Title: Dazzling By Your Door-Wings chapter 1

Author: ladyoceana

Rating: T

Verse: G1

Warning: Suggestive actions and slash

Summary: For countless vorns, reclusive Prowl was deeply attracted to Jazz. Of course, He was aware of Jazz's returned attraction toward him. Prowl attempted to court Jazz by subtly invited Jazz to play the tactic games with him, debate with him on various topics and even planned the missions with him. Unfortunately for Prowl, Jazz was somehow obvious (rather totally dense) to his subtle courting attempts. Jazz still assumed that all these activities with Prowl simply gave an impression that Prowl treated him as a close friend and fellow Autobot. Therefore Prowl had to use a last resort to "convince" Jazz that he viewed Jazz as a lover and…potential mate by…perform an ancient Praxian mating ritual in a front of the audience.

Author's Note: When I brainstorm and wrote down the random titles for make more Prowl x Jazz stories. When I wrote "Dazzling By Your Door-Wings", a one of my plot bunnies jumped on me and begged me to me write this story. An ancient Praxian mating ritual is comparing…to a flashy and colorful male bird attempting to attract a female bird. You can watch a good example of the bird mating rituals on YouTube. For my beta-reader, OptimusPrime's Girlfriend, thank you for beta-reading this chapter! Go ahead to read and enjoy it!

Oh by the way, I do not own Transformer.

Vorn - 83 years
Stellar-cycle – 7.5 months
Orn - 13 days
Joor - 8 hours
Breem - 6 minutes
Astrosecond - 5/6ths of a second
Klick - 1 millisecond

Praxians and Vosians are closely related to each other. According to Cybertron's history database, Praxians descended from the ancient grounded Vosian seekers, although Praxians no longer have "sky-cravings" or the physical traits that are common in Vosian seekers. However, Praxian descendants still share common mating ritual traits as Vosian seekers; their attempt to attract or court a potential mate. An audience is required to witness the ritual of a Praxian or Seeker staking his or her claim on a potential mate.

But the major difference between Praxians and Vosian Seekers is the different methods used to attract a mate. Vosian seekers usually show off their complex flying, dancing, and flight maneuvers to lure in a potential mate. The more impressive the flying maneuvers, the higher the chance to "convince" a likely mate into accepting his or her suitor. An audience will be required to witness a suitor's flight mating display and claim on their intended mate.

On the other hand, Praxians use a somewhat similar mating ritual as Vosian seekers. Because Praxians do not have the same body as a seeker nor their flight capability, Praxians create dances to harmonize with their door-wings instead. Praxians design the dances to heavily emphasize their door-wings in order to entice a potential mate. Praxians also have extra hidden panels inside their door-wings which make them look bigger and more impressive than normal when exposed. The extra inner panels are extremely sensitive to touch due to being rarely exposed. In other words, the hidden panels serve solely for attracting a mate and…interfacing.

Interestingly, in ancient Praxian culture, the size of the door-wings and extra panels played an important role in charming an intended mate and demonstrating their prowess to sire healthy sparklings in front of an audience. Also according to ancient Praxian culture, an intended mate will touch his or her suitor's door-wings when their inner panels are exposed. This signals that a future mate has accepted his or her courtship, or proposal to bond with a suitor. The suitor then proceeds to take his or her intended mate into a private place to interface. These mating rituals were practiced and used by the ancient Praxians.

However, over millions of vorns since its foundation, Praxus was prospering and its citizens were becoming more proper and modest regarding mating rituals and interfacing. The results were that Praxian mating rituals changed and became more discreet courtship rituals that modern Praxians use today. Although Praxians no longer use their door-wings and extra inner panels to attract potential mates in public, they still expose them in private to their spark-mate's eyes only. They instead spend more time with their intended mates and learn their likes, dislikes and personality.

Oh, they still have the same mating protocols as their Praxian ancestors in their code, but they learn from their creators and modern Praxian culture that they should court their intended mates in more discreet ways. As a result, Praxians control their mating protocols more tightly and usually always put their mating protocols in recessive mode. It's extremely rare to find a Praxian that puts his or her mating protocols in dominate mode. No modern Praxian has attempted to use ancient Praxian mating rituals for countless vorns and even after the destruction of Praxus, until now.

Prowl's Office

Prowl sat in his chair working to sort out the endless piles of data-pads on his desk. He was absently reading a data-pad but his processor was thinking about something else.

Jazz. Yes, he was thinking about Jazz. Why? Because he was intensely attracted to Jazz who is the complete opposite of himself. Jazz is a social and outgoing mech who likes to party and is friendly with everyone aboard on the ARK. On the other hand, Prowl is a reclusive and private mech who prefers to work rather than to socialize with other mechs. They are so different that Prowl thought that they wouldn't able to get along at all and would be prone to crash often with their different personalities. Somehow, they managed to work together for a common goal and the Autobot cause.

Over a couple hundred vorns since their first introductions, they have come to greatly respect each other for their skilled talents in their respected fields as fellow Autobot officers. Prowl and Jazz advanced through the ranks quickly and became SIC and TIC of the Autobot faction. Because Jazz is Head of the Special Operations, Prowl has to frequently work with Jazz to approve the pre-planned missions. Jazz was aware that Prowl had become a workaholic due to the endless piles of data-pads and had developed a bad habit of forgetting to refuel. So Jazz took it upon himself to bring Prowl his ornly energon cubes to his office. This started a growing friendship between Prowl and Jazz. Vorns later, their friendship still continues to get stronger the more they get to know each other

However, one day Jazz did not return from his secret mission on time and went MIA for an orn. Prowl can't help but to feel anxiety and intense concern for his missing friend. A stellar-cycle passed since Jazz went missing, and Prowl was keenly aware that an empty hole had formed in his spark. He couldn't explain nor understand why he felt a baffling empty hole in his spark.

Then, news reached his audio receptor that Mirage managed to locate and bring an alive but seriously injured Jazz back from the new and secret Decepticon base, that Prowl sent Mirage to investigate. It relieved Prowl to hear that Jazz had finally been found, but now nagging concerns crept in his spark about Jazz's severe condition. Jazz was close to death due to his body being badly damaged from intense amounts of torture. It made Ratchet kick Jazz's friends and Prowl out of his med-bay and demand them to not disturb him, First Aid and Wheeljack for a few orns.

A few orns waiting to hear about Jazz seemed forever to Prowl's processor. Orns passed without any news about Jazz but Ratchet finally declared that Jazz was stabilized and no longer in danger of being close to death.

Prowl instantly dashed to Ratchet's med-bay to be the first to enter as soon as he heard the good news from Ratchet.

He eagerly rushed into the med-bay. Prowl's optics finally found the still form of a comatose Jazz on a berth. He quickly walked toward Jazz's berth and could see that all kinds of equipment were attached to Jazz to help support Jazz's vital parts. He could see a lot of discolored patches and welds all over his body. Worse yet, there was a machine supporting Jazz's spark-chamber which was exposed to the open air; it revealed how close Jazz was to death.

Prowl's spark clenched in pain in response to Jazz's condition and his spark demanded he touch Jazz's spark-chamber. That spark-felt urge to touch Jazz's spark-chamber overwhelmed Prowl. He slowly reached out his servo and touched his spark-chamber gently.

At the very moment his servo came into contact with Jazz's spark-chamber he felt Jazz's steady spark-beat. Prowl felt the empty hole in his spark finally fill in causing him to feel whole once more. His…his spark was feeling so complete and singing in happiness to see his other half alive.

Prowl froze in shock at the fact that his spark reacted that way to his contact with Jazz's spark-chamber. His door-wings flared up in surprise. He finally realized why there was a hole in his spark for a stellar-cycle since Jazz went MIA. He was attracted to Jazz and somehow had fallen in love with Jazz.

As the revelation of his newly discovered feelings toward Jazz slowly sunk into his processor, Prowl gazed down at Jazz's face in a whole new light and… in wonder.

'Mine…My Jazz'. His processor and spark agreed together that Jazz is his other half. Prowl then made slow and tender stokes on Jazz's spark-chamber with his servos repeatedly. No one was here to witness the cold and emotionless SIC caressing Jazz's spark-chamber tenderly like a lover.

A little after Prowl's visit, Jazz finally woke up and was released from Ratchet's med-bay. He of course received an earful a loud rants from Ratchet about his close brush with death and was ordered to take a light duty for 10 orns.

Prowl and Jazz resumed their schedules and normal activities. Jazz noticed that something had changed between Prowl and him, but he couldn't find out what it was. He decided to ignore the odd change in their friendship.

Prowl decided to keep his attraction toward Jazz to himself because he didn't want to ruin his precious friendship with Jazz nor compromise their SIC and TIC positions.

Countless vorns passed since Prowl's revelation regarding his attraction toward Jazz. Prowl and Jazz continued to fight together to survive the civil war along with their fellow Autobots.

One day, Prowl got injured severely in a vicious battle with Starscream. Starscream was about to shoot him at point blank range. He was interrupted suddenly by an aggressive Jazz who furiously protected an injured Prowl from the Decepticon SIC. Jazz managed to drive Starscream away and took Prowl to Ratchet to treat his injuries. Jazz was acting a bit clingy to Prowl which annoyed Ratchet greatly resulting in him kicking Jazz out of his med-bay.

Prowl recovered and was released from the med-bay the following orn. He noticed a change in Jazz's actions toward him. Jazz started to drag Prowl out of his office to socialize with mechs and spent more time with Prowl than usual. Prowl's battle tactics made a startling conclusion which made his spark start fluttering happily; Jazz was developing an attraction towards Prowl. But they were too busy as the civil war got so intense that they rarely had time together. They both were assigned to ride aboard on the ARK. The ARK ended up crashing into an unknown third planet of the Solar system along with the Decepticon ship, the Nemesis. They both went into a stasis for 4 million years. They woke up and discovered that they were stranded on a planet called Earth along with its native race called humans. They adjusted to the humans' time and ended up having plenty of free time.

Having plenty of free time led to Prowl subtlety courting Jazz by inviting Jazz to play tactic games with him on their off hours, debating with him on various topics and even planning pre- missions with him.

But, Nnooo…Jazz was still oblivious to his subtle courtship. (Prowl couldn't believe that Jazz was that dense. Jazz was supposed to be a saboteur for Primus's sake!) He tried all different types of Praxian courtships on Jazz. (Such as inviting Jazz to do patrol drive duty with him or giving him a duty-free day.) All types of Praxian courtship somehow ended up failing because Jazz still believed that Prowl's attempt to spend more time with Jazz were just because they were close friends. And Jazz still thought that his attraction for Prowl was one-sided.

Urgg! How could he get the damn message through Jazz's thick processor that he was really attracted to Jazz? Prowl's door-wings twitched in annoyance and frustration. Prowl lowered the data-pad in his servo to his desk and sighed in frustration. He's run out of Praxian courtship ideas to woo Jazz…

'No wait, there's one more option…' his battle tactics computer informed him. Prowl blinked in surprise. Prowl let his battle tactics computer run through another idea… and he nearly blanched at that new option. No way in the pits was he going to do that! He disliked being the center of attention and considered himself a private bot.

His battle tactics computer again pointed him out to him that there was a 90% chance that Jazz would accept his advances if he could perform the Door-Wings Mating Dance on him.

The Door-Wings Mating Dance is an ancient Praxian mating ritual that involves a dance emphasizing their door-wings and the suitor is required to flare, flutter, and rotate their door-wings constantly with his inner panels exposed in front of his intended mate. This dance is compared to some of Earth's colorful male bird attempts to attract a female bird by flashing and flaring its colorful feathers. And the dance is required to have an audience witness the courtship. These mating rituals were no longer used by modern Praxians but it still existed in their recessive mating protocols that still exist in every Praxian, including Prowl. It was the reason why he was so dead-set against that kind of courtship.

However, his battle tactics computer stubbornly pointed out the advantages to him again. 'The Door-Wing Mating Dance is more direct compared to the modern Praxian courtships that you've tried and fail. These modern Praxian courtships are too subtle for Jazz and Jazz is not from Praxus.'

Prowl raised his optic in surprise. He never considered the fact that Jazz didn't understand modern Praxian courtship because Jazz wasn't from Praxus. 'Well I suppose it's true and might explain why I failed' Prowl thought as he considered the possibility.

His battle tactic processor helpfully added another point, 'Besides, you can make everyone aware that you claim Jazz as yours. It will keep admirers away from your Jazz.'

As Prowl processed the possibility of Jazz having mutual admirers, he instantly felt jealous and possessive of Jazz. Now that new option started to seem much more appealing to the normally reserved Prowl. A few klicks later, Prowl was now convinced that the dance might work on Jazz. After all, Prowl knew that Jazz had an odd fixation with his door-wings. Prowl felt a devious smirk creep onto his face as he started to plan on how to exploit Jazz's fixation with his door-wings. If anyone saw that uncharacteristic smirk, they should be wary of what Prowl plans to do. Prowl continued to smirk savagely and deviously for what he had in store for his Jazz.

Jazz would have no idea what hit him.

* evil giggle* oh yeah, Jazz have no idea that Prowl plans to do to him.