This chapter is pretty much all about Treize's father, Godrick Trieze Khushrenada the Eighth, as an introduction to what the whole point of "By The Roadway" fanfiction is exploring in regards to the general philosophies portrayed in the series of Gundam Wing (and others). He does get mentioned and there is an original character or two – but all is for the glory of what is Gundam Wing and how I feel it could have been even more then it was. Figured I would throw some sunshine to start that Angst-y mix… ^_^
Oh and... ha ha.. did you notice this is a Fanfiction dot Net publication? Yeah if that isn't all of the disclaimer I need something is wrong with the world.
"Miss Relena. If we let the Sanc Kingdom be destroyed, then who will remain to set that example? Please, let us act as an independent force that can give the philosophy of Pacifism credence amidst this war torn era." – Ch4 Trieze G. Khushrenada XIII "By The Roadway"
'The Knighting of Godrick… 24-ish years before AC 195'
Godrick Trieze Khushrenada the Eighth never liked to add his military rank to his title.
Partially since it, as yet, had been so inclined to… 'change'; his cavalier attitude on and off the field had a tendency of getting him demoted more then promoted despite his influential family connections (there was such a thing as TOO MUCH to ignore); Then partially because ranks always made someone part of a hierarchy.
His whole take on the matter infuriated his older brother who had only been granted his mother's Catalonia title of Duke Dermail instead of the entire Khushrenada Dukedom when their father had passed away simply because his younger brother had inherited their family's name sake tradition, and hansom angular looks along with it.
…Dermail had also injured himself when he was young in basic training and been rejected from service.
Godrick's own son, the Trieze Khushrenada that would become infamous to the world, would grow into the spitting image of his father. The man standing on deck now typically wore his russet hair just past shoulder length tied with a blue bow to match his blue Duke's formal jacket. He was one to always prefer a pair of riding boots with how often he'd needed to escape an unexpected turn of events… which he usually was the cause of.
Godrick leapt from the rail of the modest yacht he had decided on as transport to this particular social gathering onto the pier. There was a wide grin indeed on his face. Oh how sure he was that he'd be seeing that utter helpless look of inner rage on his etiquette-obsessed brother's face yet again before the night was through.
Today was a day he had been looking forward to for many years:
Marques Alicia Wallace had turned 18 last week. Although Lt. Col. Dugaelus Nigelli, the son of a Scottish Archduke, had already formally requested to court her – that meant nothing to Godrick who had fallen in love with the girl ever since he saved her from a rose bush when they were just children. For the last week he could think of nothing but her beautiful DARK blood-red curls, not at all the orange cop-out that many would pass off as 'red'.
Dugaelus was just another thorny rose bush threatening HIS lady.
From the hushed whispers that steamed out of the corners of the large sun-lit hall he was sure more then a few of the nobles who were members of the prestigious Romefeller Foundation had taken immediate notice of that tell-tail bounce in his stride; a sure sign a good show was to come!
…And there she was, already dressed in white.
Her father, who also hailed from a lineage of deep military traditions, and Marquise Wélige were sitting at a group of couches on one side of the large hall near a balcony that over looked the gardens. They were conversing with the new King of the Sanc Kingdom who had been invited as a special guest to the event. Dugaelus was sitting besides her trying to look and act as much the part of a husband to be that he could.
Godrick casually relieved a passing waitress of her last wine glass as he stalked the unaware group, waiting for his moment to strike. His rival, who'd already had a few drinks himself, couldn't have provided him with a better opening…
"Pacifism is just a ridicules idea!" Lt. Col. Dugaelus scoffed, "Any one with a sense of self-respect and honor can see that it is just an excuse to back down from a man's obligation to fight and protect his love ones."
It was obvious he was attempting to impress his hopeful father-in-law to be. The Peacecraft King could only sigh at the young man's obvious tact and easy dismissal of his well established arguments. He barely had a chance to frown at the huge smile that had suddenly cracked across Wélige's features; as he had spotted the shark approaching.
Godrick spoke closing the final distance – smoothly floating up like a phantom in his half-cape to join the group,
"Strange, as I remember it, you're father has always made a point of making sure you have never been stationed anywhere near the front lines…"
Godrick finished his glass of wine and placed it on the nearest coffee table, before proceeding to stare the man down, one hand on the saber at his hip.
"Are you attempting to insult MY honor? Sergeant?"
It …was true… that recently was Godrick's fourth time being demoted back to the low rank. Yet still, that in itself was a greater accomplishment in his own mind then if he had sat back and quietly ranked up to Colonel as Dugaelus was doing. Never the less Godrick gave an apologetic bow,
"I would never think to do such a thing Lt. Colonel…" He put on a face of confusion, "It is just…odd… that a man so focused on honor and respect would so casually disrespect the wisdom…of a King."
Dugaelus turned bright red and imminently got up to bow himself apologetically to King Peacecraft; who was a little confused at the motivations for this other young noble to have come to his defense.
"If I have offended I offer my humblest apologies, I was merely voicing my own opinions your majesty."
Godrick slipped smoothly past him and into the vacated seat between Alicia and her father, answering the King's unspoken question by producing a yellow rose from under his cape whose edges had been tinged with a vibrant blue. Ignoring the even more off-balance Dugaelus who was just catching onto the ruse he had fallen for so badly, Godrick addressed the young woman,
"M'lady, might I bestow upon you this token of my affection? One like it you shall not find in all the world or colonies, except upon a single bush that grows at my family's castle… painstakingly bred and gently altered with the genes of a blue lotus for generations to become a truly unnatural beauty – Just as you yourself are."
Alicia was positively beaming as she accepted it with a polite nod. Her knight in shinning armor had come on his white horse once again.
An annoyed voice interrupted,
"Dear Duke, you are in my seat." Dugaelus was attempting to maintain a reserved calm that he was not at all feeling at the moment.
"Oh? Tell me… do you intend to stand by your word? Or would you like to share with us your revelations on the wisdom you deemed cowardly not moments ago?"
That was not the answer Dugaelus was prepared to meet. He did his best hide his surprise by drawing his saber as a show of strength – surely the Khushrenada Duke was not that brash.
It was yet another mistake as Godrick, grinning, rose and drew his own blade in one seamless movement – he had won already.
"I accept then," turning to King Peacecraft with a salute of his blade he continued, "If it would suit his majesty, since we would engage in such violence, might the rules of tradition be suspended? It would be wrong to spill blood in the name of such ideals as Pacifism."
The King couldn't help but find himself chuckling at such a raw display of chivalry and reckless passion unfolding in front of him, this was certainly the young Duke he'd heard tales of – Knowledge of his exploits extended far beyond the closed Romefeller community…
"If you are indeed to be so inclined, it would be against my principles to stop you! If I have the power to alter such regulations then I would ask: what would you put in their place?"
Godrick's blue eyes slid to the side to look at his prey from beneath their elegantly forked brows.
"…to first humiliation, of course."
Dugaelus' jaw dropped open at that. He himself was a world champion fencer with many trophies to prove it. Rumors of Godrick's swordplay were limited to that: rumors of him playing out ridicules stunts – just like the one he had a feeling he was about to take the brunt of. There was quite an audience by this point.
"Well that would certainly do…" The King could not restrain his mirth at the misguided yet to all accounts honest defense of his preaching. Dugaelus felt it was time to make at least some attempt to avoid what was to come,
"Would you really engage here with so many innocent bystanders?"
Godrick Khushrenada turned to stand at the ready where he was,
"None shall be involved but you and I, Archduke heir." The extra accentuation on the fact the other lord had not yet inherited the responsibility of family's estate as his own father was still alive and well.
Dugaelus was barely able to salute and bring his own blade to ready when Godrick struck forward.
The nearly straight blade shooting right towards Dugaelus' throat and past bringing Godrick right along side his out stretched blade. With dizzying speed he then turned and slapped the blade down and switched the direction of his momentum to bring the broad-side of his own blade at the hilt across the stunned man's torso, stepping through the throw as effortlessly as a ballet dancer sending their partner off across the floor – Dugaelus barely managing to keep his feet on his landing, trying to come to the ready fast, expecting a follow through just as quick.
The stronger Khushrenada Duke had plenty of time to play this game out however and was casually walking one quarter circle around his rival. Their blades came together in a standard set: cross mid, low cut by Dugaelus blocked by a straight down ward hold pushing through to a high cross by Godrick – the grate of steel resounding through the hall.
He off-balanced Dugaelus further by retreating from his stance, drawing the Lt. Col. further into the open floor closer to the doorway to the balcony. He swished his blade like an impatient lion's tail, his eyes narrowing under his thin forked brow.
Dugaelus, uncomfortable with the entire situation, came in again foolishly: with the sun full in his face.
It was barely perceptible to any of the witnesses, let alone the victim himself, when Godrick lunged and hooked his opponent's blade from his hand, then rolled in order to give him a hard slap on the rear as he hooked one boot against the other man's foot.
Dugaelus was sent flying out onto the balcony to fall flat onto his face.
His blade neatly landed in Godrick's hand as he sheathed his own saber standing. He turned smartly and went to stand at attention in front of King Peacecraft to present him the blade with a bow.
"The victory is in your favor m'lord." The King took it, unknowing of any other response to have.
"I find it odd that a man so skilled with a blade would support the teachings of Pacifism."
Godrick Trieze the Eighth raised a single brow.
"You misunderstand me. I do not support or refute such things; As much as I have a deep love for conflict, as many here are aware, I just do not see why one should ever be proud to send their children to die simply for the purpose of tradition. A true warrior's strength comes from his convictions… Tell me Marques? As women are always so much more reserved in their judgment, what would you rather for yours?"
'Charming' could not begin to describe his smile. 'Demonic' while accurate in the power of its intensity, utterly failed its almost divine nature.
Alicia had been blushing most profusely since the engagement began and was riveted to the edge of her seat by her childhood crush's brutal display of grace.
"I would rather my children live long lives in happiness, but…" She met his blue eyes with her own emerald green. "After seeing such a display of beautiful swordsmanship I know I certainly would be a proud mother if my children were to grow up to defend the dream of peace so beautifully, Sir Knight."
Godrick looked heartbroken at the response for some reason.
"Ah, but I'm afraid you are mistaken m'lady, I am only a duke and have never been knighted…"
King Peacecraft rose to the occasion, unable to bare to see such a perfect scene ruined,
"Then kneel, Duke Godrick Khushrenada…" With an exaggerated flare, Godrick dropped to one knee, King Peacecraft touched the blade of the former rival's saber to each of the young man's shoulders. "By the powers of my Kingdom I do grant thee to rise: Sir Duke Godrick Khushrenada, Knight of Pacifism." Even he couldn't keep the chuckle from his voice as he ended that pronouncement.
Godrick feigned confusion once more looking up,
"Rise? Why that wouldn't do… how would I present m'lady with this other gift of mine?" shifting from one knee to the other and bringing himself in front of Alicia, he produced an antique ring box.
"M'lady… Should your father consent… would you honor this knight as my wife?"
Alicia barely knew if she was going to remain conscious… they had always joked about such a moment, but to live it was entirely different.
The sight of the giant ancient beautiful fire-opal captured by golden branches laden with emerald leaves and tiny diamond acorns simply added to the surreal quality of it all. It was her father's turn to speak on the matter and did so with a toast,
"Well I cannot lie, I would rather my grandchildren live to look after my estate. The Wallace family has attended enough funerals. Knight of Peace or not, it is clear who it is that has won my daughter's affections – to refuse would be a sin." He too had enjoyed the spectacle over his daughter's hand immensely.
Even the feeling of the delicate, cold metal slipping around her finger didn't solidify the dream that was carrying her away.
Godrick took the time then to seek his brother's contemptuous gaze from the upper balcony: just before he kissed his lady for the first time. Her childhood sweet heart had never yet failed to follow through with his word. Applause cascaded through the hall by this point.
Dugaelus had disappeared in shame and the rest of the afternoon proceeded in an easy going, light hearted way.
Sir Godrick ever attentive to his lady to be and with the sunset soon approaching, invited the small group of witnesses to accompany both her and her father to join him on a cruise into the ocean bay.
"Pagan, the wheel for the tack if you may…" Godrick politely entreated of his family's life long butler, before springing to loose the jib on one side and reel it in on the other typically a task done by a two man team.
(^_~ for those with alarm bells ringing, yes… there is a Halloween special side-story – it will even STILL be posted on time if I really crack down on production slack!)
He had removed his outer jackets for the mobility of the loose linen shirt he wore underneath. The wind had taken some of his hair from the bow that had restrained it. Returning to the helm once more he finally decided his thoughts on the King's strange perception of things.
"I cannot deny that it is a known fact: to take a blow is far more difficult then to deal one. It is why the best defense IS a good offense. It is not the matter of which requires a greater level of strength to achieve that makes me so skeptical – It is what happens when, those you would de-throne with your philosophies, come and murder you in the night? Who will be there then to carry on this noble cause of yours? Pacifism is a fine end indeed, but I do not think it could ever be an effective strategy to bear in a true conflict."
"Well," Marquise Wélige decided he might as well weigh in with his opinion finally, "Aren't there other ways to take an 'offensive stance' then to bloody your enemies nose? Though I know that is exactly what you live for yourself, Sir Godrick,"
That brought an almost pirate like laugh from the young lord before the Marquise continued, "Perhaps the tactical skills of war could be better plied to say… investment markets? It's always seemed to me that bringing 'normalcy' to the reaches of space settlements could only quell the dissatisfaction that an occupation can only inflame… and indeed the Alliance has receded as a peacekeeper and is becoming more and more of an occupying force in the world sphere." He ended with a sigh.
It was obvious from his countenance, as Sir Godrick then looked over at his fiancé and father-in-law to be, that he was giving these ideas far more thought then anyone would expect from the headstrong troublemaker.
"The battlefield of development investment markets… hmmm..."
The wind picked up as the sun began to sink below the horizon. The engagement party headed back for a night of dancing that was the highlight of the Romefeller Foundation's yearly cycle of festivities. From this night on Sir Godrick would never have to yield his Lady's arm and wait patiently for the song to be through… that is, unless she'd rather another partner – doubtful thing indeed when she already was with the best dancer in the world.
He didn't ever have to say so himself, the world knew where it stood against Sir Godrick Trieze Khushrenada the Eighth.
(….yes, for those who wonder I am designing a fully articulated spring loaded Epyon Heat Whip for Halloween and any cos-play event to come… I was a Metal's Major…already got the specs drawn out, just need to start playing with springs… And yes I did go play around with two salad tongs for most of a day to get "into the mechanics & mobility" of the aquatic units. Trust me, it was too much fun, don't try it. ^_~)
CH9-2? COMING RIGHT UP! after I finalize ch1-8...!