Okay, wow is the only word I have for all of the people who reviewed the last chapter! I honestly had no idea people really liked my story that much so I've decided to continue and am determined to finish it no matter what! I just want to say thanks to you guys who all made me realize that one bad review is pretty small compared to like 27 good ones. Okay so on from my little boring note and to the next chapter.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.


I am having the absolute best time with the guys from So Random, but all good things must come to an end. They all headed to the commissary and I headed back to Mackenzie Falls and to Chad my oh so great guardian for the month. When I got there I expected to see people going on a break but instead the cast was still there and they all looked stressed.

"What are you guys still doing here? Didn't you hear the lunch bell or did Portlyn's singing *cough* screeching *cough* make you all deaf." She started to glare at me and I felt good, I've learned to be strong and take care of myself over the years and I'm not about to let some prissy princess think she got the better of me.

"Oh sweetie it's not good for you to glare, you might get wrinkles on that oh so pretty face of yours. And we wouldn't want that, how else would get work?" Some of the kids started to laugh but tried to cover it up and other people had amused smiles on, but Portlyn looked like she wanted to murder me.

"How dare you! You little freak of nature! I have way more talent in one strand of hair than you have in your entire body! I have great acting skills, I can dance, and god damn it I can sing! So why don't you go to a hole in the middle of the dessert and die because no one gives a crap about you!" Ok ouch, that one stung but she won't know that. I keep y voice completely calm, the opposite of her bitch spazz two seconds ago.

"Ok first of all, someone needs to use her inside voice. Secondly just calm down, honestly if you can't take a little insult like that then how do you expect to get through life. I've had much bigger problems than you inability to sing and I got the best advice from someone. Life's a bitch, suck it and fight through it. You need to seriously do that." I was talking to her in a patronizing tone, like she was a four year old, but I couldn't help but smile a little at the memory of when I first met Daniel, he was y first and (so far) only boyfriend. We were really in love for like 6 months but after a while, it just sort of died. We stayed best friends but that's it. When he moved we lost contact completely. I never had a facebook and still don't, because really I'd have all of 5 friends… maybe and anyway there was never anyone for me to connect with. Maybe I should make one and find him. I guess I started spacing out because when I came back to Earth all I hear is Portlyn screeching

"Okay seriously I'm talking to you! You don't understand what it's like to have talent so you obviously don't understand the stress I'm under! You can't sing, but I so can! My skills are jut hidden for now so stop being such a god damn bitch!" Okay now I'm pissed, singing is my passion and she just insulted it and before I could stop it the words popped out of my mouth

"Listen you whiny little priss, I can to sing! I even write my own songs! I'm ten times better than you!" I slapped a hand over my mouth, shit! I don't want to have to sing and this girl is going to challenge me, it's who she is. She gave e a sly smile

"Oh really? Well let's hear one of your songs shall we?" I'm not backing down! I'll just sing train wreck. I wrote it when I was with Daniel but it always made me smile because of the happy times he gave me. I recorded the music for all my songs on my iPod in the Cooper's recording studio so all I had to do was plug it in and tell the guy train wreck. I stood up where the cast usually acts with a microphone in my hands and I was shaking all over. The music started to play and I started to sung.


You fled from medication 'cause it only causes pain
You won't go to the doctor who keeps calling you insane
You're lost even when you're going the right way
You mean the world to me even though you might be crazy

I smiled at this part, I couldn't help it. He really was a crazy person.

And you said we wouldn't make it
And look how far we've come
For so long my heart was breaking
And now we're standing strong
The things you say you make me fall harder each day
You're a trainwreck
But I wouldn't love you if you changed!
Yeah! Oh yeah!

I shook your hand and you pulled it right away
You asked me to dance and instead I said, "No way!"
Inside I was dying to give it a try and you begged me so I stayed
I knew you were different from the way I caved


We were so different
But opposites attract
So my hope kept growing
And I never looked back
You're one of a kind!
And no one can change this heart of mine
I remember thinking I'd never stop loving him, now seeing as that thought weirded me out I smiled a little into the song again.

One more thing I thought I'd share with someone special
I'm falling like I never fell before
It's funny you said we'd never make it and look how far we've come
You're a trainwreck
But with you I'm in love

As I sang the last line I closed my eyes and let a small smile grace my lips. I really do miss him and the memories with him were the best of my crap childhood.

CPOV (right before she sang the song)

Holy crap! Sonny can't sing… can she? Probably not and she's going to embarrass herself. I can't protect her in front of my cast! This is going to just blow up in my face. But when I heard her sing I knew I was worrying about nothing but as she sang the song she kept smiling like she was having a flashback! The song is about her in love! She's in love with someone? Who? Not that I care, obviously it's just to keep her safe! Like dad said I had to! We all just stared at her in shock, but then Chastity started jumping up and down and clapping. She was always the nicest one, not that she was overly nice but still. Soon we all were clapping except for Portlyn who stormed off. Sonny looked like she was going to pass out, were we overwhelming her?

But really she was just so great up there. They way she lost herself in the song, and her voice… I could listen to her sing all day and never get bored. How is it possible for one person to have so much talent? And I doubted her? I'm supposed to be able to know people's next move, I pride myself on it, but I couldn't figure out she was the goddess of music!

"Oh wow thanks guys! I didn't expect such an enthusiastic reaction but I really appreciate it, but if you don't mind I'm kind of starving so can we get food?" She looked so cute right now, she was all shy and embarrassed. I decided to put her out of her misery (because I'm such a great person) and give them orders to get back to work. We can get our lunch delivered to us when we work through it, and boy do we have work to do.

"Okay! Everyone back to work! Give your orders for lunch and keep rehearsing!"

"wait I can order food to come here, and I don't have a limit?" Sonny asked the most obvious questions.

"of course not, we're the number one teen show, we get whatever we want." I was being overly cocky but could you blame me. She squealed and said

"Oh I'm going to have fun with this! Okay I want a slice of meat lovers pizza, hot wings, fries, half rack of baby back ribs in bbq sauce, ceaser salad and onion rings!" Okay that made everyone stare and Skylar blurted out what we were all thinking

"How in the hell does someone with a body as freaking amazing as yours eat like that and keep it?" Ok, did he have to say it like that? He better stay away from her or he'll have to answer to me, and I will punch him. I don't care if he's my cast mate. She blushed and said

"Ummm… thanks? But really I guess it's because I have a high metabolism and I'm always hyper and running around so I don't put on weight." I could tell she felt awkward with our conversation so I said

"Ok enough focusing on her, we have work to do."

The rest of the day went by uneventful, the only thing different was how tired I was after because rehearsals took forever. We had to re write the whole episode because Portlyn just can't sing. When Sonny and I got home I just flopped on the couch, ready to sleep but I heard Sonny giggle behind me. I was so not in the mood

"What's so funny? How I'm drop dead tire? Yeah it's actually not funny, so do me a favor and stop laughing, ok?" She looked a little taken aback and hurt but then it looked like a light bulb went off in her head.

"Ok I'm about to make you really relaxed! Go upstairs and change into your comfiest clothes and when you get back down I'll have the most relaxing set up here." I didn't want to fight her so I complied. I put on my sweats and a wife beater. When I got back down I heard Sonny in the kitchen but she yelled

"Just go sit on the couch I'll be there in a second!" I'm not complaining, my butt needs that couch right about now. Sony came out of the kitchen and ran up to her room, them came back down. What is she up to? Then she came out with a bunch of things in a basket.

"Ok I'm about to make you so relaxed you'll owe me your life. First vanilla scented candles, because they smell so good it's not even funny. Second we need chocolate, to help tame the stress. Third hot decaf coffee because tea is gross, but hot drinks are soothing. And last but not least a big fuzzy blanket to wrap yourself up in." Is she crazy? That's something a girl would do! It's way to girly for me!

"Ummmm… yeah there's no way in hell I'm going to do that. I'm not a chic." She looked at me like shut up. She then put three candles on the table in the middle of the room and lit them, hmm they do smell good. She put the two coffee cups on the table too, and left the blanket on the foot of the couch. She then made it so the lights were lower but not an awkward romantic kind of dark. Then she turned the television on. It actually was kind of nice.

"Okay now lie on your stomach because I'm going to massage your back, and don't worry I used to do this for a friend all the time, it really relieved his stress because he had a life like mine." She looked down when she talked about her past and I did what she said.

"Alright fine, but put on a good show." She changed it to friends, of course she's pick a comedy, but I like this show so it's ok. She made the volume pretty low then on her knees next to the couch started to massage my back. Holy mother of god, she had this kind of a talent too? What the hell? Her hands were so soft and moved gently over my back. She started as just rubbing circles on my shoulders and progressed down y back. I was getting goose bumps from her being so close. Then she went back up but this time began to kneed my shoulders, wow I was so calm, but I think it's her not the massage. She continued kneading my back all over and as she continued my thoughts began to wander to a dirtier place. I started think, if her hands feel this good on my back I wonder what they could do to my- OK! Whoa! No thinking like that! And for more than the obvious reason of I can't like her like that but the mental pictures are turning me on and she seriously doesn't need to know that I got a boner from this massage. Thankfully and sadly she finished and got up.

"ok, now sit up but recline a little on the arm of the couch." I did what I was told and she threw the fuzzy blanket over me, she was about to walk away when I said

"wait, where are you going? You could sit for a while with me if you want. I won't mind." She smiled and sat down, I took the blanket and put it over her legs, she then brought her legs up on the couch and we kept changing positions until we were both reclining on the arms of the couch on opposite sides with our legs next to each others. There was a silence before I broke it by saying

"Thanks. For the massage and all this. I really appreciate."

"Aww, the Chad Dylan Cooper appreciates me. I feel special" We both smile at her little joke and settle back into silence. I really want to know about her past but I don't want to bring up bad memories, so I'll start small.

"Where did you learn how to cook so well?" she looked a little surprised at my question but answered anyway

"Well umm my dad would forget to feed me sometimes so I just sort of taught myself with different cook books. It took me a while and I got burnt a lot but I learned and I had to cook for myself so much I guess I got really good." I could tell she wanted to avoid the subject of her dad so I did.

"Oh, ok. Second question, where did you learn your musical talents." She gave me a nervous laugh and said

"Well actually my old 4th grade teacher taught me. She was close with my mom and so I saw her a lot. After my mom died she tried to keep me occupied and so she taught me piano and guitar and dancing. I got lessons from her until I ran away. She was really good. I got into singing after a year of instruments and have been writing since I was ten. Obviously those songs aren't that great but I wrote them." She was being so honest and I could see she was hurt. I felt bad, maybe I shouldn't have asked the questions at all.

"I'm sorry, for well everything you went through. It couldn't have been easy." Her eyes became watery, oh god please don't let her start crying.

"It's not your fault but thanks anyway. I had some good times too though and I actually left some people behind who I wish I could see but I c-can't and I d-don't want to think about it because it makes me so sad and I start to cry and I can't help it and-" I cut her off by bringing her into a hug, she had started crying through the middle of her speech and I knew she wouldn't stop soon. I just held her for maybe 10 minutes while she sobbed into my shoulder. I liked having her close and being her protector. She did eventually pull back and say

"I'm sorry about crying on but thanks, I really needed that and it was sweet." She gave me an appreciative look and a barely there smile. I accepted it.

"Yeah well I have my moments." She smiled a little wider at this and said

"Yeah, you really do. And they're the best." Then we settled into a comfortable silence again. After a little bit we both went up to bed. I couldn't stop thinking about the people she left behind. I could help her find them. And also I felt so bad for her, who could hurt someone as kind and innocent as her. Her dad's a real piece of shit. I was going to help her get in touch with the people she list. It was my new little goal and I always get what I want.

Okay so chapter five is done! I would have finished it sooner but I was buried in homework. And I know nothing happened with Sonny's singing in this chapter but it ties in later in the story. Ok so review please.