Here's the last bit. Thanks for reading and commenting.


Dean took the coward's way out. At least, that's what he felt like he was doing. He didn't call Castiel or go to see him and he didn't try to explain why he didn't do any of those things. He liked Castiel and he liked kissing him but he still wasn't ready to accept that he was attracted to him.

It wasn't until the start of May that he had to face Castiel again. At the end of April, Sam told him about what he called a Beltane party that was going to be held in the garden of Castiel's neighbours.

"What the hell is a Beltane party?" Dean asked.

"Umm, it's to do with...fertility...or something."

"Seriously?" Dean was back to feeling Witchcraft was weird.

"You wanna go?"

Dean hesitated and Sam said: "I think you should go. You owe Cas an explanation."

Dean gave him a quick look. "What? Why?"

"Dean I know you kissed him at the party in February. He says he hasn't heard from you since. It's really uncool of you."

Dean made a sound like a spoiled child that didn't get his way. "Alright!" he finally said. It was probably only fair.

The party didn't look like any party Dean had ever been to. Well, it actually looked a little like the Halloween party. It started at 9 in the evening and when Dean and Sam got there there were people in robes of different colours everywhere, some of them looked like medieval gowns, but Dean also spottet a few in normal clothes. There were also a few big dogs running around. In the garden was a long table with a couple of big punch bowles and a few smaller ones along with fruit and cake and some sandwiches. At least there was food, Dean thought.

Castiel came over to them and Dean felt a little awkward since Castiel had obviously hoped he would have been in touch. He was wearing a purple robe but Dean could spot his black jeans and t-shirt underneath.

"Hello," he said, not looking as pissed as Dean would have if it had been him who'd been ignored like that.

"Hi, Cas," Dean said.

"Great party," Sam said, looking at the crowd.

"Thanks. There are a few people who aren't Pagans in case you wanna talk to them," Castiel said.

"Oh, no, it's fine. I don't mind talking to your friends," Sam said. He went over to a couple of people he recognized from the last party, making a face at Dean as to say "Be nice to him."

"You want something to drink?" Castiel asked.


They went over to the table and Castiel went for the biggest punch bowl there was.

"This is elderflower cordial," he said and poured two cups.

"Elderflower cordial? So, no beer?"

"No beer," Castiel said with a smile. He reached for one of the smaller bowls that had a dark liquid in it. He took the spoon and poured a bit of it into the cups.

"You can mix it with this."

"What is 'this'?"

"It's a brew made of different flowers and a few herbs."

"It smells like roses," Dean said and sniffed the bowl.

"There are roses in it. And a bit of cinnamon and other nice things."

"Isn't cinnamon for Christmas?"

"Not exclusively."

Dean took a sip of the glass. It tasted good so he took a big sip. Castiel continued: "It's also used as an afrodisiac."

Dean coughed, choking on the drink. "An afro...? As in getting people's mojo up?"

"Yeah," Castiel gave him a long look, drinking his own drink.

Dean didn't know what to say. Then he remembered what Sam had said about this being some sort of fertility party.

"You've just lured me into taking part in a ritual, haven't you? This is some sort of sex ritual that'll end in one big bang."

Castiel sighed. "Dean relax. It's just a party. May Day celebrations take place all over the world. There's nothing weird about it."

Dean calmed down a little. Then Castiel said: "Whether people have sex or not is entirely up to them."

Dean put the cup down and glared at him but Castiel just smiled, looking at the crowd.

Dean made the rounds, talking to a few of the other guests and he found them to be nice and interesting people. One was a banker, one a construction worker and one lady had her own bakery. She had supplied the cakes for the party and Dean complimented her. They were the best cakes he'd ever tasted. He met up with Sam a couple of times and he had a good time as well. He said it was nice to finally be at a party where it wasn't about being the best or the handsomest. He could just relax. People here didn't judge him. Dean was surprised to hear he felt that way. He hadn't realized Sam was so self-conscious.

There were a few games going on and Dean had fun watching. Then a bonfire was lit as it was starting to get a little darker. The mood was great and he started to wonder where Castiel had gone to. He made his way to the food table again. He liked the elderflower cordial and poured another cup. He felt a tug on his sleeve and heard Castiel's voice behind him: "Dean, will you jump the Beltane fire with me?"

Dean turned around and looked at him with a puzzled face.

Castiel smiled. "It's for protection and purification."

"So it's a ritual type thing."

"Sure, I guess." Castiel looked at him with hopeful eyes and Dean couldn't say no.

"Well, alright," he finally said.

Castiel grabbed his hand, giving Dean a tingly feeling up his arm, and lead him to the line of people waiting to jump. Dean just had time to think how mad this whole situation was, then it was their turn. They ran up to the fire and jumped, being careful not to get burned.

It was actually quite fun. A bit dangerous if you slipped, Dean though, completely ignoring the fact that the fire was on the smaller side.

Sam came over to them. "Hey, you're first Pagan participation," he said, smiling at Dean. "I'm so proud of you," he mocked with a hand to his chest, sounding like a proud mother, getting a punch on the shoulder from Dean. Then he was gone again, trying to convince a girl in a light green robe to jump the fire with him.

Dean and Castiel went over and stood by themselves. "Thanks for doing that," Castiel said.

Dean huffed out a laugh, feeling a little strange. "No problem."

"It's just more fun doing it with someone you like," Castiel continued. Then he grabbed Dean's hand again and led him towards the hedge where there was a hole to his own garden. Dean looked back for Sam to rescue him, but Sam just laughed and waved his hand for Dean to follow.

Castiel led Dean up to his bedroom and had him lie down on the bed. Dean didn't really mind, he realized. Maybe it was the cinnamon. Castiel slipped out of his robe and crawled on top of Dean to kiss him and Dean forgot everything else because it was that good. He felt himself go hard and Castiel crawled down and opened his jeans, taking his cock out. Right then, Dean had a moment of uncertainty. Did he really want to do this? Then Castiel started sucking him slowly and Dean moaned loudly. Damn, he was good at that. It was better than anything any girl had ever done to him.

Castiel took his time getting Dean as close as he could without finishing him. Then he started crawling up his body while kissing his stomach and chest, pulling his t-shirt as he went.

"Dean," he said in a low voice and Dean had to strain his ears to hear him because his head was dizzy with bliss. "Do you know about Greenwood marriages?"

"No," was all Dean could say.

Castiel continued kissing his way up while saying: "It stems back many centuries where unmarried couples would spend the night together. On Beltane, people could be handfasted in a trial marriage that would last a year and a day."

He pulled Dean's t-shirt off and looked at him while continuing: "Nowadays, on Beltane, two people can agree to enter into a Greenwood marriage by making love. Then they are married for the next year and a day and after that they can decide if they want to continue the arrangement."

Castiel pulled his own t-shirt off and kissed Dean again. When he let him go, Dean said with a thin voice: "I-I don't agree."

Castiel smiled. "No, I didn't think you would. Anyway, I don't intend to marry anyone I can't be sure will ever call me again."

That sort of stung, but Dean thought he deserved it. Castiel pulled Dean's jeans and boxers off him and took his own jeans off. He wasn't wearing any underwear and Dean couldn't help staring. Then he crawled back on top of Dean and started kissing his neck. He was sucking on the spot right below Dean's left earlobe and Dean was surprised he was so sensitive there. "Aaaahh," he couldn't help saying, feeling Castiel's lips smile against his skin.

Then Castiel moved to another spot and a moment later, Dean heard him whisper in his ear: "Do you want to bottom or should I?"

Dean opened his eyes wide and stared at the ceiling. Maybe he hadn't thought this all the way through. "Eeerrrr," he said, thinking frantically.

"I'll bottom, then, since it's your first time," Castiel said. He reached over to the bedside table and got out a condom and some lube. He gestured for Dean to get up and then got down on all fours in front of him, leaning down on his arms so his ass was sticking up invitingly right in front of Dean. He certainly wasn't shy, Dean thought and grabbed the condom, sliding it on quickly with trembling hands. When he had lubed up, he grabbed Castiel's hip with one hand and used his other to line himself up with Castiel's hole. Nothing to it but to get on with it before he lost his nerve, he thought.

After breaching the first tight ring of Castiel's hole, he slid in quite easily going as deep as he could while Castiel gave a long obscene moan that almost threw Dean completely off his concentration. No, no shyness at all. He started to thrust slowly, trying to judge how hard and fast he could go without hurting Castiel.

After a while, he started to realx and enjoyed the tight feeling of Castiel around him. He was going harder and faster and Castiel was exclaiming his pleasure with loud moans and gasps, the occasional "Harder!" mixed in. Dean was panting and tried to follow up on what he thought Castiel reacted to the most. He reached down to kiss his neck and hit the right angle for Castiel's prostate because Castiel whimpered loudly. Dean smiled with satisfaction and continued with that angle and soon Castiel's legs was beginning to buckle under him, his moans becoming high whimpers that made his throat hoarse. Then he shook and groaned, body going limp under Dean. Dean quickly finished himself and collapsed beside Castiel on the bed.

He woke up early the next morning, not knowing where he was at first, then seeing Castiel sleeping beside him. He pondered if he should leave but then thought that if he did Castiel would probably never talk to him again. And he didn't want that.

He saw a few books on the bedside table and grabbed one that was simply called "Beltane". He read for a while, then felt Castiel stir beside him.

"Good morning," Castiel said, smiling at him, evidently happy Dean hadn't run off during the night.

"Hey, it says here that the people you told me about, you know, with the Greenwood marriages, the young men would prepare a love nest by making a shelter of branches and decorate it with flowers. Howcome you didn't do that for me?"

Castiel smiled and rubbed his eyes. "Well, I thought you would appreciate a bit of privacy considering it was your first time with a guy. Anyway, I wasn't sure I wanted to go to that much trouble if you were just gonna run off again."

"That's very hurtful."

"Yes, but true, nonetheless." Castiel pulled him in for a long deep kiss, then got up to take a shower. Dean put the book down and padded after him like a puppy.