Fanfiction: Junjou Romantica

Title: Burden?

Rated: T

Disclaimer: I don't own Junjou Romantica.

Summary: What if Misaki thought he was a burden to everyone. What would he do and would anyone realise?

Enjoy, as this is my first Fanfic. I hope you all rate as, your criticism is extremely welcome.

Misaki's POV

"Us…Usagi san…p…pleeeaasse s…stop!" I stumbled backwards as; Usagi san's sharp, piercing eyes terrified me. He looked like a demonic predetor whose prey escaped it. "Misaki, ever since you entered my life you've been nothing but, a burden to me!" No! Usagi san's lying he's forever telling me he loves me and what happened to what he said on the train, about being 'a happy family'? "No…yo…you're lying r…right? Usagi san? Lying?" I knew by then I was crying a flood of tears and that I wouldn't be stopping anytime soon. "No. Misaki, I wasn't lying it really would be easier for me if you just died." I slumped down to the ground speechless, Usagi san didn't love me, and it was all a lie. All a lie. As I let those three words sink in I watched Usagi san load the gun preparing to kill me. Maybe, it was a good thing that I was dying; it would mean I wasn't a burden on Usagi san ! "Aaaaaaaaaaaa…"

"Aaaaaaaaaah!" I was expecting a shocking pain to emit from my body. I thought that until I felt a soft, warm body entwined with my own. Usagi san didn't want to kill me because, he loves me and he wouldn't want to hurt me never the less, attempt to murder me. "Misaki? What's wrong? Misaki?" I turned my head only, to lock eyes with worried and concerned ones. "Um…it's nothing; I guess I just had a bad dream, nothing for you to worry about." I knew I hadn't rid Usagi san of any of his worries, he's probably going to interrogate me over what happened in my dream or as, I would prefer to put it nightmare. I couldn't tell him though no matter what, I would just be a burden. "You know you can tell me if anything's worrying you because, I love YOU!"

Gently, Usagi san leaned down until I could feel his warm breath caress my cheek. Suddenly, I could taste cigarettes and Usagi san as; he passionately claimed my lips as his own. I struggled to escape from Usagi san's strong grasp but, gradually melted into his cold touch. His hands travelled downwards…

*censored due to overrated scene*

As we both lay their panting as, I stared at Usagi san's face I realized how much I truly loved him and how sad it was that I could admit it in my mind but, when it came to admitting it to him no words flew out. I loved feeling the sparks fly when he gently touched me, I loved hearing his low voice saying my name and most of all I loved him. Maybe, I really am a burden not being able to admit this all to him.

Akihiko's POV

I looked over at Misaki's sleeping face and realized how lucky I was to have him and how much I wish he opened up more to me as it hurts my heart every time he's in any type of distress. I want to help him but, I don't want to push him to open up to me, I'll have to wait for him to open up to me himself. I wish, just wish that Misaki will learn trust me more and say he loves me more than just five times a year.

I fell asleep with these distraught thoughts circling around my mind…

Rate my story please as even just one review puts me on cloud 9. I hope you all love my first Junjou Romantica story and all my readers who are waiting for my story Need You Now I assure a new chapter will be out soon for you.