AN: Thank you, so much to everyone who's reading and enjoying this! I'm so glad it's going well! And especially thank you to those of you commenting on [nearly] every chapter! Your positive feedback makes me want to just write and write until I've completely ruined this! x) So, to all of you, here's a treat!

"Tell me."


"Tell me."


"Tell me!"

"No! Cas! What are you, five? Pack it in!"

Cas grinned and stared at Dean; "I want to know."

Dean sighed; "I know, but I'm not telling you!"

"Why? Is it about me?"

Dean just scoffed something unintelligible. Cas smirked.

"It is?"

Dean shook his head; "just drop it, Cas."

"It is! Tell me, Dean. Please."

"No. Now, shut it."

Cas grinned, watching Dean turn the music up and keeping his eyes solely on the road. Dean took in a deep breath, feeling pressured. What he really wanted to do was pull over and confess his love to Cas, maybe even kissing him, but then what? Cas would most likely be disgusted and disappear. Never to be seen again. At the same time though, Cas had been, if anything, indifferent to his playful attempts at coming on to him, if Dean wasn't able to suppress his urges, there was a chance he'd be able to get away with it by saying it was a joke. He glanced over at Cas and saw him smiling still, gazing at Dean as if he was some kind of prodigy.

"Will you stop staring at me?"

"Will you tell me?"

Dean sighed; "no."

Cas pouted; "why?"

"I just... Don't want you thinking bad of me."

"I could never. I've been there for your darkest moments, Dean, I'm sure whatever you want to tell me won't change my views of you at all."

Dean laughed sourly; "yeah, right, if only you knew!"

"How can I know if you won't tell me?"

Sighing angrily, Dean looked up the road for somewhere to pull over. He turned the engine off and climbed out of the car.

"Come on, Cas. Out."

Biting his lip, Cas cautiously climbed out of the car; "what's happening?"

"We're talking. Come on!"

The angel followed Dean across the field they'd parked next to until they came to a large tree. The two sat next to each other on the roots, not saying a word. Dean played with his fingers, thinking of how to tell Cas, or whether to tell him at all.

"If you can't think of how to tell me, Dean. I could always read your mind."

Dean looked up; "so why haven't you, all this time?"

Cas shrugged; "I'd rather you tell me yourself, but if you're finding it difficult..."

Dean took a deep breath and nodded; "ok... But promise me you'll kill me once you've got the information?"

Cas smiled; "of course I won't..."

Dean rolled his eyes as he watched Cas slip down onto his knees, kneeling in between his legs.

"Just, think," Castiel said in a hushed voice, raising his hands to Dean. He softly pressed his fore and middle fingers to Dean's temples, the two men closed their eyes. The only thing running through Dean's mind was how much he wanted to spend eternity with the angel, and he could tell Cas was picking that up, his hands began trembling slightly. His hands eventually left Dean's temples, Dean, eyes still closed, hung his head, somewhat ashamed. Cas cleared his throat and sat down on his feet, looking up at the hunter.

"How long?" he asked, quietly. Dean shrugged, still squeezing his eyes shut.

"No idea. Figured it out this morning though."

Cas nodded and waited for Dean to be comfortable enough to look at him. After a few moments, Dean did manage to crack an eye open, he saw Cas knelt in front of him, smiling.

"What are you smiling for?"

Cas tipped his head to the side, making Dean smile. He hadn't seen Cas' confused look in a few days, and hadn't realised how much he missed it.

"Why shouldn't I be smiling? You love me."

Dean sighed; "because, it's, wrong?"

"What's wrong? Two people loving each other isn't wrong. Regardless of gender or, whatever else you humans think shouldn't be allowed."

"Yeah but, how could you not-wait... Did you say. Two people loving each other?"

Cas nodded; "yes."


"Meaning... I love you too, Dean!"

Dean narrowed his eyes; "how? You're a stranger to emotions, and love is one of the most complex, and on top of that... I'm a dick!"

Cas smiled and took Dean's hands; "everyone knows how to love. I have emotions but I never knew I did until I met you, I don't want to understand love, all I know is that you could be the biggest dick in the Universe, and I'd still love you."

Dean smiled back; "you've been watching too many chick flicks."


"So come here..."

He grabbed Cas' lapel and pulled him into a tight hug, burying his face into his neck. Cas gripped him tightly in return, smiling into Dean's hair. They eventually pulled away, resting their foreheads together.

"Does this mean... We're a couple?" Cas asked, innocently. Dean smirked.

"Um... I don't know... Do you... Want to?"

The angel nodded; "it's a human thing, isn't it?"

"Yeah, humans, get into relationships."

"Then yes."

Dean smirked; "you know, I said humans, I never said me. This is a first for Dean Winchester."

"I'm glad."

The two stood up, still holding hands; Dean tipped his head to the side and narrowed his eyes, copying Cas' famous confused face.

"You know, couples do, all sorts of things... Is that, ok? With this not being your body and-"

"-Yes. Is it ok with you not being gay?"

A smirk spread across Dean's face; "I'm sure an arrangement could be met..."

Cas smirked back, staring in to his eyes, clearly not sure what to do next. Dean smirked.


Cas nodded; "what?"

"...You don't know what happens next, do you?"

"I uh, decided not to copy what happens on the TV, bad things always followed."

Dean smiled; "good plan, it's best just to go with your gut."



He lift his hands to Cas' face and held it gently, before pulling him in to a soft kiss. Cas smiled in to the kiss and rest his hands on Dean's waist, feeling more amazing than he ever had before. The kiss lingered before Cas pulled away, gazing in to Dean's eyes.

"Can we do that again?"

Dean laughed and pulled him in to another kiss, this one deeper and more passionate. He could have sworn he felt the winds pick up when the angel began grabbing at his waist, scraping his nails against the fabric of Dean's t-shirt. Dean pulled away, smirking when Cas' lips followed, not wanting the the kiss to end. He responded by pecking him softly on the lips before grabbing his shoulders firmly, holding him far away enough to look into his eyes without feeling dizzy. Cas smiled, looking completely overwhelmed and dazed.

"There's plenty more where that came from;" Dean winked. He turned Cas round and pushed him towards the Impala, holding on to his waist. Cas couldn't hide the grin on his face, even if he actually wanted to. The two got back to the car eventually, after Cas stopped several times, forcing Dean to nearly pick him up and carry him a few feet. Dean pinned Cas against against the car, smirking.

"What have you done to me?" he mumbled, looking up and down what he knew was some dude from Illinois but saw only Cas. He could have chosen anyone else in the world to posses, but Dean was glad it was this man, the body matched the personality - however, some of that could have been attributed to having only ever seen Cas in this one form. Either way, he didn't care enough to falter before capturing the angel's lips with his own. After getting over the sudden shock, Cas gently snaked his arms round Dean's waist, underneath his jacket. Dean pulled away again, causing Cas to groan quietly.

"Seriously Cas, what did you do? I was straight, now I'm here making out with a man!"

The angel smiled innocently; "I think you learned to disregard gender for personality. I'm male but you love me anyway."

"Hmm, shut up."

Before Cas could say something else, Dean pushed himself closer, using Cas' already opened mouth to his advantage. Castiel had kissed before - once to be exact - so he wasn't that much of stranger to the custom, but what was Dean doing? Why was his tongue in his mouth? Dean noticed Cas tense up and pulled away.

"Go with it, Cas. It's all right."

Nodding, he let Dean kiss him again, tongue included. After a few moments of taking note of what Dean's tongue was doing inside his mouth, Cas reciprocated the actions, finding the ordeal 'not actually that bad'. It became a lot better when he caused Dean to involuntarily groan into his mouth; he pulled away and smirked in a self-congratulatory manner. Dean smirked back and pecked his lips.

"All right, stud, don't be getting too confident. Just because you're a good kisser doesn't mean you can do everything else."

"I'm sure I will with enough practice."

Not expecting that remark, Dean began choking on his spit, making Cas grin even more.

"Get in the car!"

He stepped back, letting Cas walk around to the passenger side before getting in himself. As he turned the key in the ignition, he reached over and grabbed Cas' hand, pinning it between his own and the gear-stick. Cas smiled and stared at Dean in adoration as their journey continued.

That evening, Dean was lay on his motel bed, Cas lying next to him in his arms, the two of them contently watching TV. Occasionally, Dean's mind and eyes would wander from then insanely boring baseball to Cas, and how magnificent he was. Being just a little smaller than Dean, he fit perfectly in his arms, something Dean took as a sign. He smiled to himself and kissed the top of the angel's head when the moment was ruined by his phone going off on the bedside table. He groaned and answered his brother the only way he knew how.



"So what?"

"Did you?"

"Did I what?"

"You and Cas!"

"Cas and I what?"

Dean could hear Sam getting frustrated on the other line and grinned to himself.

"Did you tell him?"

"Tell him what?"

"Come on Dean, just be straight!"

"One minute it's tell him you love him, the next it's be straight! Make your mind up!"

Cas chuckled to himself, Dean snickered too. Sam however sighed exasperatedly down the phone.

"Seriously, Dean, just tell me."

"Tell you what?"

As Sam listed every cuss word he knew, Dean passed the phone down to Cas to let him have some fun winding the youngest Winchester up.

"Hello Samuel."

"Cas! Great, you'll tell me straight out."

"...Tell you what?"

"What's happening between you and Dean."

"Oh, well right now we're watching TV."

Sam sighed, contemplating just hanging up; "did he tell you anything today?"



"And, I had to agree, Clint Barmes is absolutely terrible."

Sam began swearing again; Cas looked up at Dean and smiled.

"Seriously, Cas, I'm going insane right now. Are you and Dean... Together?"

"Of course we're together, I'm sat next to him..."

"You know what, just, screw it. Bye!"

Sam hung up, Cas looked at the phone and smirked before handing it back to Dean.

"Well done, Cas. I fucking, love you."

Shuffling up, Cas rest his head next to Dean's and smiled; "I love you too."

They shared a quick kiss before Cas shuffled back down, resting his head on Dean's chest. Dean sighed happily and stroked his hand down Cas' neck, tickling him and making him shiver. His hand continued, slipping under his shirt collar, stroking his skin softly. Castiel hummed in delectation, rubbing his cheek against Dean's chest. The hunter delicately traced his fingers across Cas' collar bone, quietly humming the only love song he liked to himself - Nothing Else Matters, by Metallica. Cas, meanwhile, closed his eyes and tried to block out the sound of everything else to listen to Dean's heartbeat. They lay in a comfortable almost-silence, enjoying their new relationship; being patiently excited to explore each other over time.

For once, Castiel was the first to wake. He smiled down at the half-naked sleeping form next to him, hugging his chest tightly. Kissing the top of his head lightly, Cas stroked his fingers softly up and down Dean's side, occasionally making him shiver, and more to Cas' delight, occasionally making him moan out something that sounded somewhat like "Cas". After several minutes of teasing Dean with his gentle strokes, Dean jerked awake, extremely aware of Cas' touch and the effect it had on him. He looked up, instantly meeting his lover's gaze.

"Good morning, Dean."

Dean smiled; "morning."

He pulled himself up so he was level with the angel and rest his forehead against his.

"Did you sleep well?"


Dean leant in and kissed Cas softly, disregarding the scratch of his stubble. He'd never kissed a man before, he'd never even thought about it, but for some reason kissing Cas didn't feel at all odd or wrong. What concerned him the most the fact that he didn't even miss the feel of a woman; the soft skin, the curves and breasts. Instead, he was completely content with feeling hard angles and scratchy skin.

"Are you ok?" Cas smiled, noticing Dean's mind was elsewhere. Dean nodded and stroked Cas' cheek with his thumb.

"I'm good, just trying to come to terms with this, still. I expected to wake up and find it had all been a dream."

Cas frowned; "this is what you wanted, wasn't it?"

"Yes! God yes, more than anything! ...It's still a shock to the system though."

"Ok... I don't mind waiting."

Dean furrowed his brow; "waiting? For what?"

"You. Take as much time as you need to, think."

Smiling, Dean pressed his lips to Cas' forehead; "Cas. I love you, that much I definitely know. It's just the fact, I'm in bed with another man, I'm kissing a dude! After 34 years of being turned on by chicks only, it's just a little weird."

Cas nodded; "I understand."

Dean smiled; "no you don't... Come here."

He wrapped his arms round the angel's neck and pulled him towards his chest in to a warm hug. Cas sighed happily, leaving a couple of kisses on the hunter's chest as he slid his arms round his waist, pulling him closer.

"...Are we going to tell Sam?" he asked, looking up. Dean shrugged.

"I don't know... I have a couple of ideas, don't know if you'd agree with them though."


A wicked grin spread across Dean's face; "because, they're a little perverse."

Sam was lay in bed, flicking through the TV channels as Bobby packed away their things when his phone beeped. Sighing, he picked it up, it was a message from Dean.

"Maybe he's finally going to confess," he mumbled, pulling up the message. However, there were no words, just a link to an attachment. Dubiously, he opened the link, only to regret it immediately. Squealing, he threw the phone away from him; it bounced off the bed and landed at Bobby's feet who was eyeing Sam suspiciously.

"What is it, ya idgit?"

He picked up the phone and looked at what had scared Sam, horrified. The attachment was just over ten pictures of Dean and Cas. One with Dean's tongue down Cas' throat, one with Cas' tongue down Dean's throat, one with Dean straddling him Cas in a very suggestive manner; each picture was similarly scarring for the two men to see.

"What, the fuck?" Bobby asked, dropping the phone back on to the bed.

"I think... I think they're together..." Sam stammered, eyes still wide, the pictures burned into his retinas.