears were sharpened.

"Oh, why not? Would you prefer Haruno Sakura or the brat Naruto?"

Kurenai thought about it for a moment. Haruno Sakura did catch a high rank on the test. Someone smart like her could be a benefit for the team. And there's also Naruto...eh.

Since Naruto already passed as a genin by Iruka who explained everything about the incident with Mizuki, when Kurenai really thought about it. It was probably best to have a female on her team after all.

Let us see, Sakura or Hinata? There where almost no information about Hinata beside the basics. Name, gender, height, a picture, and rank (which was average), but no information about ability nor affiliation. This would be hard.

Kakashi, who leaned on the wall by the window suddenly mumbled something.

"Kakashi, something you want to add?" the third asked him.

Kakashi sighed at the orange blob standing on the rooftop yelling nonsense stuffs, but suddenly his eyes were darted to another. From the orange blob to a red-faced girl beside the Uchiha. Kakashi were quiet for a moment.

"You know what. I think I'll take the other Uchiha. Hinata, right?"


Well not everyone. The third actually looked pleased. "Oh? Something in your mind?"


By that simple statement. All, except the third, sweatdropped by the statement.

'Pervert', went trough some of the jounins.

"All right. Then Kurenai, why don't you take Haruno, Inuzuka and Aburame? Kakashi, you can take the two Uchiha's and...'cough', Naruto" the third glanced on the paper he got from Naruto, the form; info about him. He sighed. After the failed picture, he didn't really got to change it.

On the picture you could see Naruto, his face filled with paint.

"I wish you all good luck, dismissed"

The third said, and all vanished. Some used the door like normal person, and the others-ahem- other, vanished trough smoke.

The third turned his chair, so it could face the window like him.

"Hmph. Seems this year would be quite interesting" the third grimaced. "-and bothersome for my back, certaintly"

((End of flashback))

"Yes. We had siblings before in the academy" But never in the same team, Iruka thought.

"The next team, Team 8, Haruno Sakura, Inuzaka Kiba and Aburame Shino"

Ino, despite she couldn't be on the same team as Sasuke, punched her arms in the air. "Yes! Take that Billboard-brow!"

Sakura slammed her palms on her desk, not hearing the grunts from Kiba. "Shut up Ino-oink! You're not on Sasuke-kun's team anyways!"

"Whaddya' sa-" Ino got interrupted by Iruka who coughed to get everyone's attention again.

"Team 9, Yamanaka Ino, Nara Shikumaru, and Akamichi Choji" Ino forgot all about her smart remarks and nicknames for Sakura. Stone-faced, she slumped back on her seat. Great, she thought, I should have known! My old man was with Shikamaru's father and Choji's father! The Ino-Shika-Cho trio!

"Hah, in your face Inooo~pig" Even if Sakura was not on Sasuke's team so wasn't Ino either. And she had a better team than Ino after all. Sakura, with that thought, looked at Kiba and Shino. Kiba slumped his face on his desk while his dog, Aka-or something,Sakura thought, licked his face. Finding no good in that, Sakura turned to see Shino. Just too see him emotionless.

Oh, okay. Maybe not what she thought, but hey, at least Ino had it worser. The lazy guy and the fat guy!




"Grrr" Naruto slumped his face on his desk while silently-ah no, loudly glared at the door.

"Aaahhh! Where is our sensei? The others have left already!" Naruto rubbed his head over and over again in frustration. Who ever his sensei was, he needs a lesson, thought Naruto.

Sasuke who, every second, got annoyed by Naruto turned towards Hinata, who rubbed her eyes constantly. Her eyes watered a bit.

Sasuke glanced at Naruto first, then at Hinata again. "Still not used?" he whispered to Hinata. Who,in response, nodded.

"I-it's not everyday I-I use them" Hinata closed one of her eyes while she focused on the other eye. Her hand holding her eyelid.

"Let me see" Sasuke said. Without thinking he held her hand, which held her eyelid. And went closer and closer to her face to inspect a bit closer.

Hinata, who focused more on her pain than Sasuke, couldn't care for now, but the other male Uchiha seemed the opposite.

When Sasuke found out that their nose barely touched and their lipsed was dangerously close to each other. Without knowing turned a bit red. And it seemed that he didn't even notice that he still held her hand.

"Hi-" "Jiiiii~" (2)

Turning to side they found Naruto stand on top of the desk and bent slightly to observe what the siblings where doing.

Sasuke reverted to normal. Let go of Hinata's hand and glared at the dobe who interrupted something...important?

Anyways, it didn't last long since Naruto's curriousity got the best of him.

Naruto turned towards Hinata. Unknown that he got close to her.

"Ne~ Are you really that teme's imouto?" Immune to Sasuke's glare, Naruto asked Hinata. She meekly nodded.

"Really? You don't look anything like that teme!" Naruto even got closer towards Hinata. Hinata only turned red.

Sasuke who only sat and saw what Naruto did, decided to take this into action. "Shut up, dobe. You don't have to look the same to be siblings" Sasuke shoved Naruto's face way away Hinata's.

With the impact of Sasuke's strength (Naruto/note: Oi, it was only because I ain't balanced well!) Naruto fell flat on his back. And before Naruto could yell at Sasuke, the door opened and a blackboard eraser fell on top of a silver-haired man.

It was silent inside the classroom. Until Naruto pointed and laughed at the man.

"HAHAHA! That's what ya' get for being late! HAHAHA"

Is this a jounin? Sasuke and Hinata thought.

"My first impression of you guys..."

Naruto stopped laughing.

"...I hate you all"

Kakashi sighed. He couldn't take a single nap. The noise from the students that scattered everywhere didn't actually help him.

And the thought of another "team", ah there went his nap.

When he finally reached the door. He opened it and suddenly felt something hard hit on top of his head. And then dust came out of it.

He took the blackboard eraser off of his head. And when he looked up from the eraser to the source of a laughing orange blob and two other face-palmed pair.

He just couldn't resist to say it.

To see the curious looks to wide-eyed eyes. He couldn't help to chuckle inside him.

This time it might be different...or not.

Kami-sama (神様、かみさま) (1)- "God" in Japanese

Jiiii~ (2)- sound effect for when someone is staring hard on someone else. Quite used in animes, if I remember correctly. You could say it's the sound of staring.

Ta daa~

Chapter 3, Watchu' think?

Alright. The poll is closed. Surprisingly (not really) it was Team 7! I kinda expected it, but you know what they say; "expect the unexpected", and so on.

Team 7! Before I come up with my excuses of why not I have been updating...let me ask you this question! Why not the other teams? 8, 9, 10? I mean wouldn't it have been cool if she was on Team Gai/Guy-sensei's team? Green spandex! Haha, okay kinda hard to see that. But anyway, since Team OC (other character) has also been voted on, I decide to have a Team OC in future chapters! Sounds good?

Tell me what you think about that^^

Well since we have covered that, I apologize if it wasn't how the anime started out and the Out Of Character (OOC)-ness of some of them you may think! I have been researching about how people write Sasuke and Hinata in fanfics, so I really didn't get into depth of the other characters, such as the jounins (Asuma, Kurenai...etc). So sowwy' if I messed them up!

And of course I apologize about the grammars. Right now I have summer vacation, been to summer school (twice .), been around Norway, and the next day been to France. So I sometimes mix up my english with french! Desolée mes amis!

I think it covers everything for now! Well next chapter, I hope, would be more interesting than this boring stuff! Maybe more SasuHina fluff? Or maybe other HinaxOthers fluff? Be tuned to know more!

Oh, before I forget I gladly take HinaxOthers request^^ and possibly other pairings? You decide!

See ya, next time^^,

P.S_Thanks a lot for everyone who has read, faved, followed and reviewed this story^^ It makes it more enjoyable to make this story when I know that someone is reading it :D Merci beacoup!