A/N: Um, don't know exactly what it was Dom used to call Brian, was it a Buster? Or how long exactly Dom was in Lompoc, so just use your imagination and go along with me, alright? Or if you do know please let me know, please. This story takes place right after the forth movie and ignores the fifth.

Disclaimer: I own nothing, but the plot. Characters and such and such all belong to their rightful owners and creators, and anyone else I'm leaving out.

Warnings: SLASH. Dom/Brian SLASH. Violence.

Rated: M for mature content and eventual slash in later chapters.

Summary: Right after Brian and Mia rescue Dom, an old enemy of Dom's is released from Lompoc and wants revenge, so he kidnaps Brian. Now, Dom is forced to play a deadly game in order to save Brian. Dom/Brian slash.

ALERT: I may come back and edit material as needed.

Drive Fast. Kiss Slow.

The adrenaline was starting to die out, leaving a slight buzz humming through his veins as Brian gripped the steering wheel of the Charger just a little tighter. He was feeling giddy and stupidly happy, like a small boy on Christmas morning. He looked over to the passenger seat just in time to see Dom undo the cuffs on his hands and feet. Yeah, exactly like a small boy on Christmas morning, who had just gotten everything he had asked for.

"Good to be out of those," commented Dom, throwing the chains into the back seat along with the small, tool box that Brian had given him pacifically for the purpose of removing the cuffs.

"There are some clothes in the back too," said Brian, still smiling stupidly. "We'll stop up here in a bit so you can change and ride with Mia. I know she has a lot to talk to you about, and the drive to Mexico is a long one."

Brian glanced over at Dom for a moment, and their eyes met for just a split second before they both suddenly broke out into a fit of laughter.

They had done it. They weren't sure how, but they did it. Dom looked over at a still laughing Brian and thought, only Brian would be stupid enough to pull a stunt like this. Yep, still a buster.

The laughter died and Dom asked, "So, now what?"

"First, we head for Mexico and then Rio de Janeiro," answered Brian and Dom raised a questioning eyebrow at him. Brian just smirked before continuing. "Vince is waiting for us there."

"Ah," Dom replied, nodding his head. "But exactly how are we going to get there?"

"Don't worry about it. I got everything worked out already. Just trust me."

Dom nodded. Why not, he thought. Brian had come through for him every other time before, what would be different now?_

Camille watched the news report that flashed across the TV screen with amusement. They were telling all about the incredible escape of one Dominic Toretto and that if anyone should spot him to call the police immediately. Camille laughed, scaring a few of the other patrons of the small diner he was in. He wasn't at all surprised to hear that his old friend Dom had escaped, in fact, he had almost planned for something like that to have happened.

After the picture of Dom was flashed across the screen, a picture of Brian and Mia were posted. Camille eyed them very closely. So, that was the man that had bailed Dom out of prison and kept him from getting caught a few years back.

Interesting, thought Camille, if I had someone like that on my team, someone that willing to give up his whole life for me in a split second, I'd be a little reluctant to let him go. And what a pretty sister Dom has. It would be such a shame if anything were to happen to either of them. And I'm sure Dom would not like that. Not at all.

The smile that spread across Camille's face could only be described as maniacal and it effectively scared away anyone within ten feet of him. But Camille paid no heed to the people who gave him a wide berth, too absorbed in memorizing the picture of one Brian O'Connor. And when the TV screen changed to some commercial about earwax removal Camille turned his attention to the young, punk waitress of the diner.

"Check," he called to the pigtailed girl with too much black eye-shadow and a large silver nose ring. She looked, annoyed, over at him before ripping off a piece of paper from her note pad and placing it in front of him.

"Cash," she told him and continued when Camille gave her a questioning look. "You don't look like the type of man who can be trusted."

One, short man with a balding head who sat a few seats down from Camille looked shocked and fearful, thinking that the young girl had just signed her death certificate.

Camille and the girl said nothing for a moment, each just staring the other down before Camille broke out in laughter and pulled out his wallet and handed the girl two twenties. "Keep the change Doll Face."

The girl looked surprised as she took the money from Camille. "Thanks," she replied, smiling at Camille for the first time.

"Your welcome and you're right, I'm not a man who can be trusted." And with that Camille stood and left the diner, leaving its patrons baffled by his statement. Would they have believed that today was his first day out of jail in twelve years? From the way they kept eyeballing him, probably.

Dom glanced back in the review mirror every couple of minutes, making sure the little Honda NSX was still behind him.

"He's not going anywhere," commented Mia from beside her brother as she rolled her eyes at him.

"What?" Asked Dom. Turning his attention to his little sister who was seated in the passenger seat of the Charger. When they had stopped at a little, rinky-dink gas station to refuel, Brian had tossed Dom the keys to the Charger and switched rides with Mia. Brian knew that Dom and his sister needed some time by themselves to talk.

Mia rolled her eyes at her brother again. "Brian's not going anywhere."

"Who said I was worried that he'd go anywhere?" Mia just gave Dom a 'you're joking, right?' look. Dom sighed in defeat. There was no fooling his sister. "Guess I'm just worried about the buster that's all."

"Yeah," replied Mia, softly. "He was worried about you too. He spent every minute planning your escape. And fixing the Charger. I swear, I don't think I saw him sleep more than twenty minutes at a time."

"Buster was always hyperactive," commented Dom, but his face was stern, like he was concentrating very hard on something.

"Yeah, that's Brian in a nutshell," laughed Mia, settling back in her seat and getting comfortable. "He told me that he wouldn't rest until we got you out."


"No need to thank me. I'm your sister. I did it just because I love you. It's Brian you need to thank. He pulled all sorts of strings to get this to work. I don't even know how he got us all fake passports."

Dom looked surprised. He hadn't known Brian had friends who could do that, nor that he had got them all fake passports. "He got us passports?" Asked Dom.

"Yeah," replied Mia, pulling out her side bag and digging in it. "Didn't Brian tell you?"

No, he hadn't. He had just told Dom to trust him and he did. When had he become so complacent? When did he start trusting Brian so much that he would leave not only his life, but also the life of his sister in his hands?

Mia pulled out the passports from her purse as she smiled up at Dom. "So, how does it feel to be a free man, Mister Dominic Bellini?" Asked Mia.

"Bellini? Seriously? Who picked the name?"

"Brian and I. Well, Brian suggested it and I liked the way it sounded. Mia Bellini."

Dom hummed in thought, mulled over the word, letting it roll over his tongue a few times. "Well, it's not atrocious. I guess I could get used to it. But what name did Brian pick for himself?"

"Brian Spencer. He decided to go with something simple and common, but not at common as Smith or Jones."

"And definitely not Spilner."

Mia laughed and it made Dom smile to see her happy and laughing. God, how he missed seeing her happy.

"He's a good man," Dom finally stated after awhile. "The kind of man I could entrust my family to." Taking his eyes off the road for a moment, he turned and stared Mia in the eye, seeing her smile disappear and her eyes cut downward.

"Yeah, he is a good man. Reminds me a little bit of you, actually."

"Mia, what's wrong? Did he do something to hurt you? 'Cause, I swear to God-," stated Dom, furiously.

"No! No! Brian would never!" Cut in Mia before Dom could finish. Dom felt his anger vanish, replaced with relief. His hands released their death grip on the steering wheel and Dom wondered, idly, when they had done that. "It's just..." Dom waited patiently, knowing that when Mia was ready she'd tell him. "Oh, I don't know. I think the fire, or whatever was between us is gone. I don't know how to explain it. It's like we're not as close as we used to be."

"Give him some time. You said so yourself that he hasn't been sleeping a lot lately. He's probably just tired and has a lot of things on his mind. Once we get out of the states he'll be back to his old self and you two back to whatever it was you were," replied Dom, teasingly. "Just wait."

"You're probably right," conceded Mia, but her eyes spoke differently.

Just then the walkie-talkie on the dash sputtered and hissed before an amused voice came over the line. "You guys are talking trash about me aren't you?" Asked Brian, playfully.

Dom smiled as Mia watched him pick up the walkie-talkie off the dash, bring it close to his mouth, and press the small, black button on the side. "Yeah, how'd you know, Goblin?" Teased Dom.

"I could hear you guys from way back here."

"I don't doubt it with those satellite dishes on the sides of your head you call ears."

"Hey! These satellite dishes are the reason I've been able to stay out of jail for so long! And if you had them, perhaps you wouldn't keep going back to jail."

"If I had a choice between those elephant ears and jail again. I'd take jail," laughed Dom.

Mia sat quietly in the passenger's seat, just watching the exchange between the two men. And it warmed her heart to see them both (well, see one at least. Hear the other.) so happy after such a long time of being depressed. She was happy that her family was back together again.

Just like it should be, she thought to herself.

But she also knew that nothing would ever be the same again. No. Something had changed between them all. Dom was wrong, Brian and she could never go back to being whatever they had been, but they could still be a family. She loved Brian and he loved her, but no longer in a romantic sense. And as she sat there listening to the boys' playful banter, she realized what had changed among them. Or, perhaps, not changed, but became revealed.

Camille sat quietly in his motel room, looking over various documents that lay out in front of him on the bed when there was a knock at his door.

"Who's there?" Asked Camille with a bored tone.

"It's us Mister Petrov. We have the information you wanted," said a voice on the other side of Camille's door.

Camille stood quickly and walked the two strides it took to reach the door and unlocked it. Opening the door, Camille was greeted by the sight of two rather rough looking men, one standing at about six feet tall, with a lazy eye, and the other a couple of inches shorter than his friend. Camille moved to allow the two men in and noticed the manila envelope the taller one had in his grasp.

The two men squeezed by Camille and allowed him to close the door behind them before speaking. "The info you wanted," stated the tall fellow as he handed the envelope to Camille.

"Yes," happily chimed Camille as he undid the clasp and pulled out the papers that were inside it.

The taller of the two men cleared his throat to catch Camille's attention. "We know the boss holds you in high regards. I mean, you were one of his best drug smugglers and you were completely loyal to him even while in prison. But we don't know you personally. So we don't trust you that much."

"Of course. I understand," replied Camille walking over to his duffle bag that lay on the floor next to his bed. After digging in it for a moment, Camille pulled out a roll of bills. He looked over the wad of cash for a moment before tossing it over to the tall man. "There you are. Split it among the two of you. Now leave."

The man caught the money easily. He eyed it for a second before nodding to his friend and then they left. Once Camille was left alone in his room once more, he slid out the papers in the envelope and read over them quickly.

On the first piece of paper, clipped to the top right hand corner, was a picture of Dom. On the next paper was a picture of Mia clipped to it. And, finally, on the last one was a picture of Brian. Camille smiled wickedly.

"Dominic Bellini," Camille said aloud, searing the name to memory. "Mia Bellini," he continued, flipping through the papers. "And Brian Spencer. You're all heading for Mexico, huh? How unfortunate that you're all going to run into some trouble on the way."

A/N: So, there it is the first chapter of Drive Fast. Kiss Slow. What do you think? Wait! Don't answer that just yet. Please read chapter two and then let me know if this story is worth continuing. Thanks.

Spot any grammar mistakes let me know, so that I can learn and grow.

Dig Out: Accelerate quickly.

Blower: An engine with a supercharger. Superchargers are installed on an automobile to increase the engine's output, resulting in a faster vehicle. A Supercharge increases the mass of air entering the engine, thereby increasing horsepower and torque.

Haze the Hides: To spin and smoke the rear tires.

Huffer: Supercharger.