Lord Of Nightmares

Disclaimer Rhyme:

I own nothing in this one. Not even an OC.

As we all know, that's highly unusual for me.


Though the title references it, this is NOT a Slayers crossover. It also doesn't fit into any of my other stories. I was just a bit inspired.

Harry James Potter had had enough. Umbridge was trying to cut his hand off via her literally bloody quill. Add in the various stares of people who thought he was a lying bastard and the relative lack of support from everyone else... It was surprising that he hadn't turned Dark already.

As it was, he held out till just after the winter holidays on pure willpower.

By that point, he'd been hurt too many times. Add in the number of first years that he'd seen crying and holding their hands, and he was downright furious. The final straw was so small that it was damn near ridiculous. Snape's blasted attempt at teaching him Occlumency was painful, humiliating and just plain vindictive.

That night, he ignored his headache – really, after Voldemort's Cruciatus curse it was really rather mild – and visited the Restricted Section. It took him all of twenty minutes to find a book with the basics written out. Fifteen minutes into reading it, he was unsurprised to realize that Snape was hurting more than helping. He quickly devoured the book and started his new exercises before bed.

By the time his next Occlumency lesson was scheduled, Harry was able to eject the greasy git from his mind. Snape was not pleased, and spent all night battering at his shields. Once again, Harry spent the night in the Restricted section. This time, he had more than defense on his mind. This time, he wanted a way to make sure that no one could hurt him ever again.

Unfortunately, the Restricted books didn't have anything nearly useful.

He was heading back towards the tower, and bed, when the idea struck. The Room of Requirement could provide anything, right? Supposedly, at least. You just had to know what you wanted.

He quickly made his way to the seventh floor and composed his thoughts. I want no one to ever be able to hurt me again. I want to be able to stop the ones who hurt innocent children. I want to be able to stop Voldemort.

He completed the required pacing quickly, and found himself in a room with a single book and two chairs. One chair was unoccupied. The other contained a man. Harry cautiously approached, taking in the man's appearance.

He was burnt, badly. On one hand he had a clawed glove. His sweater was green and red, and a bit singed in places. His trousers and shoes were fairly normal, but Harry had to ponder the reasoning behind wearing a fedora without a jacket – and while indoors. The man's ancient-seeming blue eyes watched him patiently.

Harry carefully sat in the chair. "Who are you?"

The man gave a predatory smile. "Frederick Krueger. You can call me Freddy."

Harry blinked at him. "Weren't you in a muggle movie...?"

Freddy nodded. "Yep. And they did a decent job, though they got a lot of it wrong."

Harry leaned back in his chair. Well, the madman wasn't attacking him for a change, so he supposed he could be a bit civil until he discerned his intentions. "Um... I'm Harry Potter. Harry, if you like."

Freddy nodded. "Nice to meet'ya, Harry."

He swallowed a bit nervously. "So, you said they got some of it wrong?"

The man nodded. "Especially in the later movies. I never played with the kids the way they said when I was alive. I just killed'em. Still not the best by your moral code, I suppose, but better than they said. Their deaths were usually pretty quick. Their parents did burn me alive, though. And I did keep killing their kids afterwards."

Harry nodded. "I suppose... I can respect that." Oddly, he realized that this was still a bit better than old Voldie's behavior. And, if the parents and the kids he knew were anything to go by, their deaths might have even been justifiable. "So, what do you want with me?"

Freddy snorted. "Do you know what they don't tell you when they offer you the deal to guard the dream gate? They don't tell you that it feels like forever. Every day. Every single fucking day is the beginning of time to the end of time."

Harry frowned. "That sounds... tedious. But, why is it like that?"

Freddy nodded. "It is tedious, as you put it. I call it fucking boring. As for why?..." He shifted position a bit and took a pull out of a bottle of beer that had just appeared on the table. "Did you know that dreams last just minutes in real time? For every minute in the real world, fucking days can pass in dreams. I live in the dream realm, so I'm always moving at that speed. At least, that's my theory of the why."

Harry nodded, then eyed Freddy's beer and sent a mental plea to the room. He was rather happy to see a bottle of Coke appear on the table. Who knew that the room could do that? He started to take a sip, but Freddy shook his head. "I wouldn't do that."

Harry raised an eyebrow. "Why not?"

"Stuff disappears when you walk out of here. What do you think will happen to you when that Coke vanishes after your body starts processing it?" Freddy nodded when he put the soda back down. "As I said, I wouldn't do that."

Harry sighed. "So, what about you?"

The Nightmare shrugged. "I'm already dead. Won't do shit to me."

"Oh. Why are you here?"

Freddy smirked. "As I said, my 'afterlife' as it were is getting kinda boring. And you need some help. I specialize in killing kids, but you don't want my prey. You want to kill the adults."

Harry crossed his legs, one ankle resting on the opposite knee, mimicking Freddy's positioning. "I'm not really sure that I want to help you."

He waved his clawed hand. "Eh. Not asking you to kill kids. Just thought you'd like to specialize in knocking off the living adults that hurt them. We wouldn't be able to really hurt each other, so no stopping me for you, or you for me. Still, you'd be able to rip a sizable hole into any so-called 'grown-up' you want."

Harry was really tempted. The chance to do damage to Voldie or Umbridge – without repercussions – was enticing. "What about that whole fear thing?"

Freddy snorted. "More Hollywood claptrap. I can go anywhere and kill any kid I really want. I tend to stick to the ones that deserve it though, unlike what they insist. Sure, I killed the kids of the people who hurt me. After that, though, I decided to stalk the ones who earned it."

Harry raised one eyebrow. "Oh?"

Krueger laughed. "Well, they think they successfully banned me from Elm Street. Truth is, kid, that every town has an Elm Street. In the US of fucking-A and parts of Britain, that is. And I was never really confined to it, anyway."

The burned man leaned closer, as if confiding a secret. "As for earning it, do you have any idea how sick and twisted some kids are? There are thirteen year old brats that get away with rape and murder. And I'm not just talking about bum-fuck nowhere kid. It happens in America, Russia, just about anywhere you can name. I don't need to kill Miss Innocent. I can go out and steal Mr. Too-Fucking-Young-For-An-Adult-Trial's own ideas to use against him."

Harry grinned. Images of Malfoy getting his just punishment dancing through his head. "I don't suppose you want a list of suggestions for people to take a closer look at?"

Freddy laughed. "Now you're gettin' the idea. So, what'dya say? Wanna join the Dream Demon crowd? Keep me company during the days so that we can wreak havoc at night?"

Harry found himself echoing Freddy's laughter. "I don't have to die to do it, do I?"

He shook his head. "Nah, makes it easier, but it's not a requirement. Just read the book. It'll teach ya what you need to know to summon them and make your deal. Remember, though, to keep a close eye on the fine print. And, if you have any kids you wanna get back at... Well, I'll be happy to let ya play alongside me for them. Kay?"

Harry nodded, then frowned. "I have to get to bed..."

Freddy's smile widened back into a grin. "That book didn't come from the room, kid. I brought it here out of Dreams myself after you opened the door. It won't vanish."

Harry smiled, feeling his anger uncoil and move into a waiting position. It was almost like a snake preparing to strike. "Freddy, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."

Freddy laughed. "Gotta love the classics..." The man stood and stretched. "I need to get back to work. Make sure you word the contract so that they pull out and destroy that soul fragment in your scar. You don't want to be an eternal tether for the fucker that killed your parents. Ask the room for books on the word 'Horcrux' and you'll find out what I mean."

As Krueger faded, Harry did ask the room for the information. He could have sworn that he heard a distant laugh and a comment about 'whores knowing better than to fuck with soul magic,' but he had more important things to worry about. The single new book that appeared had him shaking with fury by the time he finished reading it. The methods of disposal for a Horcrux brought him to some painful realizations about his apparently deliberate lack of training and life expectancy.

By the time dawn lit the sky, Harry was absolutely certain that he'd be making a bargain soon.