The Dead are Walking

Chapter one: The Coma

Hiya, so i'm a pretty big fan of everything zombie. When I fist started watching The Walking Dead, I needed to watch more. Same probably goes for you. Only a couple of days ago did I think to look up The Walking Dead on Fanfiction and i'm so happy it's on here.

Anyway, enough with my rambling and on with the story. Just so you know, it is a Daryl/Blair. I thought about it being Shane/Blair since I don't really see a lot of stories of him and someone else, but I really want a Daryl/Blair. I might just have to do another story with Shane. That sounds good...

Disclaimer: I don't own anything or anyone in The Walking Dead..only the characters I put in it.

Summary: Blair didn't expect Shane to be at her door, let alone Lori and Carl. And that look in Shane's eyes told her that something was wrong. "Rick is dead and we gotta get out of here."

It was another hot Georgia day and I sure as hell didn't feel like doing anything. Not that I had anything to do. I was out of a job, single, and fed up with this town. It was just so small and everybody knew everything about you, but I couldn't move away. I've lived here in King County, Georgia my whole life. My mamma and daddy died here, my brother, Rick, lives here and I don't think I could part with my darling little nephew. Lori is another story though. She's my brother's wife.

We use to get along, I don't know why we don't any more. I really don't care if we're friends or not. I have better things to worry about. It was around 12:30 p.m. and I was hungry. I regretted not eating breakfast, even though I wasn't a breakfast person. I sure they have my favorite over at the diner.

I didn't live that far from the diner, so I just decided to walk. There was a nice breeze. I cursed myself for one wearing one of my summer dresses. Instead I just walked out in a pair of jeans and a plain white tee. That was mostly the kind of girl I was. Jeans and a tee. I did enjoy a dress now and then.

"Hey there young lady. You look like one of them girls that likes to get herself in trouble." I smiled and rolled my eyes.

"Are you following me officer Grimes," I said leaning against the cop car.

"Somebody has to protect the town from girls like you," the other officer said.

"Should of known you'd be in the car Shane. You two are inseparable."

"Well we are partners," Rick said.

"Oh, is that what you call yourselves now?" They both rolled their eyes. I loved to mess with them. It was my job to annoy the big brother and his best friend.

"Where ya headed?"

"Just to the diner to grab a bite to eat."

"Get in. We headed there too."

"Really, I don't want to impose on yalls afternoon date."

"Just get in," Shane said. I gave a chuckle and got in the back of the car.

"Have yall had any excitement yet," I asked with a mouthful of icecream.

"No, not yet," Shane said. "And there might not be any today. It's been pretty quiet."

"Except for the drunks at the bar," Rick said. I snorted.

"That's nothing new. There's nothing hardly new 'round here."I looked at my watch.

"Gotta go, I promised Kate i's help her move," I said getting up from the table.

"Alright, see ya later. Remember dinner at my house. No forgetting this time."

"Ooookay," I said giving Rick a kiss on the cheek. "And I didn't forget, I was just...late."

"Yeah whatever." I rolled my eyes.

"Bye Shane." He gave a wave, not being able to open his mouth because of the burger he was eating. He was always such a kid when he ate.

It had gotten a little hotter since the 30 minutes I had been inside. I hate the heat. I'm a "cold" person, always had been, but hated the snow. Loved it when I was younger but now I hate it. When I would go up North to visit some old friends, I would make sure that there was no snow on the ground and it was not snowing.

The walk to Kate's house wasn't very far. She lived the next street over from me. She was moving in with her brother and his wife since she couldn't afford her house anymore.

"Hey Kate," I said walking into the garage. She was moving boxes out of the way. She looked a little pale.

"Woah, are you okay. You look a little sick?"

"Yeah, just had a little fever this morning, but it's gone down some. Just tryin' to hurry up and get this done."

"where's your brother?"

"Workin'. He'll be over here later to help with the furniture and heavy stuff." She rubbed her temples and coughed.

"Are you sure you're okay," I said rubbing her back.

"Yes Blair. I'm good. It's probably just a bug goin' 'round. I'll be fine. Promise."

"Okay," I said not really believing it was all fine. "I'll start in the kitchen. She nodded and went back to messing around with the boxes.

Kate's brother came around six, which was good since I had to be over Rick's house. I ran to my house and got cleaned up ready to eat. Even though Lori and I aren't on good terms right now, that girl sure does know how to cook. I hoped in my car and drove off. they lived on the other side of town; a good ten minuet drive.

When I pulled up into the drive way the front door was shut. That's odd, it's usually open. There were no cars in the driveway. Where are they. I got out and went up and knocked at the door.

"Hello, i'm here and on time." I knocked again. "That's crazy right. Me being on time." Where they hell are they. We always have dinner on Thursdays and Sundays and they weren't here. I should be able to smell the food from the drive way. I turned around and saw Shane's car drive up.

"Where the hell were you," he asked getting out of the car. "I've been looking for you all over the place."

"Did ya check Kate's house," I asked crossing my arms. "And where are they? I don't smell any food." He grabbed my arm and pulled me to his car.

"Shane, what the hell?"

"Get in. We're going to the hospital." I just stood there as he got in.

"Lets go," he shouted. I got in and shut the door.

"Shane, what's going on? Why we gotta go to the hospital?" He didn't answer. "Shane?" He looked at me with sorrowful eyes.

"Rick, he was...shot," he said in a quiet voice. I just stared at him like a dummy.


"He was shot, Blair."

"Well i'm sure he'll be fine," I said putting on my seat belt.

"He's not waking up."

"Shane, I said he'll be fine. Now drive, lets go." He looked at me a moment and started the car.

"Are Lori and Carl there?" He nodded.

"He's in a coma. Doctors say he probably wont wake for a couple of weeks. If he wakes up at all." I looked out the window and watched the people I saw as we passed by. Rick was shot. Out of all the people in the world, my brother had been shot. I know I sound horrible by saying that, but he's my brother. My hero. I didn't allow myself to cry. I never was the type to cry. I held it in until I just blew up.

I know that's not healthy, but it's what I do. We arrived at the hospital. I didn't want to go in, but had too. My feet wouldn't stop until I reached Rick. Shane walked beside me with his arm around me. I patted his hand as we walked through the door. Lori and Carl were in the waiting room. Carl was in Lori's lap as he was looking at a book. Probably not even paying attention to the words.

"Lori,' Shane said. Her and Carl looked up.

"Aunt Blair," Carl said jumping out of Lori's lad and came over to me. I picked him up and gave him a tight squeeze.

"How ya doing champ," I said rubbing his back knowing that the little boy would need as much comfort as he could get.

"Okay, I guess. Dad..he..." He didn't finish his sentence. His eyes were really red and a little puffy.

"I know. I know. Not to worry though." I put him down and walked him over to Lori. She got up and gave me a hug even though, as you know, not on the best of terms.

"I'm sorry," she said.

"Me too. Our guy, he's strong. He'll be fine." We both sat down. Shane came back over to us after talking with one of the nurses at the desk.

"Doctor will be here in a minuet." He sat down on my side and put his head in his hands. I rubbed his back showing him some comfort. That was his best friend. Had been since they were kids. Five minutes had passed and the doctor had came over to us.

"I know I told you earlier there's a high chance he'll wake up, but now it's very slim. I'm sorry. Just know that there is still a chance." Then he walked away. Shane and I looked at Lori knowing that she had the power to pull the plug at any time she wanted.

"He said that he still has a chance," she said in a quiet voice. "Then we'll give him that chance." She sat back down. We stayed there for almost the whole night. I didn't want to be alone so I went with Shane to his house. I took Carl with me since Lori wanted to stay a bit longer and Carl need his rest. If he could rest that is.

Carl and I took Shane's bed while he took the couch. Carl curled up beside me and I played with his hair till he fell asleep. Tomorrow was going to be a long day and the other days that follow. Nothing will be the same until Rick wakes up, I just know it. I finally was able to fall asleep. I hope when I wake up that this will all just be a dream

So, that was the first chapter. Hate it or love it. Maybe just liked it. Tell me with a review please.