They're five when they first lock eyes. Its two weeks into kindergarten and Danny's waiting patiently for the teacher to announce play time. He swings his legs which just almost reach the floor, he grew two inches in the past week thank you very much. The door opens and in trots Mr. Reid, the elementary school teacher. He likes Mr. Reid all the kids do; he's got a deep and steady laugh like the drums that his big brother Sergio is always playing. Danny fancies that he probably likes him more than his doctor and his doctor gives him candy. But for some reason the boy standing behind Mr. Reid doesn't seem to like him no-where near as much as Danny does. Danny stands up a little straighter in his chair trying to get a better glimpse. The boy has a scowl on his face and Danny notices that he rolls his eyes at everything that Miss Jenny tells him. Danny's so caught up in staring at the new boy that he doesn't notice Miss Jenny calling his name until she's said it a third time. He blinks over at her and grabs the back of his neck sheepishly. She smiles a perfect line of pearls at him and motions him toward her.

"Danny you're finished with your art project right?" Danny blinks again before answering. He's not sure why she's asking she knows that he's always the first one to finish during art time. Sure Lydia might always beat him in Math and Science but she's never ever beat him in Art time; the pretty strawberry-blonde with the linen and lace dress still colored outside of the lines!

"Yes Miss. Jenny." She lowers herself to his height and holds her hand out towards the dirty-blonde boy who is still Standing behind Mr. Reid his face set in the same scowl as earlier, clutching the straps of his book bags for dear life. He stays put until gives him a soft firm push towards the pair. His scowl if possible deepens.

"Danny this is Jackson, he's new. I would really appreciate it if you would be Jackson's friend and help him out today. Think you can do that for me Champ?" She has that same patient smile that reminds Danny of his Nana and he finds himself nodding if only to keep the smile on Miss. Jenny's face. She turns around looking at the shorter boy.

"Jackson this is Danny he's going to help you out today, alright."

Danny quickly remembers all the manners his Mommy taught him when they had Aunt Claire visiting; mommy said she was tedious, whatever that means. But if her frown at those words were any indication it meant that she wasn't a nice lady and this boy seemed even less nice than Aunt CLaire. Idly he wonders if he'll pinch his cheeks like her, he really hates that. He holds out his hand and gives the other boy a winning smile which would have been a tad bit cuter if Danny's left front tooth hadn't fallen out when he tried climbing that tree.

"Hi I'm Danny." He says still holding out his hand for the other boy to shake. Jackson does an impressive eye brow rise that he's mastered over the years of watching his favorite wrestler do it. He doesn't care who this stupid kid in this stupid school in this stupid town is. He just wants to go back to his Mom and Dad.

"You have the coolest eyes ever, they're my favorite color aquamarine." He says still smiling.

Jackson blinks. This boy is the first to ever decribe his eyes right. Some people say it's blue and his mom is always gushing over what beautiful green eyes he has. But Jackson knows himself, knows himself better than any-one even his new mom and dad. He's spent hours in front of the mirror and his eyes aren't sky blue nor are they forest green. They're both just like what this Danny said. If he were older he'd know that this was one of the moments where life as you know it ends. One of those moments in where the very particles in the air come alive. But he's only five and all those grown up emotions are obscure and maybe this moment shouldn't be described by an elder's solemnity. Because it's pure and sweet and no-one is really able to say that it won't last forever. Jackson finds himself placing a soft baby-skinned hand into the slightly larger tanner one. And in a way he never really lets go.

They're eight when Jacksons has his first fit over his biological parents. Jacksons the only boy in his family and is used to getting everything his way. New toy trucks, the new Super Mario games, heck, Jackson even got the newest Gameboy two months before it even came out. That particular gift he only wanted so he could give it too Danny. So it's no surprise too Danny when Jackson gets upset over his dad not buying him the puppy. It's a cute puppy at that, a perfect golden Labrador that likes to lick a lot more than it likes to bite. Jackson tries everything to get it. Showing his mom pictures and asking his Dad every day to pass by the Pet shop. It's been weeks of Jackson subtle approaches when he finally outright asks. It's Friday and its Danny's turn to sleep over. Danny loves sleeping over because they get to go to sleep at 10 in Jackson's house and he gets to see wrestling something his mom says he's too young for. As if, he's eight he hasn't been a baby for years.

"Dad may I please have a puppy?" Jackson smiles widely and he's proud that he remember the right way to ask.

"No Jackson your mom is allergic to dogs." His dad says evenly only glancing up from cutting the steak to meet his son's eyes assuring that the boy understands the firmness in his answer.

"So mom can take shots!" Jackson's voice hitches up.

"Sweetie, a puppy is just not something that we can have at the moment." His mom says softly.

"I used to have a puppy before." He murmurs. Danny tilts his head in confusion he can't ever remember Jackson having a puppy. He watches as Jacksons moms breathing stills and his dad begins frowning. It seems like the silence only encourages the boy.

"Yeah I used to have puppy! My mom and dad loved me enough to give me a puppy! You're not even my real mom and dad so why should I care if you have to take shots!" Jackson is screaming now and has his finger pointed at his moms face, accusingly. His face is screwed up in despair and Danny's just staring not able to make heads or tails of the situation. A small whimper passes through Jackson's mouth as he angrily swipes a hand over his red eyes.

"Jackson please -" His mom begins only to be cut off by feral scream.

"SHUT UP SHUT UP! I HATE YOU! I'M NEVER GOING TO LOVE YOU AS MUCH AS THEM! I HATE BOTH OF YOU!" He stands up with such force that the cherry wood chair that he had been sitting on seconds before falls flat on its back. He runs up the stairs and everything is silent for a moment in the dining room as if time has stopped. The chair finally clatters after what feels like forever and it's as if that breaks the dam. Mrs. Whitmore is sobbing into her hands and her husband has jumped out of his chair too comfort his wife. Danny slowly walks out of the room and up the stairs. He places a hand on the golden knob of Jackson's room for a moment before deciding to enter. He thinks this is the only time he's taken the caution sign on the door seriously. There are toys thrown all over the place and Jackson's favorite Batman poster has been ripped from the wall. One of the drawers lays at the foot of the closet its contents spilled everywhere. And in the middle of the hurricane is Jackson. He's standing there screaming, scratching at his arms, and pulling at his hair. Danny watches for a moment. He's so scared. But he knows he needs to help Jackson, he doesn't understand what's going on but he knows he loves Jackson and that you help people you love. He walks over to Jackson and grabs his hand. The boy continues screaming, his chest constricting. Danny wraps his arms around him holding his arms down. Jacksons tugging and pushing at him but he just holds on tighter. He's not sure when it happens but at some point the screams stop and Jackson is hugging him back crying as much as his small body can. If he were older he'd know that this was the sealing of their bonds. One of those moments where two people become so tightly intertwined that if they were to be taken from each other you'd never really have the whole person. But he's only eight and he doesn't know what's going on, only that Jackson his best friend who's got freckles all over his nose is crying. And it hurts him just as much as it's hurting him.

They're thirteen when Danny first tells Jackson he's gay. It's Friday and it's Jackson's week to sleep over Danny's. They've changed a lot over the past eight years. Jackson now is finally a hair of an inch taller than Danny though Danny can still take him down easily in a wrestling match. They've traded super Nintendo games for weights. People to this day still question how cocky Jackson Withborne can be best friends with sweet Danny Llorente. And to this day Danny likes drawing small details in the leather bound sketch book Jackson buys him every year, he smiles at strangers, and likes the feel of other hands in his own, he's still simple but complicated Danny and Jackson hopes that never changes. And some things never change Jackson muses to the biting winter as it prickles over his face. He stands silently in the backyard, watching, an attribute that he's gathered from Danny. He watches Danny carefully, watches as he sits on the swing his feet kicking up small clouds of dirt wringing his sleeveless wrists, he loves winter always walks around in a long sleeve shirt while Jackson bundles up with three sweaters, scarves and gloves.. Dusk is falling and Jackson notices how beautiful- no not beautiful because that's what girls like Lydia are; how fitting the lights that are falling around Danny seem. They're falling down from where they warm the sky and stars to flow over to him, ghosting over him softening his bones and Jackson has to shake his head to stop the feeling of weightlessness that filters through his body.

He finally walks over to him the crunching of leaves causing Danny to raise his head from his lap. He meets Jackson eyes and gives a tight lipped smile in acknowledgment. Jackson sits on the swing next to him; the air is brimming with shadows. His hand seeks out Danny, instinctively, though whether it's to comfort Danny whose eyes still haven't looked at his or to console his own inner turmoil he doesn't know. Danny almost retracts his hand but it's quickly caught in the vice grip of Jacksons. He fingers the insides of Danny's wrist, tracing each of his veins; I'm not going anywhere, I'm sorry, I love you. Danny breath catches in his throat.

"Jackson." Jackson moves his fingers tracing each line on Danny's palm, he's sure that its muscle memory that allows him to remember where every single cut and dip on Danny's hand is. He thinks he hears Danny call his name again but he's too busy memorizing the new callouses that have formed from the weights they've been doing to register in. Either way he rather hear the chirping of the crickets because in the back of his mind he's worried that Danny's going to turn away from him and he's not sure if he'll be able to heal from that, ever. Danny rips his hand out of Jackson and stands.

"For gods fucking sake Jackson!" He's red in the face and he's holding his body in an open stand, fists clenched at his side. Jackson watches him carefully. Danny doesn't curse; he's a good little mama's boy: the type that gives a girl a pretty flower or compliments someone just because. He stands up, taking one step, two steps, away from Danny. He folds his arms at his chest and he hopes it looks like a gesture of annoyance then rather him trying to comfort himself.

"You have to leave, we can't be friends anymore."

Jackson doesn't really comprehend the words. He's just standing there, the wind picking up the ends of his black scarf, and he's pretty sure that his mouth is gaping right now. He vividly remembers the feeling of utter terror that accompanies a dream that one is falling; where you wake up with your heart vibrating in your throat and ears, your grip on reality and dreams merging with one another as you mentally tell yourself to calm down, calm down it was just a dream. Danny turns around, turns away from him and it's as if his body is sent into hyper speed drive. He's screaming at Danny now, pushing him. And Danny's screaming back and he really wishes he could comprehend what Danny's saying but all his senses are drilling at him so sharply that it's giving him a headache. He's not sure who started it but they're wrestling on the ground. And his mom's probably going to bitch at him for getting his new cashmere sweater dirty but he could care less right now. Danny's stronger, always has been but for some reason Jackson is able to flip him over and sit on top of him, glaring. Danny's still screaming, spitting fire and bucking furiously to launch Jackson off him. Jackson's holding his arms, his thighs clenching around the body beneath him.

"SHUT UP SHUT UP!" Jacksons screaming back now. Because Danny's being so stupid right now, Danny's the calm one the one who likes learning origami from a how to do it book and walking barefoot on wet grass. He's not supposed to be angry, that's his. They're supposed to balance each out and how can they do that if Danny's acting so out of character. His breathing has become so shallow and furious that he doesn't notice that Danny's now quiet. The only sound leaving his body is small whimpers and though he's looking heaven bound Jackson knows he's not looking at anything in particular. Jackson finally notices the wet trail that's cascading down Danny's face, a tear resting at the corner of his lips. Jackson sits back pulling Danny along with him.

"Stop crying man, come on what did I do?" He quietly asks his voice muffled by Danny's hair. Danny's pushing him softly. He lets his grip loosen a bit, enough for Danny to lean back and finally look at him. Jackson oddly wonders why he feels like he hasn't seen those eyes in years.

"You didn't do anything, it's me." Danny rubs the back a habit he's never been able to drop as he says this.

"Danny there's nothing that can stop me being you friend even if you told me you liked Lydia, you're my brother." Danny cringes and Jackson can't believe that Danny was being so stupid over a girl.

"That's the problem."

"You like Lydia?" Jackson shrugs. "I don't care man she's just a chick they'll be hotter ones in high school." He waggles his eyebrows trying to lighten the mood. Danny stares back, blankly.

"No I don't like Lydia." Its Jacksons turn to look confused.

"Then what's going on man?" Danny bites his lip and turns his face away. "Look at me," He grabs Danny's face softly turning it. "Man, you can tell me whatever it is. It's not going to change anything."

A heart beat passes between them.

"I'm gay." Danny closes his eyes. Jackson blinks.


"Okay?" Danny opens his eyes chancing a glance at his best friend.

"Yeah, okay. You're gay at least you don't have cancer." Jacksons never really given homosexuals much thought, they're just there in his world. But his logic is simple. He loves Danny, his best friend. He's pretty sure he'll never find another person he can get along with that well. So if Danny's gay then he can only choose to accept him and fight anyone who gives Danny a hard time for it.

He finds himself engulfed in a tight hug. Danny's looking at him smiling a sunshine smile and Jackson hopes he looks different in Danny's eyes from everyone else.

That night finds Danny typing away at his computer. The computer light is shining at his face and he rubs his eyes every now and again in an attempt to keep sleep at bay. He knows he can do this; he can at least do it for Jackson. A few minutes pass before he gives a small yell of triumph, he's in. He's flicking through every single file.

"Whitmore. Whitmore." He's biting the inside of his cheeks. He stares for a moment at the link that reads Jackson Whitmore. Just before he reads it the site expels him and he knows he's been caught.


It's only an hour later when there's a knock at his house door. He pretends to be sleeping soundly in his bed before his mom walks in. She's mad, switching from Spanish to English.

"Daniel Llorente!" He look over at his mom. "Llevantate. Now."

It's a short ride to the Sheriff office but it feels like hours. Sheriff Stilinski is a nice man. He's got warm eyes like Stiles and though he's obviously no-where near as talkative or exuberant Danny's sure that there's a lot of him in his son. He hasn't talked to Danny yet only asked his mom if she wanted some coffee. There's a knock at the door before in strides Meredith Whitmore, she's beautiful with long waves of soft blonde hair and if Danny didn't know better he would have never guessed that Jackson was adopted. She looks over at Danny and he can't help feel even more ashamed because she's basically his second mom. She's sitting stiff and proud and Danny sees a lot of Jackson's haughtiness in her.

"Danny," he moves his eyes meeting those of the Sheriff. "Do you know the reprecautions of what you did tonight?"

And Danny's so ashamed and worried that he just begins rambling. He says how he's sorry and he didn't mean to hurt Mrs. Whitmore because she's an amazing mom and he loves her. And how he only did it because today he told Jackson he was gay and he accepted him and he was just so happy that he wanted to do something for him. He's talking so rapidly that his breath starts coming off in tight strained breaths until he can't speak anymore. His mom sits next to him rubbing smoothing circles, telling him to just breathe. A few minutes pass until he's calmed down enough to speak again.

"I'm really sorry." Mrs. Whitmore smiles over at his mom. If he were older he'd know what that look meant. He'd know that they we're accepting one another more than they did before, that they we're quietly amused at how much their sons loved each other and would continue to do so. But he's only thirteen and he hasn't even had his first kiss so love is still a magical journey that he hasn't taken nor is he sure he wants too.

They're sixteen when things first start changing. Jackson is still overly protective over Danny and is known to slam the random one or two bodies throughout the year against a locker for murmuring the word faggot. Danny is still the only one able to really understand the different faucets of Jackson personality and is known for quickly shushing anyone who mocks how Jacksons just another beef head jock. Jackson sill watches wrestling and makes the best fettuccini alfredo in town. Danny still loves drawing and rubs his neck when nervous. It seems like nothing's changed but if Danny looks back on the past year he realizes that everything has. Life's funny like that he muses.

Jackson's waiting for him in front of his locker. His foot propped up against it as he stand coolly winking at any girl who catches his eyes.

"You're a piranha."

Jackson smiles at him, eyebrow shooting up.

"Me?" Danny laughs before rolling his eyes. "So want come over tonight?" Jackson continues.

"Can't. I'm going over to Stiles."

"You've been spending a lot of time with Stilinski, you sweet on him or something?" Jackson asks but it comes off as more of a growl. Danny turns around, frowning.

"And you spend a lot of time obsessing over Scott lately, you sweet on him?" Danny bites back.

"It's different I'm not . . ." He cuts off his sentence words hanging in the air.

"Not what? Gay?" Danny rolls his eyes but this time in annoyance rather than fondness.
"Look Danny I just don't think you should be spending so much time with Stilinksi, he's a first class loser."

"You're such a hypocrite did you know that?" Danny throws his hands in the air. "You would kill anyone for so much as uttering a derogatory word such as fag even if it's not directed at me but yet you insist on picking on people like Stiles. I get it. You're pissed because you're co-captain now. But instead of sitting on your ass always whining about Scott this and Scott that start seeing that the problem might be you. You're pointing fingers every which way but at yourself. I didn't know you to ever be so weak Jacks." He stands there grabbing the strap oh his book bag waiting for his words to sync in.

"What the fuck Danny, I'm you're best fucking friend?" He accuses.

"When was the last time I saw you Jackson and you asked me how I was or anything? You're always obsessing over Scott. The last time you even registered my presence was when I got checked in practice and I'm sure you only noticed because it was Scott that did it." He's lashing out now, weeks of pent up frustration bursting at the seams. He's never been used to being pushed to the side by Jackson not even with Lydia because he knows his best friend doesn't love the girl but is only doing what's expected of him.

"Danny, man I've been taking care of you for years. You know you're important to me. But there are other things that you have to take second too. You just wouldn't understand." He's choosing his words carefully. Knowing that though Danny is not known for anger when he is it can be lethal.

"I would understand if you would just fucking tell me what's going!" Jackson opens his mouth to respond but he finds himself unable to make his thoughts turn into words. Danny watches waiting for an answer.

"Exactly what I thought." He drags a breath and it sounds a lot like remorse and broken apologies. "If you can't even trust me then how are we even friends?" Jackson bites his bottom lip, aggravation, anger, love, sadness, all roll off him back and forth clanging off one another until he doesn't know what he feels.

That night he goes to Derek knowing that he has to be changed. Knowing that if he needs to become better so Danny won't get bored of him, knowing that he needs to get stronger so he can protect Danny, knowing that if only he gets the bite all his problems will be fixed. He'll stop obsessing over McCall and everything will be fine. Danny and he will be back to being best friends and nothing will change that. Ever.

If he were older he'd know that this was one of those moments where friendship turns into love. He'd know that this desperation comes from the horror of losing the one you love the most. But he's only sixteen and still so good at playing pretend. Easier to say that the tears streaming down his face is because he thinks he's inadequate and frustrated with not being good enough. Because once he stops pretending and realizes that he's all grown up, that the bonds are sealed, and he's already been casted away, life is going to get a little more complicated.