Disclaimer: Me not own nothing. Seriously, though, I don't own Persona 4 or characters

Pairing: KanjixSouji

Warnings: Yaoi (Boy Love)

Summary: Kanji has feelings for Souji, so he confesses to Souji the night before he leaves Inaba (Post Game.)


I Think I love You Senpai

It was getting dark outside and it was nice, too. They had just gotten done beating Izanami. It was a tough battle to win, but they had managed with Souji landing the final blow. So, they were all really wiped out from that fight. Hell, after they beat Adachi they thought it was finally over. As it seemed though, someone else had something in mind. It did leave them shocked, but they still did it.

They had been worried about their leader, as he had fallen down, unconscious during the fight. But, with the help of his friends, he managed to get back up and defeat Izanami. They all cheered at the end, glad their leader, and friends beat the evil Izanami.

Right now they were currently sitting in Junes, chatting about everything that has happened. They weren't ready to call it a night just yet. After all, this would be the last time they saw their friend for a good while. And, so, they wanted to hang out with him as much as they could before he had to leave. Especially Kanji Tatsumi, one of Souji's closes guy friends, who likes Souji very much. Though, he has failed to tell Souji just how he feels.

He didn't think he could. What if he didn't feel the same? The truth is, Kanji has liked Souji ever since he has met him. It wasn't instant love or anything, but he found himself attracted to the silver haired leader. He couldn't help it, though. No one knew that he liked Souji, not even any of their friends. Why? Well, he was afraid he'd be rejected and laughed at. As time went on, though, Kanji has found himself even more attracted to Souji.

So, yeah, it just sort of developed.

They were eating something before they left as well. Fighting really mad them hungry. So, they were all sitting at their usual table in Junes food court.

"How are you feeling, Souji-kun?" Yukiko asked, noting how tired he looked. She hoped he was alright.

"I'm fine, Yukiko. Just tired, I guess." Souji said, stretching a little. Kanji was hoping he wasn't staring.

"Well, I guess this is the last time we'll be able to hang out together, huh?" Yosuke looked sad. He didn't want his best friend to leave.

"Aw, is little Yosuke gonna miss me?" Souji teased him. He loved to tease Yosuke, it was fun.

"S-shut up. And of course, partner. You know we'll all miss you."

"I know." Souji sighed, scratching the back of his head.

"I can't believe you're leaving." Chie piped in, frowning. "A year didn't seem to last that long, did it?"

Youske with his mouth full, but he swallowed some spoke, "it has. I think it was because we were always busy with the case."

"Ugh, don't talk with your mouth full." Chie scolded.

He scowled and crossed his arms. Chie scowled right back. "Whatever."

Chie smiled, knowing Yosuke didn't want her to kick him again. Could you blame him, though, the girl kicked hard!

Souji chuckled and shook his head. He'd surely miss this.

"I'm gonna miss you, senpai." Rise spoke up, looking ready to cry.

"Alright, alright. Let's save all the teary stuff for tomorrow." Chie commanded, softly. She felt the same way, but save it for tomorrow.

"Right." Rise nodded.

Kanji was the only one who hadn't spoken yet. Souji glanced at him, frowning. He looked to be thinking of something. Souji wondered what could be going on inside that blond head of his. It wasn't like Kanji to space out like that. In fact, he thinks Kanji has been doing that often lately. Though he still performed well in battle, but every time they were together like this, it just seems he got lost in his head more.

Not only that, but Souji's also noticed a change in the bleach blond's behavior. It didn't seem normal, it seemed off. He don't think anyone has noticed, though, because no one has said anything. Souji noticed just recently. He just seemed to change, especially around Souji. Souji was confused about it all. He tried to talk to him before, but he always seemed to change the topic. So, figuring he didn't want to talk about it, Souji wisely switched topic.

"Man, I wish you could just stay here, partner." Yosuke's words jolted him out of his thoughts. Turing to Yosuke he smiled warmly. "I wish I could, too. But, I think my parents want me home."

"Yeah, it sucks." Yosule grumbled. "It'd be great though..." he trailed off thoughtfully.

"Youske-senpai, I'm sure we'd all like that, but he does need to get back home." Naoto piped in.

"I know." he sighed.

Rise looked over at the one who's been silent during the whole conversation. "You okay, Kanji-kun?"

"Huh?" Kanji blinked, just realizing Rise was talking to him. "Oh, oh yeah, I'm fine." Kanji tried to smiled, hoping he pulled it off.

"Are you sure? You haven't said anything the whole time we've been here?" Rise pointed out to him.

"Yeah, what's up with you, man?" Yosuke asked, glancing at him.

"N-nothing." Kanji shook his head. "I guess I'm just tired." Well, that was partly true. But, he didn't want to say anything of what he was really thinking to his friends. He could feel himself blush a little at the stares he was receiving. He hated being stared at like that. It always irked him, and made him feel extremely uncomfortable. He crossed his arms over his chest and sighed.

Youske looked at his watch and saw the time. He had to be getting home. "Damn, I have to get going now. I'll see you tomorrow, Souji."

"Yeah, I'll see you later. You need rest anyways."

"Hey," Youske huffed. "I'm not that worn out." Though he was kinda. He refused to admit it.

"Sure." Souji rolled his eyes with a smile.

Yosuke scoffed and walked off, but Souji saw him grin.

"Yeah, I have to be getting home as well. I guess I'll see you later then." The girls got up and hugged Souji.

"Senpai, I'll see ya tomorrow." Rise gave him a more drawn out one. He hugged back.

"Yeah, alright." Kanji scowled a little. He knew Rise liked Souji as well. And, dammit, he was jealous alright? And the girl was always showing him just how much she liked him. Though, on the plus side, he never seemed interested in her. He didn't hate Rise, though. She was a nice girl, just clingy to Souji, which made him mad.

But, he did ignore her advances on him, but he was nice about it. He would never want to hurt one of his friends, and they all knew that about him. He was too nice of a guy sometimes. But Souji can be mean if he needs to be. Like the time back in the hospital, him and Yosuke fighting.

That was one of the things Kanji liked about Souji. He was a great guy. And Kanji just found himself drawn to him. True, he had thought he liked Naoto at one point. But that didn't turn out well. Turns out he was a she. And he had been doubting he sexuality for a while. But, even so, Kanji didn't like her as much as he thought he did. No, he liked Souji a lot more then her.

"See ya later." She walked off.

The only two left were Souji and Kanji, who was still scowling but didn't realize it until Souji spoke. "You alright, Kanji."

Kanji snapped out of it and returned to his normal face. Damn, Souji must have saw that. "Y-yeah. Why do you ask?" he knew it was a stupid question, but he couldn't stop himself from asking.

"Well, you were scowling." Souji explained, calmly. "Is something wrong?"

"No," Kanji said, albeit a little too quickly. He mentally cursed himself for seeming obvious that something was on his mind. "Nah, I'm cool." He knew it was lame, but anything to get Souji to change the topic.

"Kanji," Souji stared, truing to face him fully. "You haven't been acting like yourself. Are you sure there's nothing you want to talk about? You know I'm here for you if you need to talk?"

Kanji sighed, running a hand through his blond hair. He was nervous, and he was pretty sure it showed at least a little. He wanted to tell Souji how he felt before he left. He knew it was a little late, considering he was leaving tomorrow, but he just couldn't bring himself to say it before. Well, better late then never, right?


Souji's soft voice tore him from his inner monologue. Kanji bit his lip at the look Souji was giving him. Fuck, he was actin' like a goddamn school girl. "What? I said I'm fine, senpai."

"I think we both know you're not. Come on, you can tell me." Souji urged, smiling warmly.

"H-hey?" Kanji finally said, looking uncomfortable. "W-would you like to come over? I mean, it's not really late, so I though you might like some company."

Souji thought for a minute. He supposed it'd be alright. "Sure, I guess so." Souji smiled at the smile Kanji gave him.

"Cool. Shall we get going then?" He stood up, waiting for Souji.

"Okay, just let me call my uncle so he'll know where I'm at." Kanji nodded and Souji got out his phone and call his uncle. His uncle said he didn't mind, as long as he's home before eleven o-clock. Souji agreed with that and hung up after saying bye. "He said it was alright. So, are you ready?"

"Yeah," Kanji took a deep breath and let it out. "Let's get going then."


They made it to Kanji's house after a few minutes. He didn't live far from Junes so it didn't take them long to get there. Kanji was very anxious, excited, and nervous all at the same time. He hated feeling all this things at once. But, he was having the person he liked in his home. So, that was why he was feeling those things.

They went inside, removing their shoes as they did so. Kanji's mom was asleep right now, so they had to keep it down. Knaji turned to face him, face flushing a little. "Come on, let's go to my room." he suggested.

"Okay." Souji agreed and followed Kanji up the stairs to his room. He was glad that he was hanging out with Kanji before he left tomorrow.

Kanji opened his door and they entered it. Souji went to sit on the edge of the bed and Kanji shut his bedroom door. He walked over to his chair and sat down. They were in silence for a moment, trying to figure out what to say. "So," Kanji started, the silence was getting to him. "I guess this will be the last time we hang out, huh?" He repeated what Youske said.

"Yeah, I guess it will." Souji frowned. "But, this won't be the end, Kanji."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, I could come back to visit."

"True. But it wouldn't be the same as you living here. 'Cause you would have to go back."

"Is that what was bothering you?" Souji couldn't help but ask. He seemed to realize that Kanji was having a hard time with it from the way he was frowning. That's what made him ask.

"Uh, well..." Kanji trailed off. Souji saw through him now. There was no denying it now.

"Kanji, I'll come back.' Souji offered, reassuringly, trying to comfort him.

"It won't be the same." Kanji's voice wavered a bit. Shit, he was having a harder time with this then he initially thought. He guess Souji's leaving finally sunk in. He was really gonna leave tomorrow. "It's just—It'll be different then having you here, ya know?"

"Yeah, it will. But, I'll call all the time and write, too." Souji insisted with a smile. He didn't really want to go home.

"Yeah, I know." Kanji sighed. "It'll just be weird without you here. I—we like having you here." Kanji mentally scolded himself for his mistake he almost made.

Souji eyed him. He had heard that right, hadn't he? "I like being here, too."

Kanji mustered up some courage and moved to sit next to the boy of his affections. Souji raised a brow at this sudden movement.

"Can't you just stay here?"

Kanji's voice was low and quiet, Souji almost didn't hear him. But, Souji did hear him. "I can't."

"Why?" Kanji bursts out, shocking himself and Souji. He hadn't meant to do that, but he just couldn't stop himself from doing that. "You could always go to school here, right?"

"Kanji, I'm sorry, but I can't. My parents want me home and they miss me, and I miss them." Souji looked at him with a frown. "Plus, I've been away for a whole year."

Kanji looked away. "Do, you really have to go?"

"Yes," Souji confirmed what they both already knew.

"Dammit," Kanji whispered, hoping Souji didn't hear him. "I wish you could stay here."

Souji's eyes widened a fraction. "K-kanji? Is this what has been bothering you?"

Kanji clenched his fists and slowly nodded. He looked at Souji. Mustering up all his courage, he leaned forward and did what he's been wanting to do, he kissed him.

Souji gasped at the unexpected warm mouth on his. He didn't know why he didn't push him away and say no. But, as it is, he let Kanji kiss him, and even opened his mouth when Kanji wanted in. Kanji's hand slowly went up to the back of his neck, holding him in place. Souji was enjoying the kiss. He didn't understanding why this was happening yet, but he was still letting it happen.

The kiss grew more forceful when it was apparent Souji wasn't going to push him away. He still can't believe he kissed him. Kanji was in a state of bliss. He loved the way Souji's lips felt on his. They kissed for a while longer until Souji gently pushed him away.

"Kanji?" Souji questioned, still stunned that it happened.

"I-I think I love you, senpai." Kanji's voice was soft and cautious, as if afraid of rejection. Souji's mouth hung open from shock at his words. Kanji thought he loved him?


"Don't go, senpai." Kanji whispered to him.

"But, I have to, Kanji." Kanij could feel tears threatening to escape, but he refused to let them out. He would not cry, especially in front of Souji. "I don't have a choice."

"I know, dammit." Kanji ground out through clenched teeth. "Senpai, I wanna be alone right now." Kanji was upset, and he didn't want Souji around when he was upset.

"Kanji," Souji felt bad. He didn't wanna go anymore then they didn't want him to. He wanted to stay as much as they wanted him to as well. But, there wasn't anything he could do about it. He was going home tomorrow. Seeing how serious Kanji looked, he nodded. "Okay. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah," Kanji tried to keep his voice level. "See ya later."

Souji walked out, feeling bad. Kanji had just confessed to him, but he was so shocked that he didn't give an answer to it. And the Kanji wanted him to leave so he could be alone, but it was obvious he was hurting, most likely because he thought he was rejected. But, Souji didn't actually reject him, he hadn't said anything.

How did he feel about Kanji?


The next day they were at the train station, Souji getting ready to leave. So, he was saying his goodbyes to all his friends. The girls, of course, were crying, especially Rise, who was hugging him tightly. He smiled at all of them. Kanji hung back a little. He was still upset about last night. Well, anyone would be if their love interest had to leave.

So, he hung back, watching Souji say all his goodbyes to all his other friends. And Nanako and Dojima as well.

"We're gonna miss you, senpai." Rise cried, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Yeah, man. It's seems like you just got here and now you're leaving." Yosuke said with a smile.

"Haha, think you can be good without me around to watch over you?" Souji quirked and eyebrow and smirked.

Yosuke scoffed. "Please, I don't need to be watched. I'll be fine, partner."

"Souji, I hate to see you go." Chie said, wiping her eyes.

Souji smiled at her. "I know."

"Sensei!" Teddie jumped and clung to his Souji, squeezing the air out of him.

"T-teddie, I need to breath." Souji gasped from the tight hold. Teddie let him go.

"Well, you better come back soon." Chie said, seriously.

"Yeah, I'll even make reservations for us at the Inn the next time you're here." Yukiko said with a happy smile.

"That sounds good." Souji nodded to her. Souji looked over at Kanji, who had his arms crossed. The group started talking amongst themselves. He walked over to Kanji. "Hey."

Kanji looked at him and gave him a smile. "Hey." they were in an awkward silence for a moment. "Listen, about last night..."

"It's okay, Kanji." Souji whispered so no one but Kanji heard him.

"It is? But, you're still leaving."

"I know. I'm sorry, Kanji." Souji looked truly sorry.

"Hey, it's not your fault you have to leave. S'okay."

Souji hugged him, trying to make it look like a normal hug, though. Kanji was shocked, not having expected that. "Senpai?"

"Kanji, I-"

"Souji, you're train's here." Dojim called out to him.

Kanji looked disappointed that Souji didn't get to finish what he was going to say.

"I'll see you later, Kanji." Souji smiled at him, but it was a sad smile. Kanji gave him the same smile.

"Yeah, see you later." Kanji hoped it was more sooner then later.

Souji gave Nanako a hug and kiss and said bye to his friends again. Souji got on the train, looking at Kanji the whole time. Kanji looked back at him. The two sharing a look that nobody would ever comprehend. He hated leaving Kanji. Hated leaving him with no answer to his confession last night. Kanji sure thought he was rejected.

Kanji looked at the train as it left, feel his heart break. He could feel a tear running down his cheek. He quickly wiped it away. He saw his friends running after the train as it left. The the train was finally out of view. Everyone went on home after that, feeling sad that Souji was no longer here with them.

"Hey, Kanji, you alright?" Said a voice from behind him.

"Youske-senpai, I though you went home already." Kanji made sure his voice wouldn't crack when he spoke.

"Nah, I saw you here and I wanted to make sure you were okay?" Yosuke looked at him intently.

Kanji sighed. "I'm fine."

"If you wanna talk, I'm willing to listen." Yosuke said, sensing Kanji's unease.

"Thanks." Was all Kanji managed to sat to that. "Well, I should be getting home, I'll talk to you later."

"Yeah, okay." Yosuke was a little reluctant to leave but he waved and rode off on his bike.

Kanji decided to go home. No use standing around here.


A/N: I know it's a sad ending. I hate sad endings, though. Well, I worked on this for a while, so I hope you all like it! If you want me to continue this, then please let me know, okay? Well, please review! :)