Title: A Different Kind of Enemy

Author: Dana

Rating: R to be on the safe side

Warnings: A lot of violence

Summary: The Rangers have faced a lot of threats but nothing has prepared them for this.

Author's note: I have been reading a book on Columbine and it was sadly an inspiration for this fic and I know that sounds really bad. I've written another fic similar to this in the Mighty Ducks fandom called We'll Never Know but nothing to this extent.

Disclaimer: I do not own anyone that you recognize in this fic.

In English Class, Tommy Oliver, Billy Cranston, Jason Scott, and Kimberly Hart were watching the black and white version of Lord of the Flies. Billy Cranston was watching the movie intently while Tommy was fighting off sleep. Jason had his head down on the desk having given up on fighting sleep about ten minutes into the movie. Kimberly was working on homework for the next class.

Mrs. Applebee glanced at the clock before looking around the class. She saw that several of her students were asleep but she was used to it by now. It happened every year. She supposed one of these years she would give up on making her class watch Lord of the Flies but this year wasn't it. There were only about ten minutes left in the class. She went up to the VCR and hit stop.

Tommy leaned over and nudged Jason.

"Wha?" He asked sleepily.

"Movie's over," he said and then turned back around when Mrs. Applebee cleared her throat.

Kimberly shut her notebook and turned her attention back to her teacher.

"Class I know this movie is boring," Mrs. Applebee said, "but the reason I am showing you this movie is because I feel it will help you understand the book more."

Corey Watts stood up from his seat.

"Corey sit down," Mrs. Applebee ordered. She was surprised at this as Corey was a quiet shy kid who never acted out in her class.

"But Mrs. Applebee," Corey started to say and then sat down. "I thought I saw something outside," he said quietly.

"Whatever it is it can wait until after class is over," Mrs. Applebee said before turning to face the chalkboard. She wrote on the blackboard the question: What are the differences between the movie and the book?

"You have the rest of the period to answer this question. It will be due tomorrow."

The class groaned. Skull's hand went up in the air.

Mrs. Applebee barely held back a sigh. "Yes Skull?"

"What movie?"

There were a few snickers from the others in the class. Mrs. Applebee silenced them with a glance.

"The movie that you have been watching for the past couple of days."

"Oh year." Skull said. He sank down in his chair when he noticed Mrs. Applebee's back was turned.

Corey was still staring out the window.

"Corey," Mrs. Applebee started to say but stopped. She finally saw what Corey saw. "Class get under your desks."

Tommy and Jason both stood up and looked out the window. What they saw out the window was far scarier then one of Zedd's monsters.