This story is dedicated to the most amazing cheerleader on the planet…ERCommando…you so rock! She was entirely responsible for the title for that I could not come up with and it took her all of thirty seconds…so this one is for you my friend!

Bella Swan is a strong, independent woman who has worked her ass off to get where she is. She was able to secure her current job as a respected nurse for Dr. Carlisle Cullen, Chief of Staff, through hours of excellent service and dedication to her job. Dr. Cullen announces his sons are returning home to expand his practice. When she's first introduced to Dr. Edward Cullen, it's a colossal disaster. Can she look past his playboy persona? Can she prove to him she's more than just another nurse? What happens when you let your guard down and allow yourself to feel? Bella soon discovers that things aren't always as they appear and learns that "practice makes perfect."


One year.

A lot could happen in one year. A baby could be conceived and born, a year of school completed, a house could be built. And last but not least, you could lose out on the man of your dreams.

I stared intently at my half-empty wine glass, swirling the crimson liquid I had poured myself earlier before taking another sip. I buried my face in my hands as I tried to forget the days' events. How could I have been so stupid? How could I have thought for one second he would feel the slightest bit of attraction for me that I clearly felt for him? Why couldn't I have just continued to hate him as I had in the beginning? Why did he have to be so perfect? And most of all, why did he have to be with her?

Grasping the glass in my hand and bringing it to my lips, I welcomed the burn of the wine down the back of my throat. I knew that after a while, the burn would be gone and so would the pain I was currently feeling. Tonight, I wouldn't think about him and his perfect Barbie girlfriend. I wouldn't think about his hands that were caressing her cute, perfect little body. I wouldn't think about his full perfect lips devouring her pink, plump, perfect model lips. I wouldn't imagine his muscular arms, his absolutely perfect chest, or his chiseled abs that he kept hidden behind his Ralph Lauren shirts, or his eyes that reminded me of the rarest emeralds. Least of all, I wouldn't think about his thick, silky hair that I longed to run my fingers through. Tonight, I would forget all of that.

As I swallowed the last of my wine, I slowly sat the glass down on the table. One glass down, who knew how many left to go. Monday, I would wake up and go to work and act as if nothing had happened. He would never know how I felt.

The sound of my doorbell roused me from my pep talk to myself. I made my way to my front door, not really caring who it was waiting for me on the other side. It was late; a smart girl would have demanded to know who was on the other side. This girl just didn't care. As I opened the door without even looking through the peep hole, I froze. Just when I thought my night couldn't suck any further…there he stood.

"Bella, can we talk?"

Well…that was what I got for thinking.

.As you can clearly see the perfect beta make all the difference!