Characters of Harry Potter are owned by J.K. Rowling

Characters of Bleach are Owned by Tite Kubo.

Idea of crossover by me.


This is ridiculous, Ichigo decided.

These children were staring at them like they were from another world, not another country. He hated being watched.

'Take it easy, Ichigo, ' said a voice next to him. 'It'll be like this for a while.'

'Thanks, Rukia. It helped. A lot. Really.' She shrugged.

'Whatever. What do you think, what should we do now?' She glared up to the enormous castle.

'Don't worry, just come after me.' Both of them - in fact everybody including them sighed. When Headmaster Urahara said that usually there was more than enough reason to worry.

'Well, that wasn't as exciting entering as it was the Durmstrang's. And if it's a Triwizard Tournament, why did three schools come?' Said Ron. Hermione grunted.

'I'm sure that Dumbledore will tell us later. And just because you were way too busy with Krum, that doesn't mean nothing interesting had happened.'

'What? Those guys came out of a huge gate. Big deal.'

'It is. Since they were walking in the air.'


'But isn't that impossible?' Asked Harry. The girl shot him a glare.

'Harry, since you're a wizard, you should know that everything is possible. Well, mostly. But to keep up this kind of spell, you have to hold your wand, or at least point it on the person whom you want to raise into the air. But can you see wands with them?' Harry looked at the strange delegation, whose meanwhile landed on the earth and were walking towards them.


'That's it!I wonder how they did it. What on the earth do they doing with those?' The same question ran through the students of Hogwarts. Even McGonagall's eyes widened slightly. Each of the girls and boys were carrying a sword in different shapes and sheath colors. The most noticeable one was probably an orange haired boy's, whose weapon looked much more like a large kitchen knife than an actual sword.

'Professor Dumbledore! Long time no see! It's a pleasure to meet you again!' Said a strange man in green clothes and even much more strange sandals. He pointed at the foreigners behind him. 'My students'

'Same here, Professor Urahara. I hope you'll find your rooms comfortable.'

'Oh, I'm sure we will.' The orange haired one rolled his eyes. The girl next to him rewarded it with an elbow in his stomach. Harry raised one of his eyebrows. The way they acted like they were the asian version of Ron and Hermione. 'May we go in?'

'Certainly, certainly. The guests go first,' Smiled the Headmaster. The crowd moved slowly after them.

Rukia gasped when they stepped into the building. Even him was slightly amazed. Yes, their Shinou Academy was big enough, but not this big.

'Tell me that I'm only dreaming! Krum is here, Harry! Viktor Krum!' Ichigo turned towards the excited voice. He saw a tall redhead walking next to a shorter black haired boy who was wearing glasses and a bushy, brown haired girl who seemed to be kind of angry.

'For Heaven's sake, Ron, he's only a Quidditch player!'

'Only a Quidditch player? Hermione, he's one of the greatest Seekers int the world!I had no idea he was still at school!' He grinned. Krum? He must be joking. True he has some very nice move, he has to admit.

'So, what do you think, why did he brought us here?' The girl asked.

'How should I know? If it's not another of Urahara's special-and-deadly training, then I don't really care either.'

'D'you think he'd sign my hat in lipstick?' A girl asked. Rukia growled to his greatest pleasure. (However even he did not know why.)

'Hey, Rukia! Ichigo! Wait up!'

'It's not our problem that you're way too slow.'

'Whatever. What do you think, where should we sit?' Renji asked. Rukia looked over the place. The Beaxubatons had already chosen a table and so did the Durmstrang.

'Table red and gold it is.' Decided the girl than turned and waved to their schoolmates.

'Over here! Come and sit over here! Over here! Hermione, budge up, make a space!' It was the same boy who was spoking about Krum like he was a god, not a human.


'It's too late.' Said the boy bitterly. The girl rolled her eyes.

'Mind if we sit here?' Asked Ichigo. The one who was wearing glasses, a black haired boy, looked up at him.

'No, not at all.' He moved a little bit away to give them some space.


'Yeah, that's right, smarm up to him, Malfoy, I bet Krum can see right through him, though... Bet he gets people fawning over him all the time... Where d'you reckon they're going to sleep? We could offer him a space in our dormitory, Harry... I wouldn't mind giving him my bed, I could kip on a camp bed.' Ichigo and the brown-haired girl growled in the same moment. This kind of fanaticism was just way too much for them. The redhead turned to the older boy.

'Excuse me?'

'They look a lot happier than the Beauxbatons lot, By the way, what about you? Wait a minute... Where are your swords?' Rukia smiled.

'You mean this?' She took a pure white wand out of her kimono's sleeve. The other girl's mouth fell open.

'No way! We all saw... I mean...'

'You are not wrong. They are swords. But we can change their appearance while they're in their sealed form. Even Ichigo can do that, with a little help.'

'Yes, you see, umm...'

'Hermione Granger. These two are Harry Potter and Ronald Weasly, Ron for short.'

'Thanks. So as I said...' She shut her mouth, stood up and bowed as the teachers and headmasters/headmistress came in and went towards the table of the teachers. Ichigo (though he with an even deeper scowl on his face) and the other students of Shihou Academy did the same along with the Beaxubatons, save for the bowing. The trio exchanged strange looks, while some of the others were laughing at the way they acted, but they seemed to not mind or care about them. They did not sit down until Madame Maxime and Headmaster Urahara did not do so. Dumbledore himself was still standing Which meant that he has something to say.

'Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, ghosts and—most particularly—guests,' He said and smiled at the foreign students. 'I have great pleasure in welcoming you all to Hogwarts. I hope and trust that your stay here will be both comfortable and enjoyable.' One of the girls of Beaxubatons whose head was still wrapped in a scarf, started to laugh.

'No one is making you stay' Whispered - or hissed - Hermione.

'The tournament will be officially opened at the end of the feast,' said Dumbledore. 'I now invite you all to eat, drink, and make yourselves at home!' He sat down and started to talk with probalby Karkaroff. Ichigo grunted.

'That would be the Apocalypse itself.' He said.


'You see, some of the students of Shihou Academy does not know how to act. And their favourite sport to start a fight with everyone they had met.'

'Oh. By the way we still do not know your names.'
'Kurosaki Ichigo. The girl here is Rukia Kuchiki and Pineapple is Renji Abarai.'

'Shut up, Strawberry!'

'What's that?' Asked Ron, pointing at some kind of strange soup.


'Bless you.'

'It's French,' said Hermione, 'I had it on holiday summer before last. It's very nice. However I'm not sure about the others.'

'That's,' Rukia pointed at an other kind of soup, 'is miso. And the pasta is soba. Both of them is quite delicious.'

'I beleive you.' Said the redhead and took some of the "normal" food in his opinion. Hermion was braver and put some strange green something onto her plate and spit it out after a second.

'And that is wasabi. Be careful with it.'

'Thanks.' Said the girl and drank a big glass of water. 'Why are there plus two seats?' Harry shook his head.

'I don't know. Skrewts doing all right, Hagrid?' The boy shouted to a huge man who was incredibly tall and wide. They could go as a pair with the French headmistress, thought Rukia.

'Thrivin.' Called the man back.

'Yeah, I'll just bet they are,' said Ron quietly. 'Looks like they've finally found a food they like, doesn't it? Hagrid's fingers.'

'What's a skrewt?' Asked Renji. The trio paled.

'You don't want to know, and you'll probably never meet one if you're lucky...'

'Excuse me, are you wanting ze bouillabaisse?'

It was the same girl who was laughing during Dumpledore's speech. She had finally removed her muffler. A long sheet of silvery-blonde hair fell almost to her waist. She had large, deep blue eyes, and very white, even teeth. Ron's face turned to deep red. He was glaring at the girl and opened his mouth to answer, but only a faint gurgling noise came out. Ichigo looked at him.

'Hey, are you all right?'

'Yeah, have it.' Said Harry and pushed the bowl towards the girl.

'You 'ave finished wiz it?'

'Yeah,' said the redhead finally. 'Yeah, it was excellent.'

'It was. And it was delicious.' Said the redhead finally. The girl picked up the bowl and went back to the table of the Ravenclaw. Ron looked after her like he has never ever seen a woman. Harry started to laugh and the noise seemed to jog Ron back to his senses.

'She's a veela.'
'Of course she is not. I don't see anyone else gaping at her like an idiot!' She is not entirely right, thought Ichigo. As the girl went through the hall many other boy turned after her. Some of them even left his mouth open. He scowled as he heard Yumichika sigh who was sitting next to a ghost. He had to admit, the girl was beautiful, but that was not a reason to act like an idiot.

'I'm telling you, that's not a normal girl! They don't make them like that at Hogwarts!'

'They make them okay at Hogwarts.' Said Harry. Renji followed his look. It landed on a black haired girl, who was sitting near the beauty.

'I just don't understand one thing. Why are your English is so good?'

'It shouldn't be?'

'No, it's just strange, since both the Durmstrang and Beaxubatons' students English is not that perfect..'

'Years of practice. By the way, if you three put your eyes back in, you'll be able to see who have just arrived.' Said Rukia and pointed at the teacher's table. The empty chairs next to Urahara and Madame Maxime was now ''filled'' with Ludo Bagman and Barty Crouch.

'What are they doing here?' Asked Harry.

'They organized the Tournament, didn't they? I suppose they wanted to be here to see the start.' Answered Hermione. The destroyed main dish disappeared from the plates and bowls and the desserts are appeared. After these were gone too, Dumbledore stood up and a pleasant sort of tension filled the Hall now.

'The moment has come,' said the old wizard. 'The Triwizard Tournament is about to start. I would like to say a few words of explanation before we bring in the casket.."

'The what?' Ron shrugged.

'Just to clarify the procedure that we will be following this year. But first, let me introduce, for those who do not know them, Mr. Bartemius Crouch, Head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation'—there was a smattering of polite applause—'and Mr. Ludo Bagman, Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports.' There was a much louder clapping for Bagman than for Crouch.

'Mr. Bagman and Mr. Crouch have worked tirelessly over the last few months on the arrangements for the Triwizard Tournament, and they will be joining myself, Professor Karkaroff, Professor Urahara and Madame Maxime on the panel that will judge the champions' efforts. "The casket, then, if you please, Mr. Filch.' A middle-height grumpy looking man carried in a great wooden chest encrusted with jewels. It looked extremely old. Yumichika growled - probably it wasn't beautiful enough for his taste.

'The instructions for the tasks the champions will face this year have already been examined by Mr. Crouch and Mr. Bagman, and they have made the necessary arrangements for each challenge. There will be three tasks, spaced throughout the school year, and they will test the champions in many different ways.. their magical prowess—their daring—their powers of deduction—and, of course, their ability to cope with danger.' At this last word, the Hall was filled with a silence so absolute that nobody seemed to be breathing. 'And here I have to mention something. As you may noticed there is one more school which is taking part in the Tournament, one which has never been before. In order to renew the cooperation with the magical world of other continents we decided to invite a fourth school, named Shinou Academy. And to our greatest pleasure they accepted the challenge what it means. Furthermore the even't can't be called as a Triwizard Tournament, so I hope everybody will be satisfied with the name Tournament of the Four.'

'Why do they called it Triwizard Tournament then?' Whispered Ron.

'As you know, champions compete in the tournament,' Dumbledore went on calmly, 'one from each of the participating schools. They will be marked on how well they perform each of the Tournament tasks and the champion with the highest total after task three will win the Triwizard Cup. The champions will be chosen by an impartial selector: the Goblet of Fire.'

'Triwizard cup? So that's why. They can't just change the name of the prize. Anything else would sound rather stupid.'

'Would you just shut your mouth? I'm trying to listen.' Hissed Rukia. Dumbledore meanwhile took out his wand and tapped three times upon the top of the casket. The lid creaked slowly open. The professor reached inside it and pulled out a large, roughly hewn wooden cup. It would have been entirely unremarkable had it not been full to the brim with dancing blue-white flames.

"Anybody wishing to submit themselves as champion must write their name and school clearly upon a slip of parchment and drop it into the goblet. Aspiring champions have twenty-four hours in which to put their names forward. Tomorrow night, Halloween, the goblet will return the names of the three it has judged most worthy to represent their schools. The goblet will be placed in the entrance hall tonight, where it will be freely accessible to all those wishing to compete.

To ensure that no underage student yields to temptation,I will be drawing an Age Line around the Goblet of Fire once it has been placed in the entrance hall. Nobody under the age of seventeen will be able to cross this line. Finally, I wish to impress upon any of you wishing to compete that this tournament is not to be entered into lightly. Once a champion has been selected by the Goblet of Fire, he or she is obliged to see the tournament through to the end. The placing of your name in the goblet constitutes a binding, magical contract. There can be no change of heart once you have become a champion. Please be very sure, therefore, that you are wholeheartedly prepared to play before you drop your name into the goblet. Now, I think it is time for bed. Good night to you all.'

'An Age Line! Well, that should be fooled by an Aging Potion, shouldn't it? And once your name's in that goblet, you're laughing—it can't tell whether you're seventeen or not!' Said an other redhead who seemed to be a relative of Ron. Rukia raised an eyebrow. As long as she knew Dumbledore was one of the greatest wizards in the whole word, considering living and dead. Do they really think that he would forget something like that?

'But I don't think anyone under seventeen will stand a chance. We just haven't learned enough...'

'She's right, you know. Anybody would be dead in a minute with that attitude.' She shrugged. If that moron really wants to go and die. She hoped that not everybody in that school has a similar character like his, or Hogwart's will be in a big trouble during the competition. She snickered. Strange. Now that they found out that they're their enemies in fact, she is still worrying about them.

'And why would that be wrong?' She frowned.

'Sode no Shirayuki?'

'Who else would be?'

'...for yourself, midget.' She shook her head, coming back to the real world.

'Excuse me?'

'I said, speak for yourself. Anyway, you'll try and get in, won't you, Harry?'

'Where is he?' said Ron, who seemed not to listen to the whole conversation, but looking looking for somebody in the crowd. 'Dumbledore didn't say where the Durmstrang people are sleeping, did he?' Ichigo grimaced. If something, this is hardcore fanship.

'Back to the ship, then. Viktor, how are you feeling? Did you eat enough? Should I send for some mulled wine from the kitchens?'

'Professor, Ivood like some vine...' Said one of the other Durmstrang boys hopefully.

'I wasn't offering it to you, Poliakoff. I notice you have dribbled food all down the front of your robes again, disgusting boy.'

Karkaroff turned and led his students toward the doors, reaching them at exactly the same moment as the two trios. Harry stopped to let him walk through first.

'Thank you.' Said Karkaroff carelessly, and then froze. He turned his head back to the black haired boy and stared at him as though he couldn't believe his eyes. Behind their headmaster, the students from Durmstrang came to a halt too. Karkaroff's eyes moved slowly up Harry's face and fixed upon his scar. The Durmstrang students were staring curiously at Harry too. Out of the corner of his eye, Harry saw comprehension dawn on a few of their faces. The boy with food all down his front nudged the girl next to him and pointed openly at Harry's forehead. Ichigo rolled his eyes.

'Yes, that's Harry Potter, we know that, you know that, everybody is happy. Now, please, would you go?' Karkaroff paled at the sound of his tone in anger. He didn't care. It wasn't the first time when he disrespected the teachers, or even worse, the laws. The Dursmtrang's headmaster opened his mouth to enter and then closed his eyes widened. He followed his gase. A strange figure was standing beside them on his staff, his magical eye glaring unblinkingly at the Durmstrang headmaster.

Now all the colors were drained from Karkaroff's face. A terrible look of mingled fury and fear came over him.


'Me. And unless you've got anything to say either to Potter or that orange haired brat, Karkaroff, you might want to move. You're blocking the doorway.'

It was true; half the students in the Hall were now waiting behind them, looking over one another's shoulders to see what was causing the holdup.

Without another word, Professor Karkaroff swept his students away with him.

'Shinou Academy, here! I ask all students of the Shinou Academy to come to the second floorsteps!' They went towards the doorsteps where a strict looking woman was waiting for them.

'Does anybody missing? No? Then, follow me.' She led them through several secret doors and tunnels. Ichigo was wondering whether they'll stop anytime soon when she stopped in front of the portrait of a blonde haired woman.

'Are they the ones?' Asked she. The professor nodded and wishpered something to her. The picture turned out to be a door, which opened into a bigger room. She quickly stepped in and after the last girl came in, too she closed it.

'I am is Professor McGonagall. Nice to meet you all. I have to tell you some information before anybody would decide to go.Listen to me well, because I'll only say it once. This place will be your home for the year, until the end of the Tournament. We all hope you'll find it comfortable enough. You have to use passwords to get in, and we hope none of you'll be stupid enough to tell anybody else where is this place can be found or what the password is.' She looked at Kisuke and then at Ganju. 'This word is 'soul burial'. As for some rules - I would like to ask you not to wander around after eleven. Also, the forest next to the castle is forbidden to go except if you have permission to do so or have to practice. We were informed that many of you are capable of wandless magic - I ask you not to use magic with or without a wand either. And if it's possible keep your swords sealed into their wand form. We would not like our students to get... Ideas. I hope you understood everything. Good night to you all.' A second later.

'"Soul burial"? Really? Couldn't they come up with anything more... Original?'

'Nothing is good enough for you, right, Renji?'

'Hey, I'm just saying that...'

'Okay, okay.' Rukia yawned. 'Where is the girl's room?'


Have mercy on me! I'm a beginner at writing, and this is my very first Bleach story. (Well, I've found out others too, but this is the first which has a full chapter. :P ) Also I'm not from any English languaged country... That's why my grammar very poor. (If I do not really understand the grammar of my mother language, how am I supposed to do so with the English one?)

As you may have noticed, I took out parts from the book. I try to change at least a part of them to not exactly copy the book. (And sometimes I translate it back to English from my language... It's interesting to read what I translated and what did Rowling wrote afterwards...) Ah, well... That's all for now...