Disclaimer: All Characters belong to Richelle Mead


Set in Last Sacrifice. What if Rose had a brother? What if all these years they have kept it a secret from everyone? What if Rose was not all Dhampir? What if Rose broke out of jail with the help of her brother and returns 10 years later? What other secrets is Rose hiding?


Rose's POV

I have always thought that I would die defending Lissa or a moroi. I never thought that I would be accused of killing my aunt, the queen. No one knows this but I'm not all Dhampir. I'm three quarters Moroi and only one-quarter Dhampir. I have met no one like me before. My brother says I'm just special and that I take after him. Yeh right. I don't smoke or drink myself into a coma. Everyone thinks that my brother is in love with me. That is just gross. I know he flirts with everyone but come on. My mum doesn't even now who my father is. Well she thinks Abe is my father but he is not. I pretended he was my father to make everyone happy. Sometimes I think it might be easier if I just tell everyone who I am. But then again it would probably lead to even more trouble.

I sigh why does my life have to be so difficult? I should have told Lissa years ago that I'm Moroi but now I probably won't even get a chance. I'm broken out of my thoughts by the sound of someone coming down the stairs. I look up to see my brother Adrian running quite fast down the stairs.

"What's going on?" I ask him walking over to the bars

"I'm getting you out of here", Adrian says coming to the bars

"I can't let you do this", I tell him

"I can and I will. You're my sister and please don't ask me to watch my sister die. I have already watched you die twice. I don't think Lissa or I can bring you back a third", Adrian begs

I can see fear and concern in his eyes.

"So it is a sure thing then?" I ask him

"Yes. Don't worry I won't stop to your name is clear", Adrian says determination clear in his voice

"What's the plan? If I ran everyone will follow me" I ask him

"I need you to take this. It will mimic death", Adrian says hanging me a pill

"So everyone will think I'm dead?" I ask him

"Yes. It is the only way. You will be safe if everyone thinks you are dead. I have some friends in Russia who have agreed to take you in at the school there and make you a teacher", Adrian explains

"I can't leave you or Lissa", I tell him

"Well you are going to have too. Little sister I need to know your safe and this is the only way to insure that", Adrian says

"Ok then. Let's do this", I tell him

"Here is the pill. I'm going to arrange it for everyone to see you one at a time. I'll have Dimitri go last that is when you take the pill", Adrian tells me looking me in the eyes

"Ok. Go and get them", I tell him putting my guardian mask up

"Ok. Are you sure?" Adrian asks

"Yes. I'll make them let me go. Go get them before I change my mind", I tell him

He nods and heads back up the stairs. I can't believe everyone will soon learn that I'm dead. I know Adrian is right the only way I can lead a normal life is if everyone things I'm dead. I know Adrian will clear my name but my reputation will be gone. No one will trust me to guard them any more.

After about ten minutes I hear someone coming and find out it's my mother and Abe.

"Mum, old man it is good to see you", I tell them my guardian mask up all the way

"Oh Rose I can't believe this is happening to you", Mum says

"Don't worry mum it will be ok", I lie

"How did your stake end up in the queens room?" Abe asks

"I don't know. Why don't you figure it out?" I ask him annoyed

"What he is saying that word has gotten around the court about your argument with her about how she was not going to let you guard Princess Dragomir", Mum say looking my straight in the eye

I know whoever spread that rumor is lying. But I can't tell them otherwise.

"Yes I had an argument. What has that got to do with anything?" I ask them

"Well that argument was shortly before the queens murder…", Mum says

I can't believe what they are saying. They think I had something to do with it.

"I think you both should leave", I tell them

"Fine. But this is not over Rosemarie", Mum says turning and leaving with Abe

"But it is", I whisperer so they can't hear me

2 minutes later Eddie comes down the stairs.

"Hey Hathaway. How's it going?" he asks me

I smile at him, "Things could be better"

"I heard what is going around the court and I don't believe a word of it", Eddie tells me

I smile at him, "Thanks Eddie"

"Not a problem", he replies

"Can you do me a favor?" I ask him

"What?" he asks immediately

"Look after Lissa for me. Protect her with everything you have", I ask him

"But Rose your not going anywhere", he tells me firmly

"Promise me", I repeat a bit louder

"I swear to you Rose I'll look after her till the day I die", he vows

"Thanks Eddie. You have no idea how much that means to me", I say to him

"Think nothing of it. I'll see you soon Rose", he says heading back up the stairs

"That's what you think", I whisper

Next to come down is Christian.

"Hey fireboy", I call to him

He smiles, "Hey. How's life in jail?"

"Could be better", I tell him

"Yeh It could", Christian says looking a bit uncomfortable

"Can you promise me something?" I ask him

"What? Nothing illegal I hope", Christian asks

"Nope. Take care of Lissa for me", I tell him

I have to make sure she is looked after.

"You will get out of here Rose. You're not going to die", he says firmly

Oh yes I am. In one way add least.

"Please promise me", I beg

"Of course Rose. She is my life. I'll do anything to protect her", Christian says

"Thank you fireboy", I tell him

"See you soon Rose", he says heading back up the stairs

"No you won't", I whisper

Next down the stairs is Lissa and she looks mad and I can feel it through the bond. Oh no this is not going to be good. Please Liss don't say anything you'll regret.

"How could you?" she yells

"How could I what?" I ask her calmly

"How could you shout at the queen about me. You could have just let it go and we would have figured something out", Lissa says barely keeping her voice down

"Lissa I didn't", I tell her the truth

"Liar. It is all over the court they even have a witness", Lissa says

"I'm telling you the truth", I tell her

But I know through the bond that my words are not having any effect on her. Now she will think I died knowing she was mad at me.

"You keep lying to me. You lied to me about Dimitri. You lie to me all the time. That is not what best friends do. For all I know you actually killed to queen", Lissa spits out

"Fine go then. Lissa", I tell her softly

"It is Princess Dragomir to you. And I'm already leaving", she says storming up the stairs

"Goodbye", I whisper

I can't believe she believes those lies. Someone is very good at their job. I'm broken out of my thoughts by Dimitri's arrival.

"Guardian Hathaway", he says

"Mr Belikov what have you come to say?" I ask him softly

My mind keep's replying 'love fades, mine has'

"I'm just here to tell you that it is time you move on from me. I don't love you anymore. You need to give up", he says

I turn away from the bars and look at the pill in my hand. It is now or never. I quickly take the pill.

"If that is what you what. Then live your life and be happy", I tell him softly

He does say anything but starts to walk away.

"I love you", I whisper softly

Then I feel the pill starting to effect. I start to choke.

"Guardian Hathaway are you all right?" Dimitri asks

I continue to choke and I fall to the ground.


I hear the sound of running foot steps and the cell down opening and suddenly I'm in Dimitri's arms.

"Please Roza stay with me", he begs

I close my eyes and I hear no more…

Adrian's POV

There was no way I was letting my little sister die. We have kept this secret for years. Not even our parents know. I watch as one by one our friends go down to speak to her. I know that her mother and Abe have just had an argument with her. They are still arguing now. Eddie and Christian come back up quickly smiling softly and looking a little bit confused. I know what Rose has asked them. I just hope they keep there promise. Lissa goes down looking angry she is back up minutes later looking furious, she quickly storms past us and out. She should not have done that now she is going to feel guilty. But I can't do anything to ease her guilt. Then Dimitri goes down to talk to her. Minutes later we hear him shouting for help. I see the guards ran down the stairs. We are all gathered together now. Everyone but me looking scared. 10 minutes later Dimitri comes up the stairs tears running down his cheeks.

"Dimitri what happened?" Christian asks concerned

"It's Ros…", Dimitri tries to say

"What happened to Rose?" Guardian Hathaway asks

"She's dead", Dimitri chokes out

They all look at him in disbelief.

"No she can't", Guardian Hathaway whisperers

"She is. I tried to save her. But we couldn't get her breathing again", Dimitri chokes out

"Guardian Hathaway I'm sorry for your lose", the Guard says

Rose's mum collapses into Abe's arms crying begging for it all to be a joke. Abe looks lost he holds onto her tightly. I look at Eddie and Christian they both looked lost and close to tears.

"I have to go. I have to tell Lissa", Christian chokes walking away

I look at Dimitri and he has collapsed crying. I would feel sorry for him if he hadn't broken my sister's heart. I quickly walk away from the group and start the next part of the plan. To re-invent Rose Hathaway…

Rose's POV

I feel strange. I'm starting to wake up but I'm not all there.

"Rose you have to wake up now", a voice thinks in my head

I want to tell that person to rack off. But I can't find the words.


My eyes snap open at the voice and I come face to face with my brother. I look around and I can tell we are not at court anymore. I still can't find my voice.

"Where are we?" I think

"We are at the airport", Adrian replies out loud

"How…", I manage to get out

"I took you from the morgue. I charmed a bracelet so it would make the wear look like you. I put it on a body that no one will miss and I snuck you out of court. Everyone now thinks you are dead", Adrian says

I slowly sit up. But I'm feeling a bit dizzy.

"Here take a drink. You have been out for 24 hours", Adrian says handing me a drink and sandwich

"I think I might need…", I left it hanging

"Don't worry. I got you some blood here. I'm not surprised you need it after everything you have been through", he says handing me another bottle

30 minutes later I had changed my clothes and I'm looking like myself again.

"Here I know you are still weak to disguise yourself. So I did this for you", Adrian says hanging me a silver bracelet, "I also found your ring and necklace in your room"

He hands me all the items and I quickly put them on. To where they belong.

"Thank you", I tell him

"Here is your passport your flight leaves in an hour", Adrian says

I look at the name on the passport and smile.

"Rose Ivashkov", I read

Adrian smiles, "I think it is time you go by our last name"

I smile and hug him tightly.

"Thank you brother", I say

"I'll do anything for you. I'll see you as soon as I can", Adrian tells me letting me go

"See you soon. Stay out of trouble", I tell him smiling

"Don't I always?" he asks smiling getting back into the car

I just laugh and watch as he drives away. I look at the airport and take a deep breath. It is time to start my new life…

Author's Note: What do you think? Please review and i'll update as fast as I can:)