So I've been reading Once in a Red Moon by Nadine25, and was inspired to make my own ByaIta story! So, I hope you all enjoy.

Setting: Unknown this Chapter
Pairing: ByaIta
Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Bleach or Naruto AT ALL…sadly.


Part of him knew that one day he would die, but he preferred if it would be in the heat of battle. No, he was not a man of the eleventh division. He was a man - the captain - of the sixth division. He did not like those brutes nor their captain. Yet, since the loss of his wife years ago, he wanted to die in such a manner and could not find the proper reason why.

The second part of him wanted to feel as if he could get through anything. Whether it came to keeping a promise to his late wife or following the laws of the Gotei 13, he knew that he could try and find some way through it; even if it required outside help. He would live through it all.

A small sliver of him did not want to be alone. Even when the time would come for him to die. Since his late wife died, he was alone. All he had was Rukia.

The last little smidget of him went to her well being for when the time finally came. His adopted sister would be alone if he passed. She would be saddened and would have to become the next head of the Kuchiki clan. He had to get the elders to accept her before he moved on.

When Kuchiki Byakuya finally fell, all his thoughts about death & his goals until then disappeared into nothing. He could only feel his body slowly becoming fuzzy and warm when his eyes closed. He did not dislike it or like it, but it reminded him of the warmth of his late wife's hand when she finally succumbed to her illness. He could feel his soul slowly slipping from his body as the faint noises of fourth divisioners and orders from his lieutenant faded into the background.

He knew he had died, but where he was going to be reborn was left unknown as he finally slipped into the unending darkness.

Yea, cheesy little prologue with vague details of his death. It's not going into detail yet sinceI don't find it necessary too yet. But I will eventually in the story. So, please review/alert. Thanks!