Last chapter of this magical story. I've also been wondering, what have you thought of this story and what arc would you say was the best?

We've got

Gretchen's arc where she loves Vince but he doesn't lik her.

Vince's arc where he gets Gretchen pregnant but doesn't want to be a dad.

Gus' arc where his dad dies and he becomes deeply depressed.

Mikey's arc where he's mistaken for a gay person and gets beat up

or Ashley's/Spinelli's arc where she realizes she's an astral projection of herself who's been unconscious for 5 years.

I personally enjoyed writing Ashley's/Spinelli's arc. But what do you like? And has anyone ever heard of Toradora, if not don't look it up. I'm planning to do a story on it. :)

So the questions are:-

1. Did you enjoy the story?

2. What was your favourite arc?

2. Have you ever heard of Toradra?


Ashley didn't come in for school the rest of that week. I visited the rest of my friends but I couldn't help but worry about the small girl I met.

Next week came and I was glad to see her except she was different. Her little dress was ripped and her neat little pigtails were messed up and put up unequal.

"Ashley!" I called running to her. She smiled.

"Me no Ashley, me Spinelli!" She smiled.

"Spinulli?" I asked confused.
Spinelli shook her head. "Wanna play?" She asked.

I nodded with a smile. "sure!"

We began to play the normal games we played. But as we did, the four girls that laughed at Spinelli last week came over.

"Spinulli! Look!" I pointed to the girls.

She turned round to face the pretty girls. Instead of her face falling, it screwed up.

"Looky, looky! Ashley's dirty!" The ginger one laughed.

"Looky, looky! Ashley's got boys toys!" The dark skinned laughed.

The one with the tanned skin just laughed.

The blonde one fixed the flower she put in her hair and look at Ashley and just laughed.

"You're no Ashley!"

Spinelli grind her teeth and hissed, "Me no Ashley, me SPINELLI!"

She then jumped at all three and tackled them to the ground. Spinelli then lay on all four and started kicking and punching them.

They managed to push her off but Spinelli pushed the ginger Ashley, dark Ashley and tanned Ashley into bins that were near by.

Blonde Ashley and Spinelli glared at each other.
"You wouldn't!" Ashley said, shaking.

"Me will!" Spinelli grinned before pushing Ashley into a mud pool near by.

The Ashley's got up and ran crying.

I fell on the ground laughing and Spinelli joined.

"Spinulli, meet me under the metal monster after school." I smiled to her. "before mama comes."

Spinelli nodded.

(Metal monster O'l Rusty :)

The bell rang and everyone flooded out to school. I ran to the metal monster were I told ALL my friends to meet me at.

"Hello!" I smiled as I reached Gretchen, Vince, Mikey and last but not least, Spinelli.

"Hi!" I greated.

"Hi!" The four smiled. They then looked at each other.

I pointed at the Gretchen. "Dis is Gretchen!" I told the other three."Vince!" I pointed to Vince. "Mikey and Spinulli!"
"Spinelli!" Spinelli corrected.

They all said hi and that was it. Our future was already planned.

4th Grade:-

"Oh, well welcome to our little classroom family, Gustav. Why don't describe some of your personal journey?" Miss Grotke asked.

"Well, my name is Gus, I've been to twelve schools in the past six years and my only best friend's my pet turtle named Herbert." Gus stood awkwardly at the door.

That was it, our circle of friends are complete.

No One's POV

The wheelchair started to be pushed outside on the path to the hospital's garden.

The girl in the chair's mouth curved up and a smile spread across her face. The just as cheerful boy pushed the chair, staring down at her.

The girl began to play with the rose in her hand he gave her. She brought it closer to her nose and smelled it. Carefully, in her tender hands, she brought it away and let her arm hang loose.

"What's going to happen now?" She pipped up.

"I don't know. Honestly, I even don't care." He replied with a husky tonne.

"Why not?" The dark haired girl asked calmly.

"Because it's all about now." Replied the boy.

The girl giggled. "Will things get better?"

"Who knows? It's life. I bet another adventures gonna start soon around the corner."he replied her question.

"Will that end happily too?" She still questioned, looking down at the moving pavement below her feet.

"I hope so."The boy just smirked.

They arrived at the garden, opening the glass door to enter. It was more like stepping into a greenhouse.

"Oh!" The girl gasped. "It's beautiful!"

She got up and began to walk to the flower bushes.

"Hey!" The boy ran to her. He held her hands gently and gazed into her big brown eyes. "Take it easy."
The girl smiled while looking up at his bright blue eyes. "You're over protective."

The boy leaned in and pressed his lips on her forehead. She closed her eyes enchanted by the soft lips pressed again her head. He pulled away making a slapping noise.

"I love you," He murmured.

"I know you do." She laughed. "I love you too."

The girl got warned out quickly and slept under the tree. The boy scooped up the sleeping angel into his arms and placed her in her wheelchair.

He then watched at the sunset colors burned through the plants of the garden.

The boy began to push the wheelchair again and went along the path back to her room.

As they did, they past a young couple holding their baby.
Vince collected Gretchen from the hospital as she was allowed out. In her arms, she carried a young baby boy.
"You may not be pregnant, Gretch," Vince began. "But I still want you to take it easy."
"Yes," Gretchen agreed, staring at the small bundle wrapped up in her arms. She carefully pressed her lips on the tanned baby's cheek. "I think I've got a name for him."
Vince intrigued asked, "What?"

"Evan." Gretchen smiled proudly. "Little Evan LaSalle."

"Even LaSalle." Vince pictured it. "Not a bad wee name."

The boy continued to push the wheelchair. A blue car passed them with another happy couple in.

"Are you really going to be okay, Gus?" Theresa asked concerned. She wore a little blue dress with a white cardigan.

"I'll be fine, after all, he'd want us to be happy." Gus smiled, pushing the foot harder, going fast.

Gus wore a black suit and green tie.
They stopped the car beside the church. Gus got out and looked up at the top of the hill, underneath a tree. Theresa opened the back doors and took out lily's, three champagne glasses and a bottle of champagne as well.

"Can you help me, Gus?" She called out for help.
Gus went to the back took the the champagne and glasses out of hands. Together they climbed the steep hill.

They finally came to a head stone. Gus carefully poured out champagne into the three cups and gave one to Theresa, set on on the stone and the other in his hand.

Theresa and Gus raised their drinks to the grave stone and it's glass.

"Happy Birthday," Gus stared at the stone. "Dad."
They both then drank down and continued to drink.


The boy was at the door when the girl began to stir.

"Where are we?" She stretched.

"I'm taking you in now," The boy smiled.

"But...I'm not tired!" The girl complained like a four year old.

"Yes, you are."

"Mikey!" The boy heard the name being called. He turned round to see Kurst running up to Mikey, across the road.

"Kurst!" Mikey smiled giving her a warm hug and a quick peck. "What's up?"

"There's this new restaurant down town that just opened up! It's called, All Around the World! It's got famous dishes from lots of countries. It also has their special dessert and everything!"

Mikey smiled and cupped her face with one hand and with the other, sliding it threw her burning hair.

"Well, looks like we're busy tonight then doesn't it?"

Kurst's face lit up and she threw her arms round his neck and kicked her feet up.

The boy pushed the chair onwards.

"TJ," The girl started.
"Yes, Spinelli?" TJ asked.

"Next time I fall asleep, remember...

To always wake me up.

~Wake Up~

The End