Chapter 1: Prisoner

Me: before we begin I'd just like to say I DON'T OWN TRANSFORMERS, *sighs sadly* But the plot story and my OC(s) do belong to me.

Sunstreaker: thank primus you'd possibly scratch my paint.

Me: if u keep with the attitude, yes i will! so stick that in your juice box and suck it lol! :P :D

Sunstreaker: *growls* just begin your story, femme. D:

Me: anger management class do help Sunny! anyways on with our adventure :) enjoy

She instantly onlined her optics as she came to consciousness. Where was she? she heard herself think, that's when everything came rushing back towards her, like a flood coursing through her mind.


"ShadowBlur" the voice purred "come out femme...we won't hurt you" the voice coaxed.

"yes, femme we won't hurt you...much" another voice said, amusement behind every was quiet for a moment before both mechs started laughing. She had to think of a way to get out of here before they found her. Shivers ran down her spine as thoughts of what would happen if they found her. 'NO! I won't let them' ShadowBlur growled and took a deep breath. 'stay calm and relaxed a hot is a dead head' she heard her father's voice echo in her mind. she growled again 'stupid and greedy bastard what would he care if he say me in this situation just laugh at her misery and say you were always a disappointment' she thought bitterly. Her eyes wandered around the building hungrily hunting for a means of escape. Bingo! A window not to far away from her if only she could get past these mechs she would be okay. Shadow suddenly thought of an idea and watched as her shoulder plating lifted as a little disc shot out of it silently into a good distance away from her and her only means of escape. "Ha-ha over there sideways" the voice from before said. "oh really?" the other snapped sarcastically back. She listened as their steps retreated to where she launched the disc at. 'too easy' she snickered silently to herself as she melted into the shadows and silently jogged to the window. she thanked primus for building her so slender. she wouldn't have been able to escape through the slightly cracked open window. she smirked as she silently ran shadow to shadow away from the building. She so desperately wanted to jump and squeal in joy as she almost reached a rode not to far away. Her sparks pulsed in ecstasy, the energon that ran through her veins in the same rhythmic pattern as her spark. Everything seemed perfect...and then that moment ended. She heard the familiar roar of jet engines, 3 of them to be exact. The happiness that had warmed her only moments ago had turned to an icy cold. She turned around running backwards now, her back to the road her front on the jets. Her arm transformed into a cannon as it whirled and heated, ready to shoot. The only of the jets suddenly appeared out of nowhere to in front of her. His black and purple face smirked. All she could do was flip her self around and start running before something shot her in the back and she fell to her knees unconscious.

*End Flashback*

She silently seethed in her cage, thinking of ways to get out of this. Shadow was about to put one of those plans into action before she heard a hiss and a door slid open to reveal a familiar mech from her childhood. The mech suddenly tensed upon seeing her. They warily took in each other's forms for a few minutes before she broke the silence. "Soundwave?" "Query: why are you here?" was his monotone response. "they caught me." was all said. A few more minutes of a quieted silence before a thought crossed her processors. "Why didn't he kill me...yet?" He didn't need to ask who 'he' was they both knew perfectly. "Response: unknown." She sighed "stop talking like that...especially with me you know me, 'Wave" "Reque-as you wish" she sighed relaxation coming off her in waves as she remembered that voice once again. Again a familiar silence filled the room before he finally broke it. "He wishes to see you." Dread filled her body along side with anger. "Now?" she asked annoyed. "Demand; Not a request." She felt her door wings drop a little hearing as he went back to his regular way of talking. She reluctantly stood up and walked to the door of the cage, waiting for Soundwave to open it.

She knew too well he wasn't one to be showing his emotions. He would always hide behind his red visor, but that didn't mean he couldn't feel any emotions. The door opened with a click and she slowly rose off the ground her tense wires painfully unclenching. Her intakes forced air through her as she walked through the small cage door. A thick silence encaged both of them as they walked down the hall, her slowly trailing behind him. Finally the trip through the ship ended and they found themselves in front of two large double doors. The Decepticon symbol etched in the middle of the door, so when they opened the face would be cut in two equal halves.

The doors slowly opened to reveal a narrow walk way leading towards a throne, where he sat upon. An evil glee glistering in his eyes. ShadowBlur raised her head high, elegance and authority radiating from her, a cold blank look on her face, showing nothing.

She continued walking Soundwave long gone. She watched as he took his place on Megatron's left. Her eyes trailed over to his right and there stood another mech, seeker. He seemed to familiar. What was his name? she silently pondered until she was directly in front of Megatron. The only thing that separated them were a couple of feet. All thoughts cleared from her mind. A wicked smile spread across his face, for her she was to used to it by now that it didn't even faze her. He outstretched his talons to touch her face with a gentleness that surprised her. That all ended when he grabbed her chin roughly, making sure her gaze was on him. "After all this time you still don't cease to amaze me of how much you look like your mother, almost like a reflection." She tried to jerk back her face from his grasp, but it was hooked on tight. A growl escaped her lips and the grip tightened even more. "Don't test me, femme!", he hissed back.

All she could do was glare at him for the grasp holding her forbid her of talking. He let go and sat relaxed back into his chair. "How delightful is life isn't it? You swore on your mother's passing that this encounter would never happen, and yet it did. And here you stand before me; as my prisoner." His laugh would have sent chills down her plating but she was all too used to all his antics, nothing would faze her again. "And here you stand before me; as my prisoner. Dismantling you piece by piece will be so entertaining." He practically purred the last word. "If you were to actually do as you promise, I wouldn't be standing here talking to you. It would have already been done. You seem to forget I know you as you know me, Father." Venom oozed from her with each word passing through her lips. Satisfaction overwhelmed her as she watched as he froze and tensed. She saw the flicker of emotion play through his optics before he could cover it.

A metal hand whipped out and hit her across the face. Her vision blurred before it cleared once again. Her right cheek facing them as she looked at the ground. A sinister smile spread across her face as maniacal laughter escaped her. She turned to face them the smirk still on her face plating. "You've done far worse to me than that and you would have…except you want me. Need me for something you have already planned. Isn't that so?" He leaned back into his chair crossing his arms across his broad chest. "Quick, you always were to discover one's plans. Always were even as a sparkling." A deep frown decorated his face. He waved a hand in a shooing manner. "Take her to the quarter near mine, Starscream. This one is to be watched constantly." The energon ran cold as she heard that name. He was famous for his tyranny, treachery and everything else you could come up with. "As you wish, Lord Megatron." Starscream bowed quickly before Megatron before roughly grabbing Shadow's upper arm and dragging her down the hall.