A/N: So, guys, here's my final update on Get You Sober. There'll be no more, sadly. It's alright, though. I hope you enjoy!

She's getting married. She's actually getting married to that damn boyfriend of hers; the one that treats her like she's nothing to him. It's inconceivable. You want to castrate him. You have as long as you've known what he does to her. It's her, she can only take so much emotional abuse. He has her crying literally every day. And she's going to marry him! The wedding passes by like a blur. First she's trying on dresses, then somehow you're months in advance, at her shower.

She's walking with you through the party, drink in hand, chatting lively. She spots her fiancé across the room and gives a cute feminine wave. Then she turns back to you, and now you can't hear what she's saying. She's drowned out by the fast beating of your heart and the Adele song rising in volume. Out of nowhere, you recognize the song to be "One and Only." You remember the lyrics and how true they are for this situation; so you do what you always do, sing. You sing the first verse to her with so much meaning and passion that you don't know how the rest of the party didn't hear you belting your lungs out. When you're done, she begins to sing the chorus back to you, but she's changed the words. Instead, she sings "I dare you to be my, my one and only. I know you're worthy to hold in my arms, so come on, I'll give you a chance to show me you're the one who can, walk that mile until the end starts."

You're positively shocked. She smiles at you when she's done and you can't take it anymore; she finally knows how you feel. You run away. You run away from the party as fast as you can. Eventually you find yourself at a friend's house yelling at her that you can't love her, but you do, that you just can't help it. Something makes a sound behind you and you turn around to find her in the doorway. She's standing there staring at you. You realize what you had just done. You said you love her and she heard you.

You gasp and start to cry, not because she heard you, but because all of it was a dream. You lie in bed and just cry. Adele is playing from your laptop, which is certainly the reason it featured in your dream. If anything, you decide, you have to stop dreaming about her. 'Aren't dreams supposed to be an escape from the real world, not worse?' you think.

As you try to separate dream from reality, you remember that she had broken up with the douche earlier that day. You think you should be happy about that, but then she's really sad, so you can't help but be sad for her.

After a couple of weekends, you both go to a nearby college with your group of friends. Everyone parties except you, her and another close friend, who go out to get food. As you all are walking, the conversation takes many curves and paths, but one in particular sticks out to you. They're discussing men. You don't like men; your other friend doesn't like men, so that leaves one person talking about men. Her. Why would she do this to you? You know she's bi. Everyone knows she's bi, she's even had a girlfriend, but she insists on talking about men all the time.

Then the unthinkable happens. The thing you've been longing to hear. An answer. When you protest that you're a lesbian and she's talking about men, she says "Sorry, guys. I love you, but Kayleigh was the only girl for me." It was an answer at least, even if it was one that broke your heart. You smile and laugh, but inside you're wishing you were alone so you could actually cry. After that, you kept your distance the rest of the night. Of course, until you're made to sleep with her on the floor. Then there's nada. Nothing. No closeness, no warmth. It's like you're both sleeping separately, but using the same blanket. You don't sleep that night.

The next night, a Saturday, there's a huge college party you both go to with a bunch of your friends. You had just gotten another tattoo, so you can't drink, automatically making you DD. You talk to her some; have some legitimate conversations with her while she's hammered. It's then that you realize you have no chance any more. She keeps talking about this boy she met at the college the night before and how 'cute' he is. It's making you sick so you change the subject. By the end of the night there's not even a hint that she'd make out with you again, even though you promised yourself that you'd push her away if that happened. It's not fair when she's drunk. You end up taking care of six drunk friends that night, and your mind is free of her.

"Should I give up, or should I just keep chasing pavements even if it leads no where? Or would it be a waste, even if I knew my place. Should I leave it there?" You sing with the Adele song on the CD. You never knew how well the song fit your situation. You feel special that Adele wrote a song just for you.

On Monday, she finds you alone and asks if you're going to dinner, you go with her even though she keeps texting 'Tyler' and giggling. You get used to it after a while. You even ask what he says, sometimes, to desensitize yourself. Then you go back to her room and she puts on Spongebob, which is replaying all your favorite Halloween specials, so you stay and watch them with her. You'd never admit you like Spongebob to anyone but her. You both lie there and laugh at how ridiculous the show is and how it actually causes slower processes in children's brains; something you're surprised that she knows. Overall, it's comfortable, so comfortable that she begins to doze off next to you. After the current episode ends, you get up, careful not to wake her, and leave. During your walk home you realize you have a decision to make. Either be comfortable with her and miserable on the inside, or tell her how you feel and risk the friendship. You have a lot of thinking to do.

By the next weekend, you've decided it's not worth the good friendship you've established. You've decided to let it go and just be happy that she has found someone who likes her that isn't a douche-bag. You've decided that you can deal with just being friends. You've decided that you'll move on eventually. And most importantly, you've come to the conclusion that you couldn't get her sober.

A/N: Nobody be sad that I didn't get the girl in the end. It's all good, seriously. I don't need to date anyone right now, anyway. It's the first 2-3 months of college, I need chill. Anyways, I apologize for how awkward it sounds about going to eat and going back to their houses, because in real life, those are dorm rooms and a cafeteria :P Oh, and I'm also sorry for the spelling/grammer mistakes that are most likely in here. It's late and I'm tired.

Review, please? It'll make me feel better. Thanks :)