Hi Max Artemis Potter here but you can call me Max. This is my first story so please be gentle in the comments this my first competition my rookie year so enjoy and please read the author note at the bottom.

The First Competition

Nerves make you feel sick as you line up to go on. A serious scowl dawns your face as the loud speaker announced that your band is next. You are called to attention. The world falls silent as you realize that it is time to perform. You remember the word of your officer to no matter what to look at the press box and to remain serious.

You hear the command of FORWARD MARCH the snare started the beat of left, left, left. You resist the temptation of look at the crowd to search for a familiar face as you march on tto the field to your opening set.

When you finally reach your spot you watch the Drum Major march to the podium. The loud speaker ask if you are ready you want to scream NO, but you bit your tongue keep your mouth shut and watch the Drum major salute the crowd.

The nerves return as you watch the count off and then a miracle happens as music begins your nerves wash away as your muscles move on their own the moves clicking in your mind. Your feel…GREAT as you play the instrument in your hands with skill your never knew you had as the drums beat and trumpets blared. Before long the music stop the show over. You're sad but happy to be done.

At awards the nerves make a third appearance that night when you are called to a parade rest. The awards are given out one class at a time starting at the bottom with 1A. When they finally reach your class and you are called to attention that is where you start to hope and pray that you will win when they reach first place you know that you won. When your bands name is called your entire band of sixty jumps up and scream in joy, but it is not over yet there is still one more award, Grand Champion. As you wait the air fills with tension. Finally the winning band is announced and…


AUTHOR NOTE: Hi again Max here but if you think I should continue this story please PM me or say so in a review. Do not forget to REVEIW. GO BAND!