A/N: I am sorry for the delay but I've been caught up with my studying…

I want to thank: NikkiBee, Sparrow95, applebombz, Zoek80, KamilahKaliope, Crimsonyaokiku, sup234, tahitiankisses, terrier2468, 88dragon06, Crazylanie93, The Red Crayon, Udumuhv, Unidad, TinkerbellxO, lially, sash queen of the jungle, CharlieCats, AdaYuki, funnygirl00, Terriah and Leyshla Gisel.

Thank you all for your support, guys! You're amazing.

Oh and please go and vote on my new POLL. I need your opinion about a new story. So, vote please. I have another poll but I will put it up as soon as I have some results from the first one. It's about the same subject. Thank you in advance!

On with the LAST chapter!

Disclaimer: I do not own Pirates of The Caribbean.

Chapter 38

Bella looked at Jack as they walked down the darkened street with a small frown on her face. She squeezed his hand to get his attention and he turned his face to her.

"Aye?" he smirked and she looked around.

"Where are we going?" she asked him and he chuckled.

"Don't you trust me?" he asked as he pulled her closer and wrapped and arm around her waist.

"I do." She said tentatively and he grinned.

"I was thinking of spending some time alone with you." he said quietly before he pointed towards a building down the street.

"Inn?" she asked before she swallowed thickly.

"Why yes! I am a bit hungry too. All that bloody champagne messed with my stomach." He waved a hand dismissively.

"Jack, you're a drinker." She pointed out as she burrowed deeper in the warmth of his arms.

"I prefer rum. Rum's good." He said as he pecked the top of her head.

"Do you have any idea how much that champagne cost?" she chuckled and he snorted.

"What a useless way to spend your money." He commented before he pulled his arm away and grasped her hand instead. He pulled her inside the inn and Bella was immediately thankful for the warmth of the place.

He headed straight for the counter and the man behind it smiled at him, clearly impressed by Jack's fine clothing. Bella had the urge to laugh but she resisted the urge when Jack gazed down at the man haughtily.

"What can I do for you, sir?" the inn keeper asked as he gazed at Bella briefly.

"A room, please. For two." Jack said as he reached into his pocket and produced some coins. He placed them on the counter and the man took them with another smile.

"Of course, sir. I'll have it ready for you immediately. We can also prepare some food for you if you're interested." The innkeeper suggested and Jack nodded.

"That'd be nice, wouldn't it, dear?" Jack turned to look at Bella and winked.

"Yes." She nodded with a tight smile.

"Can I have a name please?" the inn keeper asked as he opened his book to write down their names.

"John Rothington and wife." Jack lied easily and Bella's eyes widened a tiny bit.

"Very good and how long will you stay?"

"Just tonight." Jack answered shortly.

"Alright then. Please go through there and be seated. My wife will be there with some stew soon." The keeper said and Bella followed Jack towards a table. As soon as they had sat down Bella leaned towards Jack.

"How can you lie so easily? He might understand we're not…together." She said quietly and Jack raised an eyebrow.

"We are together, love. We're just not a married couple." He leaned over and kissed her right on the lips, "But we are together, aren't we?" he breathed against her lips and Bella blinked dazedly.

"Yes." She murmured and he kissed her one more time before he pulled back.

"But we need to establish some rules." She told him in a firmer voice.

"What kind of rules?" he asked with slightly narrowed eyes but she could see that there was also amusement in his gaze.

"First of all, you need to stop lying to me. In everything." She told him and he sniffed in indignation.

"I can do that. I can minimize my dishonest ways." He said and Bella stared at him.

"Really?" she asked with disbelief.

"Aye! Anything else, your highness?" he asked with mock annoyance.

"No more dealings with old friends, if you know what I mean?" she asked and Jack straightened in his chair.

"I guess you're talking about Joan and tonight's grievous events." He commented and she nodded.


"Fine. I know what you think." He said while pointing a finger at her.

"What?" she voiced in confusion and he opened his mouth to reply but the inn keeper's wife entered with a tray of steaming food. She set the bowls in front of them along with a bottle of water and two glasses.

Jack shrugged out of his expensive coat and smiled at the middle-aged woman.

"Excuse me, is there any ale? Or gin perhaps? You see, I want to celebrate a very profitable business deal tonight." He said and the woman paused before her eyes lit up.

"We do have some wine, sir. Would you like some?" she suggested and Jack grinned at her charmingly.

"Perfect." He nodded and the woman hurried away to fetch the wine.

"Do you have enough money or are we going to leave without paying?" Bella asked as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"I have. I thought you said you trusted me." He pouted and Bella's lips twitched.

The woman returned with the wine and poured it for them before she disappeared in the back.

"So, like I was saying, I know what you think." He said as he took a sip of wine.

"What do I think, do tell." She said as she picked up her spoon and started eating her stew. It was nice, warm and tasty. Like Nellie's. Nellie. She would miss her; terribly.

"I think that you think that I cannot be a one-woman man." He said as he swallowed and Bella paused.

"Alright. Do you blame me for thinking that?" she asked softly and Jack took a deep breath through his nose before he answered quietly.

"No. But that doesn't mean that I cannot change me mind about things."

Bella looked at the food before she raised her eyes to his.

"I believe you. I want to." She said and he leaned forward to touch her cheek with his hand.

"I'll show you, if you'll let me. Later. Upstairs." He grinned and she blushed before she slapped his hand away.


"Wha'?" he blinked innocently and she couldn't help but smile at his expression. He'd be the death of her, she was certain.

"Fine. Will you let me eat now?" she asked and he cocked his head to the side before he brought his chair over to her side, placing it next to her. He threw an arm around her chair and picked up his glass. He took a sip while watching her eat before he copied her and started eating as well.

Bella smiled inwardly at his good behavior after that.

Bella's back hit the door hard and she gasped out loud as Jack's lips fell onto hers. Her hands grabbed his sides tightly as his hands delved into her hair and grasped it roughly. His body pressed against hers tightly as he tilted his head to deepen the kiss. His tongue slid into her mouth and explored it greedily as her hands slid around his hips to pull him in tighter. He groaned and he slapped his hands against the hard wood above her head as he pressed his pelvis firmly against hers. Bella's hands went to his vest and she quickly unbuttoned it before she pushed it off his shoulders. Jack pushed the fabric away with his foot and placed his hands on her back, pulling her to his chest as his fingers went to untie the laces of her dress. He broke the kiss in order to concentrate on the act at hand and Bella's face went into the crook of his neck. She nuzzled the skin she found there and Jack released a small groan against her own neck as he finally managed to pull the laces from their slits. He tugged until he could push the fabric off her shoulders and when he did he pulled her in for a kiss again.

Bella slid her hands up to his neck and cupped his face as his hands gripped her hips tightly. His mouth left her parted lips and travelled down her jaw to her throat as his hands fisted her shift. Her fingers travelled down to his waistband and pulled at his shirt as her lips pressed a kiss to the side of his neck. He broke away from her to grab the hem of his shirt and he pulled it over his head. He threw it somewhere behind him and grinned at her before he grabbed her hand and pulled her away from the door.

Bella followed him in silence and he released her as he sat down on the bed to pull off his boots. As soon as he was done he pulled her closer and placed her between his legs as his hands touched her waist. He leaned his head against her stomach and pressed a kiss just below her breasts through her shift before he slipped his hands beneath the fabric. His fingers came in contact with her calves first before he trailed them upwards towards her thighs.

Bella looked down at him and her breathing got heavier as his hands slid further upwards. He pushed down her stockings and then let his hands travel upwards again. He hooked his fingers around her undergarments and he pulled them down in one vicious tug. Bella stepped out of them and kicked off her shoes just before he pulled her down to the bed. He quickly rolled them over and pressed a quick but deep kiss on her lips before he pulled back.

"You taste like wine." She told him with a chuckle and he grinned down at her, "It's better than rum." She commented and he pouted.

"Do not insult my rum." He growled as he leaned down and bit the exposed skin of her breast. He went back to her mouth and kissed her again as if he couldn't get enough of her before he chuckled.

"You taste the same." He laughed as he pulled back and slid down her body. Bella looked at him in confusion until he pushed her legs apart and settled between them. Her breath hitched when he pushed up her shift and looked down at her. He smirked and his hand traveled the length of her leg before he grasped her thigh tightly. He turned his head and placed a warm openmouthed kiss on her inner thigh before he repeated the motion to her other leg as well. Bella's legs tensed on either side of him and she gasped when he pressed his mouth against her flesh.

"Jack!" she moaned and he pulled back from her.

"Hush." He murmured as he licked his lower lip and slid up her body again, taking her shift with him. She sat up and he pulled it from her body before she rested her head against the pillows again. He nestled his body between her thighs and leaned down to catch her lips with his while he started removing his black breeches. He kicked them away with his feet and resumed his place between her legs. His hands slipped under her back and he pulled her up against him as his mouth delved for her neck. His tongue lapped at the skin hungrily before he fastened his lips at the skin where her neck met her shoulder. He sucked gently and then harder as he felt her body arching up towards him. His fingers pressed hard against her back and he left her shoulder to kiss his way down her collarbone to her chest. Bella's mouth fell open when the warm wetness of his mouth engulfed the tip of her breast. Her hand left the mattress and went to cradle his head and he groaned softly around her flesh before he pulled back and covered her lips with his own again.

Her hands trailed up and down his tattooed back as they kissed and she wrapped a leg around his waist in an effort to pull him closer to her. He moaned loudly as their hips pressed tightly together and reached between them with a hand to align himself with her body. He pressed his forehead against hers and took a deep, ragged breath before he thrust his hips forward and buried himself inside of her. Bella's eyes widened and she gasped as she locked her legs around him and grasped at his back. Her nails bit into the skin of his back as he settled a strong, deep pace and her eyes slipped closed as she tried to cherish their connection.

Jack's breathing was heavy and uneven by her ear and every once in a while he quietly gasped her name. His voice was hoarse but it caused wonderful shivers up and down her spine every time he uttered her name.

When it was over and Jack collapsed next to her with a groan in an effort not to crush her and pulled her close to him. He tucked her head under his chin and pulled the covers around them as they tried to catch their breath.

"Bella, I…" he started but grimaced, "I…" he tried again but she placed her hand over his mouth to shush him.

"I know. Me too." She murmured and he breathed a deep sigh of relief before he smiled and leaned down to kiss her.

"Are you sure you want to do this with a letter?" Jack asked her as they stood behind some bushes just by the Stevensons' house.

Bella looked at the letter in her hand and nodded.

"Yes, I'm sure." She whispered

"Alright…" he frowned, "What about your things?" he asked and she turned to him with a small smile.

"I have everything I want." She told him quietly and he wrapped his arm around her and kissed her forehead fiercely.

"Go ahead then." He motioned towards the gates.

Bella nodded and headed towards the entrance. She looked at the envelope in her hand and took a deep breath. Once she was at the gates she placed the letter in the letterbox and stepped back. Her eyes shifted towards the gardens but she didn't see anyone. She looked up at the manor and muttered a quiet goodbye before she turned and walked back to Jack. Back to the life she chose.

Extract from Bella's letter to the Stevenson household:

I am sorry if I let you down and if you feel like I betrayed you by leaving like this. I will miss you; all of you, but I had to do this. I owe you my existence because by accepting me into your home you saved me and you brought me a new life. I owe you everything I am and more but I owe him my soul because he was the only one who was confident enough to capture it. And it's not a golden cage he has it in but one without bars.



The End.

Author's note: I hope you liked it. Thank you so much for reading and following this story! I would love to hear your thoughts on this last chapter. I will see most of you on my other stories! :D

And don't forget to vote!

Xxx Lina :)