A/N: This is my first story, so please Rate & Review if you like it, or have any suggestions. The Story is told from Chris' POV.

I had been a fan of StarKid prior to meeting Darren, and I was shocked to see him without a giant tangle of curly hair on his head. I actually quite liked this new look on him. I had told him I was a huge fan of his work, but he thought I was just being nice by researching him before we met. I made sure he knew this was not the case by acting like an excited fan, quoting my favorite lines from "Red Vines" to "Mama Umbridge". Darren returned the favor by telling me how much he loved glee and how Kurt was his favorite character. As we made our way through the hair and makeup trailers, we quickly bonded over musical theater and Harry Potter.

That first day of filming was a blast; running through the halls of the Dalton set, meeting all the new cast members in the warblers, and spending time with Darren between takes. As we were wrapping up that day Ryan Murphy wanted to speak to Darren and me. We walked into the writer's room, and Ryan began to explain, "As you already know, I have plans for your characters. It will be a while before your characters finally get together," Ryan paused to flip through his notes, "about ten episodes, but I need to be sure there is a building tension between you two. You should spend time together, get comfortable being close, and ignore each other's personal space."

I was perfectly ok with getting close to my attractive new costar, but I worried about Darren being straight. That fear quickly subsided as Darren interjected, "I don't think that will be a problem, Chris and I are already bonding, and I've been known to invade my friend's personal space." All three men chuckled and said their farewells as they left for the night.

Over the next few months Darren and I spent the majority of our time together, we had quickly become great friends, and I would almost dare to say he was my best friend. We took Ryan's advice to heart and became very comfortable with being close. We would hug whenever we saw each other, hold hands when we walked together, and even rest our heads on each other's shoulders when we shared a bench; the latter being particularly difficult since Darren is fairly short. I was having a very easy time connecting to Kurt as a character; as he coveted Blaine, I lusted over Darren. At least Kurt had unrequited love with an available gay guy, I perpetuated my unbroken history of longing for adorable straight men. I knew it was a bad idea, and I would inevitably be emotionally wounded like the last times.

The day finally came, the filming of "Original Song," the day our characters kiss. As if kissing my beautiful costar and best friend wasn't going to be awkward enough, Ryan and Brad, the director, had devoted four hours to that scene in our filming schedule to ensure they got the perfect take. Darren came bounding over to me before the shoot like an excited puppy and planted a kiss directly on my lips. I froze, eyes wide, and stammered, "W-what was that for?"

Darren just smiled with his fingers interlocked behind his back, rotating his torso back and forth like a small child, "I just wanted to get the first kiss out of the way so we don't have to deal with Ryan telling us the first take was 'rigid and unbelievable,' now just relax, I'm sure you're a great kisser when you aren't so surprised." With that he winked at me and scampered off.

I was shocked, but I guess I should have expected nothing less from Darren. He is such a goober. As we were positioned on set, Darren kept licking his lips and making kissy faces at me from across the room while no one was looking. I know he was trying to make me laugh, but I refused to give him that satisfaction. After several takes, I was glad I was sitting down. Brad kept telling us he didn't have the perfect shot, and he kept repositioning everything on set. Ryan contributed his input, "I want to see more passion! Darren, don't be afraid to use your hands."

"But don't block either person's face from the camera!" Brad interjected.

Rolling his eyes slightly, Ryan turned to me and said, "Chris, act as if Kurt has wanted this ever since he first met Blaine. A little surprised at first, and then really get into it."

"Okay," I replied, this shouldn't be hard considering that's exactly what I want. Once the scene was reset, Darren was humping the air while pursing his lips and making his bushy eyebrows dance. I accidently let a small chuckle escape before getting back into character. As we went through the dialogue, the anticipation of the kiss was building in me. Darren half stood up and his lips met mine; I inhaled sharply. His left hand gently moved along my right cheek. I sat back in my chair as if the kiss was unexpected, but quickly met Darren's advance with my own, parting his lips with my tongue, and grabbing his face with my left hand. We were both breathing heavily until we broke the kiss. Moving only his eyes, Darren looked me up and down real quickly, and then he released his breath though a smile, almost sounding like a laugh. He briefly brought his hand to his face, but quickly pulled it away before resuming his lines. For the second kiss we threw ourselves at each other. I threw my arms around his neck as we both stood up to get in a full kiss.

I barely heard Brad yell "Cut!" I swiftly separated from my crush, and sat back down before anyone could notice my obvious arousal. I looked to Brad, and he called out, "That's a wrap, under ten takes and in less than 20 minutes, great job guys."

Ryan added, "Darren, that bashful chuckle was perfect, and hiding your face was the perfect touch. Nice job to both of you."

Darren turned to me and whispered, "that wasn't acting I just couldn't believe you slipped me tongue. You got me there, Colfer." With that he squeezed my shoulder and walk toward his dressing room. I just sat there trying to regain composure before getting up to leave.

As I walked to my trailer I nearly ran into Lea on the lot. "Aren't you supposed to be making out with Darren for another three and a half hours?"

I laughed, "Not anymore, we got the shot on the seventh take."

"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll have another chance to kiss Darren," she smirked. Lea knew I had a thing for Darren, and I'm sure she would have figured it out if I hadn't told her. Lea just gets me, and that is why we are such good friends. "Well this episode is a big milestone for Kurt and Blaine. We should definitely have one of our legendary viewing parties for that one."

Our viewing parties were legendary. Whenever we decided an episode was important for one of our characters, the actor with the important role would host a viewing party. This gathering consisted of the cast watching the episode and getting extremely drunk. The only rule was the host had to drink the most. Lea looked at her watch and let out a sigh, "Well, I have to get going now. I'll see you next week." Lea continued on to the parking lot and I went to go nap in my trailer.

Shameless self promotion: check out my tumblr ravenclaws-wit