Chapter 5

Author's Note: OMGosh...I haven't update like forever! I apologize like a billion x million x thousand x infinity times! But, my life has been kind of hectic with piles of homework and basketball practice =_= Any's Ch. 5!

Mitchie POV

I looked at Caitlyn. She was so lost in thought; she wasn't even in the classroom anymore. Suddenly, I thought my eyes played tricks on me. So slowly, I saw her flinch. She was so still, so stuck in time, that even the slightest movements shocked me.

"Caitlyn?" I called as I rushed to sit beside her. Unfortunately, Nate (the boy who is in deeply in love with my new friend), was kind of occupied by trying to stop crazy, obsessed girls stealing his stuff, so he has no idea of what was happening.

Her eyebrows furrowed, and her eyes became glossy, she was basically wincing at her thoughts and memories.

"Caitlyn, are you okay?" I asked, letting my hand rest on her shoulder. When we contacted, she shook, and trembled. I didn't know what to do, I didn't know Caitlyn well enough to comfort her, but I just couldn't leave her crying.

I rubbed my hand against her shoulders, and she continued to cry. I guess the best cure through tears is just letting them go through it alone, but let them know you're there to help them. And that is the truth from experience—unfortunately, I didn't have anyone there for me when I was in my breakdowns, well until Sierra was there for me. I guess Sierra was my guardian angel that helped me through my darkest hour.

Ever so slowly, Caitlyn ceased to shake. She straightened her back in leaned back into her seat. She was breathing quite shallowly. Her eyes were still glossy, but now red from the tears spilt. Her hazel eyes looked into mine. "Thanks, Mitchie. I-I-I really needed s-someone," she replied, letting the back of her hand wipe away the water from her eyes.

"You don't have to tell me what's wrong, but are you okay, now?" I asked her.

She nodded.

"Well, we were assigned to make a group, so wanna be with me?" I continued. "It is supposed to be a one to two minute talent show due next class."

Caitlyn lightly smiled, wiping away the final tears. "Sure, so what's our plan," she replied, finally getting her Caitlyn swing back.

Nate POV

"Stop it!" I exclaimed.

I heard a giggle as I felt a hand run its fingers through my hair. Then, I heard a squeal as someone took a pencil I dropped from my desk. Girls crowd around me, so desperate. Why were they so crazy?

I felt sorry for Mitchie. She was just sitting casually next to me, and then, BOOM! suddenly a swarm of girls attack us, and they probably pushed her away from me. But I guess it is okay, she is probably helping Caitlyn, now.

I felt a finger poke me. Agh, make them stop, please!

"Hey, ladies," said a familiar voice call out. "I need to talk to Nate alone; can you guys let us be?" The male who said this was so smooth and mellifluous that I immediately knew who it was: Shane.

Just like that, the girls left. Yup, Shane has that power with girls that I don't possibly have. The way he says his words, it hypnotizes and controls. I guess I'm not so perfect am I?

I looked at my old friend. He looks so different. He's not that scrawny, pale kid anymore. His hair is a bit longer, obviously straightened, and he has probably gone to the gym daily. I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. Why now? Why does he decide to talk to me now? Why now, after years? "What do you want, Shane?"

He smirked. "Why so snappy old friend? Don't want to see your ol' buddy?"

"We aren't exactly friends," I replied, leaning back into my seat, crossing my arms as I move back.

"Awh, I just wanted a partner for the talent show mabob," Shane said with his best charming smile. "And I decided that we didn't want to be partnered up with obsessed chicks, and we lived in the same neighborhood, so why not?"

I studied his face. He did look sincere, but there is a part of him that makes me think that it benefited him more than it would for me. So swiftly and secretly, I saw his eyes flicker from me to Mitchie who stood a couple feet away from me. He realized that I noticed the secretive action, and he smirked with pomp.

"Sure," I replied, "but, you need to tell me what are you going to do with Mitchie? She's a nice girl and she doesn't deserve any of your messed up hook-ups."

"Awh, c'mon man. Am I really a bad guy?" Shane seriously dared to reply.

He basically abandoned Caitlyn and me for popularity. He practically dated all the girls in the school, and probably screwed with more than half of them. He enjoyed watching people cry, especially when it's over him. He gets a kick from getting teachers annoyed. And his ego is as far as the universe can go.

"Are you really saying that?" I replied with disbelief.

Shane smiled. "Fine, I guess I'm not the 'super hero' or the 'knight in shining armor' but I am changing you know. I actually want to get to know Mitchie a little better, is it really that bad?"

"Fine, but what about Tess?" I asked with crossed arms.

"What about her," he replied with such cockiness. "It's not like I wanted to date Mitchie…at least not yet."

I could just feel him laughing mentally. Sometimes I wonder what goes on in his head, but at the same time, I don't want to know a thing.

"Okay, we'll be partners. So let's brain storm on what we will do because it's due next class."

"Sure thing, buddy."

I shivered…when he said that, it sounded so different.

Jason PO

I sat alone in the corner. I looked as the class talked to each other, gossiping, working, talking about their summer, and laughing. And I was alone despite of all the years I have been to this school, despite how I had classes with these people back in elementary.

I looked at the new girl who has already made friends on her first day. And here was I, alone.

I don't know why I was always alone. I always tried to talk to other people, but I don't know, they always nod their head and then leave me behind. They don't say anything mean, but they just don't say anything at all—like they are ignoring me.

I then remembered a quote I saw online: "The only thing worse than being hated is being ignored. At least when they hate you they treat you like you exist."

I didn't really get it at first, but after my mom explained it to me, I kind of understood it, and it explains my life. I do get ignored, and it feels horrible. It's as if no one in this world wants to listen to me; it's as if the world doesn't even want me.

I explained how I felt to my mom, and she told me that the world is listening to me, and what she says always makes me feel better. She told me, "You are a gift to the world, Jason. The others who ignored you, well it is their loss. You are the most talented, good-hearted person I know, Jason."

I looked at the clock. There were five….ten….and one…two…three…there was eighteen more minutes left of class. And then, a tall person blocked my view of the clock. It was Brown.

He takes a glance at his clipboard and looks back at me. "Jason? How is your assignment coming along?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know."

He continued, "Well, are you doing it by yourself or in a group?"

"I don't know."

"Jason, do you want to work in a group?"

I nodded; I did want to work in a group. "Yes, sir, I do."

I saw the teacher smile. "Ah, well, I'll help you, Jason." He pats me on the back, and I returned the smile. He's nice. Mr. Brown turned around and called out to the class. "Is anybody willing to have Jason in their group?"

I looked at the class: no one even looked up from their conversations. I then, scanned the room again, and heard:

"We can!" said the new girl, raising her hand. Her hair was brown and she had a pretty smile.

Mr. Brown looked at me. "Here ya' go, Jason. You got yourself a group!"

I got up from my seat and picked up my blue backpack that I reused for the past two years, and it even has a little tear on the right strap. I walked toward the new girl and Caitlyn.

Caitlyn POV

I smiled at Mitchie as I saw her raise her hand and called out, "We can!" when he, the new teacher, asked if anyone was willing to have Jason in their group.

I watched how Jason smiled so happily when Mitchie offered, he was as happy as a young boy blowing out the candles on his birthday cake. Jason always did remind me of a lively child, but he's not really well-known in school.

Jason is really a nice-guy, but he's not really the sharpest tool in the shed. He's really awkward, and I guess people just get turned off every time he speaks. Though, Jason is definitely not bad-looking. His black, straightened hair with the gelled-spikes makes him look like a skater boy, and to tell you the truth, it's quite attractive.

Jason walked towards us, and right before he meets us, he tripped on a leg of a desk.

The class laughed, but Jason just got himself up and laughed at himself. "Oops, didn't see that there!" And he sits to the empty seat beside us. "Hello!" he greets, like a jumping dog seeing his owner come back home.

"Hi, Jason! My name is Mitchie!" Mitchie greets herself, holding out her hand.

"Hi, Mitchie!" he replied, shaking her hand. He then looks at me.

"Caitlyn," I replied, as I shake his hand.

"Thank you for letting me in your group. No one really works with me," Jason replied, with a slight sadness in him.

"Why?" Mitchie asked.

"I don't know," he replied with a shrug.

I finally spoke out. "Don't worry, Jason. You can work with us, now."

Jason smiled. "Yeah, I know. So what do guys have so far?"

"We don't really have anything yet, but what talents do you have?" Mitchie asked, setting her flowing hair over one shoulder.

"I can play the guitar," Jason replied bashfully with a shrug of shoulders.

"Cool! I can play the guitar, too!" Mitchie exclaimed as her eyebrows rose with excitement.

"Can you sing?" Jason asked.

This time Mitchie was the bashful one. "Yeah, a little. I write some songs."

I raised my eyebrows. In front of me were really talented people and they chosen to be modest. If it was anybody else from this school, they would brag about their talents right off the bat.

"Hey, I think I have an idea," I said.

I smirked.

There she was, Mitchie, being her too nice-self; allowing Jumpy Jason to join her group. He tripped on a desk, so I chuckled. Jumpy Jason…with Mitchie; interesting.

My smile widened when they spoke to each other. I heard their conversation so clearly, it was as if I was right with them.

"I can play the guitar," Jumpy Jason replied shyly.

"Cool! I can play the guitar, too!" Mitchie exclaimed. I raised an eyebrow. Hmm…she's pretty, smart, innocent, and talented.

"Can you sing?" Jason asked.

This time Mitchie spoke quieter. "Yeah, a little. I write some songs."

Shane POV

I turned to Nate with swiftness. He was scribbling some ideas onto a piece of paper, he was working so hard. But anyways, I had a plan.

"Nate, stop writing! I know what we can do!" I replied, as I ripped away the pen from his hands.

Nate looked up with question marks taking place of his pupils.

"Let's perform a song," I said with confidence.

Nate smiled and crumpled up the piece of paper he was writing on. "Shane, I can't believe I'm saying this, but you are a genius."

Author's Note: To tell you the truth, me updating this chapter was just luck. I barely have any free time nowadays, especially since this week is Midterm (and I should be studying, now). Well...sorry for the inconveniences, and hope you just enjoyed this chapter, though. Love you guys, and thanks. - Quite the Imagination ^-^