Hey, Fanfic People! I know i haven't updated my other stories but i will. I'm working on them and making sure they're good. But for now, enjoy this story. Hope you like it. Review.

Annabeth's POV

It's been two years, since I've seen Percy. Since i saw him kissing Rachel. That same day i moved far away from New York. I moved to Olympia, Oregon. (A.N./ Olympia... Get it?). I had meant this other great guy, named Alex. He was super smart, and really cute. He had studied at Yale. And he had two majors in English and History. Of course, Mother (Athena) thought he was perfect for me, and suggested i date him. So i did. And he managed to get Percy out of my head for a while. But i made a mistake. And now, i was marrying him.

I was in my wedding dress, waiting for the Limousine to come, pick me up and take me to the church. I looked at the ring on my left hand.

Was i ready for this? Is this what i wanted? Maybe if Alex were Percy... No! Percy cheated on you, with Rachel. Forget about him!

"Annabeth, the limousine is here." Selena said happily.

"Okay." I said. I picked up my gorgeous dress, and walked down stairs. Thalia smiled at me widely. I forced a smile back. I fixed my crown of leaves, it's a Greek themed wedding, and i entered the limo.

The driver in the front looked short of familiar, but i didn't say anything. As he started to drive away, i noticed he was taking a different route.

"Hmm.. Sir, isn't it the other way?" I asked.

"I'm talking a short cut, so we can get there in half the time." He said, his voice sounded low. Like when you talk in a low voice, that's not your real voice. Yeah, like that.

"Alright." I said.

But the more time i spent in the limo the more i noticed we weren't going the right way. The driver had gotten into the Turnpike, and was now leaving the state. I got kind of scared, but I'm a Demigod, I'm not scared of some mortal. I took out my knife, which i had strapped to my leg. The driver seemed to have not notice, but right when i was going to attack, he saw me.

"Not a wise move, Annabeth. Haven't you figured out who i am, yet?" He said, talking normally.

That voice...

He took off his drivers cap to reveal messy raven black hair. I gasped as he ran his hand through his hair. He looked at me through the rear view mirror, his Green eyes furious.

"No..." I whispered. It couldn't be him. No, Mom said he would never find me. She said i was safe.

"Yes, it's me."

"Percy, turn this Limo around now! I'm not playing around!"

"Neither am i." He said, he click a button and the seat belts sprung out and wrapped around me. I couldn't move. I struggled but i knew it was hopeless. My knife had fallen out of my hand and it was too far for my leg to reach. But i kept struggling; this long dress wasn't helping either.

"Stop struggling, Annabeth. You can't get out." Percy said calmly.

"Why? Why today, Percy? Why did you even come here?"

"Like you don't know. You left camp, without an explanation! You broke my heart! And when i finally find you, i find out your getting married. How could you?" He screamed at me.

"Oh don't play dumb! You know exactly why i left camp!" I yelled back.

"No i don't okay! And i don't want to hear it now; I've got to keep my eyes on the road. All i know is one thing; I am NOT going to let you marry that Idiot." He said.

"Where are you planning to take me then? The second i am free from this, i will leave. And I'll fight my way out if i have to!" I told him.

He smiled, as if expecting the answer. The only thing i hate is that Percy always loved a challenge.

( A.N./ I was going to stop there but I'm going to continue since i haven't updated my other stories in a while, and you guys deserve more!)

After hours of struggling and yelling at Percy, i got so tired. I fell asleep. I woke up about three hours later ( I could tell by the position of the Sun) and the sun was setting. We were in some forest. Where? I don't know. I saw a cabin a few hundred feet away. I knew that's where we'd be going to.

We stopped, and my mind began to wonder off.

What was Percy going to do? He couldn't keep me locked in that cabin forever, would he? My family has got to be so worried. Oh, man! What did i ever do to deserve this!

Percy got out of the Limo and walked slowly to my door. Making me even more worried, and i think he knew that. I calmed myself down before he could open the door. He opened the door and pulled me out of the Limo, the seat belts were still wrapped around me. As soon as my feet touched the ground i made a run for it. Percy ran behind me, of course, faster than me since he wasn't tied up and he wasn't wearing a long wedding dress. He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Oh, no you don't." He said as he carried me bridal style. ( Yes i know, me in a wedding dress. Him carrying me bridal style.)

He went opened the cabin door with his foot, and sat me down on the large bed.

"You're going to keep being tied up into i know you wound run away. Plus, we are miles and miles into these woods. It would take you about two weeks to leave here. So don't try." He told me.

"I'll always try. I want to leave. I want to be back home, with Thalia and Selena. Nico and Jason. I want to be back with Alex." I said. As soon as i said Alex's name, Percy's face sadden. And that was a complete lie, i would actually prefer to be with Percy than Alex, but i wasn't going to tell him that.

"Save it. You won't go back. You'll stay with me, where you belong." He came up to me, and put his soft hand on my cheek. I wanted to stay like that forever, but he still kidnapped me. I pushed away from him, his expression was full of hurt.

"Fine. I brought you clothes, they are in the closet. When you want to take a shower, don't hesitate to ask. And i am a son of Poseidon, so you won't be able to escape from the bathroom. In case you forgot, i can control water."

"I didn't forget. But i also don't need you reminding me." I snapped at him. He looked at me, and left. I stood up. There has got to be a way out of here. Think, Annabeth, think...Athena always has a plan...Got it.

The drawers were made from oak wood. And the edges were sharp, i slowly started cutting the seat belts with the sharp edges. Soon, i was free. I looked out the window and saw Percy by the lake. He looked as if he were thinking hard. He was sitting on a big rock under the tree. It was dark outside so fireflies illuminated the lake. The scene was amazing. I shook my head, i had better things to worry about then how Percy looks.

I walked toward the door, i slowly opened the door, but the door creaked loudly. I stopped; i had to get out of there. I opened the door really fast and it made this horrible screeching noise. Percy turned around in time to see me run out the door. He quickly jumped off the rock and chased after me.

It was dark, so i had a few advantages. I jumped over logs, ducked under bushes, and ran around trees. As a daughter of Athena, i had sharp eyes. I could see in the dark pretty well, just like an Owl.

"Annabeth!" I heard Percy call after me. I only ran faster. Then i didn't hear his footsteps anymore.

Did he give up? I thought. But i didn't stop i kept running. Soon, my legs were burning. I started slowing down into a jog. I had ripped my dress up to my knees, so i could run faster. I stopped, i turned around and saw nothing. I was panting really hard, and i could hear an Owl Hooting in the distance. I could also hear the chirp sounds of the crickets, and the silence of the night.

I felt something behind me, and i thought it was a tree. But then i started to feel a hot breath down my neck. I froze, oh no...

"Caught you." He said, trapping me in his arms. I struggled under his strength but Percy was a full grown man. I couldn't compete with his strength. Tears started rolling down my eyes.

"Let me go!" i screamed.

"I can't do that Annabeth. Please understand. You belong with me, not that Idiot Alex guy. I'm the one the Fates put you with. You are mine and no one else's. You'll learn that soon." He said. He gently picked me up bridal style and i cried in his shoulder.

He carried me back to the cabin, and laid me on the bed. I cried myself to sleep that night, but I also fell asleep to the soft, hypnotic beat of his heart.

Hey, so what did you think? I really want to know. I enjoyed writing this, it was fun and i am going to continue. So please, Review and tell me what you think!


- ChildOfWisdom.