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Let Me Be Your Affliction
A Pretty Little Liars Fanfiction

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Summary: Love - a wildly misunderstood although highly desirable malfunction of the heart which weakens the brain, causes eyes to sparkle, cheeks to glow, blood pressure to rise and the lips to pucker. ~Author Unknown

This is scene is post 2x10.
I am a straight guy writing PLL fanfiction
So I apologize in advanced if I don't know all the girly stuff.

For the past two days their final encounter plays repetitiously in her head. Visions of gorgeous green eyes dance dreamily in her memory. They remind her of a jungle and she sometimes imagined herself a willing prisoner to the green vines and leafy terrain. And though she'd never admit it, something within her broke when he told her he understood she's unavailable. The way his eyes darkened considerably and oh the wounded expression!

But she's with Ezra and none of it mattered anymore, right?

Right, she definitively decides redirecting her attention to her English teacher.


Stepping through the front doors of the high school, broad shoulders tightened nervously. A plain black t-shirt hugged his muscular torso until chiseled abs protrude through the cottony fabric. Grey polyester basketball shorts hung loosely over narrowed hips stopping a mere inch above brawny calf muscles.

He was handsome, devilishly so.
Even Adonis worthy though he'd never admit it.

Green irises scan the empty hallway almost afraid. Aria's mom had requested to chat with him and about what he could only imagine. In fact, he's been imagining what she could possibly want with him all morning but he knew better than anyone that letting your mind run wild only gets you into trouble so he controls himself until he knocks on classroom door and checked his watch to make sure he'd arrived when she asked.

Jason: "Mrs. Montgomery? You wanted to see me?"
Ella: "Jason, come in and please call me Ella."

He nods pleasantly, stepping into the room and taking the causal seating on top of the desk he had done last time he'd chatted with her in her classroom. She continued in her position behind her desk pleasantly smiling at him.

Ella: "How're you?"
Jason: "Other than feeling like a seventeen year old kid being asked to stay after class, pretty good."

His comment causes her smile to grow into a dimply one that he immediately realizes her daughter inherited. Again his mind had drifted to Aria- beautiful, brave, bold Aria. He had to shake this. She was unattainable, unavailable but that only made him want her more. After a little effort he snaps back to the conversation at hand.

Ella: "Yeah, sorry about that. It's just my schedule's been really hectic lately and haven't had the chance to thank you."
Jason: "For?"
Ella: "We had a long overdue family discussion and Aria explained to us about Mike breaking in attempt and your kindness in not pressing charges… that you even took an interest in helping him."
Jason: "Mrs. Montgomery—"
Ella: "Ella."

He smiles sheepishly at her correction and his cheeks blush a faint rose tint.

Jason: "Ella, you don't need to thank me for just trying to do the right thing."

The rest of their conversation goes smoothly, moving from topic to topic with the fluidity of moving from one song to the next on a CD until the bell rings. Then the ripple effects of the current bell spreads over the world outside the door like wildfire. The flow of students moving with the similarity of a class 5 river rapid roam the hallways. Green eyes flash over to the doorway as well as the brown ones of Ella and they talk their way to the door. Once there they linger and exchange the pleasantries of goodbye before he turns to leave and she calls him back just remembering phase two of thanking Jason.

Ella: "Oh, I almost forgot to invite you to dinner tomorrow night at…oh, say seven o'clock."

Again his mind goes to Aria. Would she be there? Would she want him there? Before his mind could process the best route to go down, his moth had decided for him.

Jason: "Yah, dinner'd be great. Can I bring anything?"
Ella: "Just yourself."
Jason: "Alright, sounds good."

As she dips back into her classroom, he makes a break for the door with feet reacting on autopilot. His feet and mind are so determined to evacuate the high school he'd been a prisoner in for four years that he inadvertently plows right into a woman's tiny frame.

Running into him was like colliding into a well-built, dreamily muscular, brick wall instantly sending her off balance until she loses her footing and is knocked down onto the floor and a flush of silky brown hair flung up in a raging puff, momentarily masking her features to him.

Jason: "Oh man, I'm so sorry."

The voice was deep, uncharacteristically friendly, and familiar. Yet, she couldn't quite place the low tone right away. Long slender fingers move through her hair shifting it out of her face only to see an extended hand ready to help her back up. When their eyes lock, glorious green meets hauntingly hazel, both momentarily widen in surprise. Then a moment occurs.

It's a moment that lasts longer than most moments. All the sounds, movements, and mayhem that coincided with the high school hallways vanishes and they're the only two people in the world. His heart beats out of his chest as she finally accepts his hand- the softness of her flesh against his coarse skin shockingly pleasant.

Aria: "Jason, hey. What're you doing here?"
Jason: "Uh… your mom wanted to meet and invited me for dinner."
Aria: "What'd you say?"

There's a hint of nervousness in her angelic voice that causes a pang of guilt to strike his heart. Then he watches two black painted fingers tuck a loose strand behind her ear and he realizes that maybe it's the good kind of nervous. The edge of his lip curls upward into a half smile as he speaks in such a smooth tone.

Jason: "Yeah, I mean, I didn't want to be rude… is that okay?"
Aria: "Yeah, I mean, why wouldn't it be?"
Jason: "Well, your boyfriend didn't seem too thrilled that you were hanging out with me the other day."
Aria: "You can't tell anyone… about Ezra and I. I mean, we're going to tell people just we're not, we want to talk to my parents first."

He nods slowly in understanding and catches sight of his hand still holding hers. Neither had made a move to break the connection and words can't describe what it does to him. Green eyes met her in a lustful gaze without a hint of hesitation or regret. His smirk grows across his flawless face and he pulls her a little closer and whispers in her ear.

Jason: "You're secrets safe with me but, for what it's worth, if you were me I'd be shouting it from the rooftops not hiding it."

His voice was husky with desire and truth and she could feel her heart nearly burst through her chest from the close proximity. Ripples of chills run down her spine freezing her in her spot, in the center of the hallway and before she can find any words, he's gone disappeared into the crowd of clamoring students.

So there you have it the first exciting installment of Let Me Be Your Affliction (LMBYA)
Any question, comments, concerns, praises to be sung?
Add fuel to the fire and help inspire…