"Love is a promise, love is a souvenir, once given never forgotten, never let it disappear"

~ John Lennon ~

"Where were you, Damon?"

It was just a simple question but it brought enough pain to his undead heart.

"I shouldn't have left.. I promise you, I will never leave you again."

He had no idea how to cure the scar of her heart, in fact, there was no cure at all. She was too broken to be fixed but he would never give up on her.

Soon as Elena fell asleep on the couch, Damon carried her to his room. He didn't even bother of Stefan who had made his way back to the boarding house, as long as Stefan wouldn't lay a finger on her, he didn't mind but his brother's presence was different problem. Elena. She'd be upset to see Stefan just the way he was now.

He shouldn't have thought about all those things, he should just focus on Elena now and he wanted to bring happiness in her hollow heart.

He laid her down and put the covers up to her chin to make her warm. She was trembling since he brought her back to the boarding house.

His hand reached her hair and put them aside. She was beautiful, indeed, and no one can deny that.

God, she was so fragile and scared him if he hold her tightly she would break. How could Stefan do this to her?

He still remembered when Elena asked him not to compel her but there was a little hope in her eyes. A hope that someday Stefan would change and come back. He can see it.

Somehow he really wanted to make her happy again which means to bring Stefan's humanity back, well, it was a lot of work. He can't just give up if he want to make her happy.

"Don't leave me, please..." she was talking in her sleep.

Maybe it was a bad dream. So many things had happened for the past 2 weeks, no wonder she would have had bad dreams.

He made his way back to her sleeping form and stroked her face, unwilling to leave her alone even just for a second.

This girl would be the death of him. She had succeeded to make him feel again, she brought his humanity back and she taught him how to love again, even if she didn't love him back.

"Please come back, Stefan.." and there it was, even in her sleep she was begging, pleading for Stefan to come back.

He can't blame her, she made it clear that it will always be Stefan. He was just a minor character in her life yet he didn't mind at all, as long as he can stay close to her and make her safe.

He sat on the bed and held her hand without her realizing it.

"I will bring him back for you, I promise.." he promised her for the second time in that night. A promise that he intent to keep whatever the cost.

He kissed her forehead a little longer than usual as a sign to seal the deal.

First part is done and this is not the end of everything but it'll be 2 or 3 shots actually. I just need to write it down and your reviews mean love to me, so please let me know what you think.. :)

Thank you!