Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, Twilight, or any familiar aspects. I only own my characters and the plot. This disclaimer is for the entire story, no copyright infringement is intended.

Summary: Eighteen years ago, twin babies were born in the Malfoy manor. Changing the perspective of a very old and powerful family. Sent away by their father at a young age, they are believed to be dead by everyone. Celestia Arabella Malfoy, also known as Isabella Swan, vows to return and help her family after Edward leaves. She is willing to do anything to ensure the safety of her family, no matter the cost.

A/N : Hello, everyone! This story has been under a very unreliable update schedule. But my goal is to have it completed by the end of the year at the latest. I do have to say that this story is written for fun, it's not meant to be super strict to the HP and Twilight storyline. It might not follow the books or certain aspects exactly. For example, it is set closer to the present time. Simply because it's easier for me to write what I know. I was born in 1995, so writing everything as if its set in the 90s would be time consuming. Just bear with me. As of right now, the current time of the story follows Twilight, with it being 2004.

It is being edited at the moment as I started writing this when I was 16, yikes! But I won't edit it so much that you have to re-read it. Just making it easier to read and more consistent.

As for reviews: no matter when you post a review I will answer it in the following chapter. For example, if you post a review for chapter 9, the response will be posted at the end of chapter 10. No matter if you reviewed when the chapter came out or a year later. I will update chapters as needed. I prefer to respond to reviews this way, so everyone has a chance to read responses in case it answers questions or has background info. If you would prefer I don't answer this way, feel free to PM me!

Let me know what you think!

January 27, 1987 6:00 pm

Malfoy Manor

Third Person POV:

"Congratulations, Lucius." The pale handsome man says to one of his most loyal followers. He smirks in amusement at how the usually well-groomed and orderly man currently looks. His long blonde hair is in great disarray, clothes wrinkled, green eyes wide and joyous. All hiding behind a poorly masked facade of indifference.

"Thank you, my Lord. I cannot tell you how honored Narcissa and myself are to have you in our home for this glorious event." The pale man replies, trying to shift his eyes away from the two newborns being held by their mother. A rare smile lighting up the face of the usually hard-faced man, as the baby in the emerald green blanket gurgles and looks up at him.

"Of course, Malfoy. It's important to meet my future followers. They will do great things under my rule." He smirks darkly, looking hungrily at the two blonde children. "Their names?"

It is the beautiful blonde woman that answers this time, keeping her adoring gaze on her children. Her face ,slick with sweat and exhaustion, is shining brightly with unconcealed joy.

"Scorpious Alexandre and Celestia Arabella Malfoy, my Lord." The dark- haired man smiles. There is something cold and lifeless in his smile that gives the other occupants a sense of discomfort.

"Welcome to the world Scorpious and Celestia. You are the first of the new generation of future death eaters. When the time comes, you will be great allies in the fight for a new and better world." He reaches over, touching both babies on their left forearms. Ignoring their cries of pain, he departs without a look back. Leaving both parents in a state of bewilderment and fright.

"Lucius, what are we going to do?" Narcissa whispers looking down at her children's arms, branded with a sign of their master. Each unique from each other and what the Dark Lord usually branded on his followers.

Celestia has a beautiful emerald snake curling from the base of her elbow to the tip of her middle finger. Where it playfully licks her miniature fingernail, making her giggle and put her fingers into her mouth. Scorpious' holds a powerful miniature green dragon curled around his whole left arm. It stretches its wings, showing elaborate designs of green and black on its mighty wings. It stretches its head back and lets out a mighty silent roar, releasing a small cloud of 'fire'.

"WHAT ELSE NARCISSA? THEY ARE MALFOYS, AND... we have always served Lord Voldemort." He says harshly. Celestia looks up at her father and smiles, her beautiful icy blue eyes crinkling around the edges. A terrible feeling of dread awakens for the first time in his stomach. Knowing that one day his children will be in danger, and in danger of losing their child-like innocence.

His expression softens as he looks at Scorpious, chuckling as his son tries to hit the dragon on his arm. Only, of course, to hit his arm and give a frustrated cry. The tattooed dragon, frightened, flies through the surface of his body and lands on his face. Outlining the area between his left eye and hairline, cheek, and most of his neck. The little boy looks around at his arms and not finding his new playmate, pouts.

"I don't want them to live this life Lucius." She whispers, looking at her children. Fear and worry present in her usually confident voice. Images of her future children harming others and killing under their master causing her to shiver. Why had they chosen to follow this monster?

"They won't. I will figure something out." He says wrapping his arms around his wife, smiling fondly at his children.