It was a Monday morning, the start of a new week at William McKinley, Santana walked down the school corridor with her head held high. Her Cheerio's kit had been freshly dry-cleaned and she felt strong and confident as she sashayed past the football players giving them a cheeky wink as she passed them by. Her mood suddenly dampened as she saw Brittany out the corner of her eye, she was back with Artie, which infuriated her. She had told Brittany everything, she had let out every emotion she had inside of her and had shared with her, her deepest feelings. She had finally admitted to herself and to Brittany that she was in fact in love with her, that she was a lesbian. She couldn't believe Brittany had chosen that cripple over her, and to say that her and Brittany's relationship now was a little frosty would be an understatement. She saw Brittany making a beeline towards her and she stopped, beginning to clench her fists, she couldn't be dealing with this right now, she spun around on her heel and was met with a cold, icy splash in her face. She had been slushied…. Again. This was only the second time she had been slushied but this was already two times too many, after all she was Santana freaking Lopez, stuff like this shouldn't happen to her, this should only happen to losers like Rachel Berry, not to her, she was captain of the Cheerio's and head bitch in charge at McKinley, something was not right with this whole arrangement. She wiped her face with the back of her hand feeling anger boil up inside of herself. As she wiped the sticky concoction out of her eyes she saw her attacker, some nerdy spotty kid she didn't recognise.

"I... I'm sorry, please don't kill me." He stammered, dropping the empty cup to the floor. Santana glared at him, he was obviously put up to this by someone else, she grabbed the scruff of his collar and pushed him up against the lockers.

"You know I should publically humiliate you just like you did to me, but I have a feeling you're working for someone, who?" She tightened her grip on him, feeling the remains of the icy drink dripping down her chest. "Now spill it, before I ends you." She frowned staring into his temples. The boy stayed frozen not willing to give up the name of his accomplice. She tightened her grip more, feeling his gulp against her hand, still he said nothing. The boy started to sweat nervously feeling Santana's grip around him lock, he subtly glanced over to his right; it was enough for Santana to pick up on. She instantly turned around following his gaze. "Puckerman." She growled under her breath, releasing the boy and shoving him on his way. She turned to face Puck and walked over to him slowly, fully aware that the majority of the school had now gathered into the corridor to watch the full effect of her rage. She played upon this like she often did, getting people's attention was important to her, she liked letting people know exactly where they stood, which was obviously beneath her. She wiped the last remainder of slushie from her face and whipped it to the floor, purposely splashing it on to Quinn who was standing beside Puck. They were probably dating now or something, not that she cared of course. She stood in front of him and smiled, her now famous evil smile which she used to let her victims know they were going to get their ass kicked, "Noah Puckerman, I should have known you wouldn't be man enough to slushie me yourself. But a freshman really? I guess your only friends now are prepubescent boys." She spat fiercely.

"You had it coming Lopez, you're getting a bit full of yourself lately." He scowled looking over at Quinn and stroked her hand softly with one of his fingers. Santana noticed this instantly, she was proud of her quick instincts and she was no fool, she had already figured out that Puck did this to make her look like an idiot in front of the whole school, so Quinn could get back to becoming head cheerleader again. She smiled to herself at how fast she realised their plan and turned her stare towards Quinn, who was dressed in a matching cheerio's kit minus the slushie stains.

"Please Puckerman, just because I turned you down for sex, I guess Ms Lohan over here isn't giving you any, I hear it's never any good after you have kids anyway right Fabray?" She smirked biting her lip, waiting for Quinn's outburst which she knew would follow shortly after. Like she expected, Quinn reacted the way she always did.

"Shut up Santana, before I rip out those beach balls you have stuffed down your bra." She screeched lunging forward towards Santana, the rest of the corridor fell silent, as everyone focused on the bitch fight that was about to occur.

"I'd like to see you try stretch marks." She snarled as she shoved her shoulder asking for trouble, she knew she could take Quinn, and after being slushied she needed something to salvage her reputation and taking Quinn down would do that perfectly. Quinn retaliated by pushing her back harder, the crowd around them stepped backwards almost on cue, leaving an empty space around them. Santana smirked holding back a laugh "is that all you got Fabray, you must have used up all your strength when you were pushing that melon out of you." She laughed grabbing on to Quinn's ponytail with one hand and clutched her wrist with the other, her nails carving into Quinn's arm.

"You're going down Lopez." Quinn screamed as Santana grabbed her hair and she copied her position, pulling Santana's pony tail and swayed her arm around trying to loosen the grip Santana had on her arm. "Ugh, get off me, you filthy slut." Quinn shouted as Santana let go of her wrist unexpectedly causing Quinn to lose her balance for a second, which she took full advantage off, and sent her flying into the side of the lockers. Santana smirked as she saw Quinn fall to the floor and heard gasps from the students who all watched in horror. She tightened up her pony tail and put her hands on her hips as she looked down at Quinn.

"You should know by now not to mess with me Fabray." She shouted loudly so that the rest of the school could also hear what she was saying. Quinn stood up and glared at Santana, her breath deep and heavy, she ran towards Santana and pushed her with all the force she could find slamming them both towards the lockers at the other side of the corridor. The atmosphere amongst the observers livened and soon the students were picking sides and shouting the names of the two girls. Puck watched on in amusement and chuckled to himself, he was admittedly turned on by this whole situation.

Both Quinn and Santana fell to the floor and started to wrestle one another, Santana positioned herself on top of Quinn, and curled her right hand into a fist taking a swing for her; Quinn unexpectedly grabbed hold of Santana's fist before she made contact and spun her over so she was now on top of Santana. Santana was taken aback confused by what had just happened, Quinn smiled as she saw the confusion on Santana's face and scratched her fingernails over the side of Santana's cheek causing a deep scarlet trail of blood to pour out of her face. Santana winced slightly, angrier than she had ever been before and shoved Quinn off of her, sending her flying again, this time she was not holding back. She jumped on top of her and slapped her hard across the face, Quinn screamed as their skin came into contact with one another, this only spurred Santana on more; she pushed Quinn down as soon as she moved, gritting her teeth as she raised her arm ready to punch her. She swung her right arm through the air preparing herself for the sharp pain she would feel against her knuckles when her fist would hit Quinn's nose, "Might wanna give your surgeon a call, Caboosey, you're gonna need a new nose." She swung her arm inches away from her desired destination when she was hauled off the ground by a pair of strong arms. She looked over her shoulder and saw Puck clinging on to her, "Get the hell off of me Puckerman!" She shouted as loud as she could swinging her arms and legs around violently trying to get out of his grip, it was no use, she knew he was a lot stronger than her, or in fact anyone else in the school. Quinn dragged herself off of the ground, clutching her cheek, she had started to cry unknowingly to herself and stood frozen, scared that Santana would in fact 'ends' her. Puck's grip remained around Santana's waist, she slowly calmed down knowing it was the only way he would let her go, as she did this the bell rang for class causing the many students who were watching in awe to scurry off to their lessons. By the time the halls had cleared Puck had let go of Santana and wrapped his arm protectively around Quinn who was still shaken from the action.

"Come on Quinn, let's take you to the nurse, Santana if I see you near my girl again, it will be something much harder than a slushie that will smack you in the face, got it?" He yelled at her, wrapping Quinn into his body and comforting her as they walked away to the nurse's office.

"Whatever Puckerman, go get her pregnant again, maybe you can become regulars on Teen Mom." She yelled down the corridor after them. She sighed, her heart still pounding fast against her chest, she was alone in the corridor now, she felt the throbbing in her cheek and placed her hand on it, she looked down and saw her fingers turn a bright red. The sight of the blood made her angry again, how could she let Lucy Caboosey of all people do this to her. She looked down at herself she was covered in dried slushie and blood, she knew she must look a state but for once she didn't care, she sat down on the floor resting her head back against the locker. Her life truly sucked, she needed to stop pretending that it didn't. It was all a lie, her popularity, her sexuality, all of it. She had lost her only friend and the person she loved, Brittany. She knew she wasn't good enough, why would anyone want her? She was a loser, a loser who was living a lie. She felt her eyes begin to well up but sniffed hard, forcing the tears back, she never cried and if she did she would make sure it was behind closed doors where no one could see her. She needed to continue this hard bad girl act she had going, it was the only thing that kept her from breaking, knowing that people were scared of her showed she had power and power was what kept her on top. She buried her head in her hands in deep thought, not noticing that Brittany had sat down beside her until she felt her soft arm around her.

"Sanny, are you okay?" She asked her sweetly a look of concern swept over her face. Santana looked up over at Brittany, however hard she tried she couldn't stay mad at her. She sniffed and forced a smile.

"Yeah I'm fine Britt, don't worry about me." She said not wanting to worry Brittany, also trying to get rid of her, she knew where this conversation was heading and she really didn't want to discuss her feelings anymore, not that it mattered anyway since Brittany was with Artie now.

"You're bleeding San." Brittany said softly pulling a piece of tissue out of her bag and wiping it against Santana's cheek, "I saw you fighting with Quinn; I don't like it when you fight." She said as she dabbed the tissue over Santana's wound.

"I don't like it when you're with Artie, but you know I have to deal with it." She said with a slight edge to her voice, she looked at Brittany with a blank expression, not really knowing what to say to her anymore. There was this strange vibe between them; it was too hard for her to be just friends with her now that she told her what she felt.

"I love you Sanny but I love Artie too, have you never loved two people at the same time?" Brittany asked taking the tissue away from Santana's cheek as most of the blood had either been removed or dried into her skin.

"No Britt, you can't love more than one person, besides you chose him over me anyway so I guess you love him more right?" She frowned and stood up, trying as hard as she could to distance herself from Brittany.

"I only choose him because you said you weren't ready for people to know you're Lebanese."

"Keep your voice down Britt" Santana snapped almost straight after Brittany had uttered the 'L' word. "Look just leave me alone okay? You should be in class now anyway." She sniped at her, as Brittany stood up too.

"Fine San, I'll text you later though, bye." Brittany said quietly walking away looking at the ground, she knew better than to disagree with Santana and deep down she knew she was only hurting her more by talking to her.

"Laters." Santana said as Brittany walked off, she felt slightly bad, telling Brittany to leave her alone but she really didn't need any more drama today. She sighed softly and decided she best go to the bathroom and clean off before someone mistakes her for a corpse. She went to her locker and grabbed her bag, before she walked into the girls' bathroom, ready to transform back into her wonderful flawless self once again.