Disclaimer: Don't own anything.


The sun shined, and the birds chirp, just like any other day. Just like any other normal day. But not today. Today was not another day, and I was going to find that out the hard way.

Two years after the war and everything still feels a little bit surreal to me. The only thing that keeps going in an endless cycle would be my studies. After graduating from high school, I decided to go to medical school. Just like my father, but after saving up my own money, I moved out of my dad's house, and moved into an apartment. It's not that far away from college, but I didn't want to bunk with a roommate in a stuffy little room either.

Yup, just like any other day. Nothing that amazing happens; nothing out of the ordinary happens. Well, nothing really can't surprise me that much after everything that me, and my friends have been through. Hollows come, and go, mainly because either I or Ishida come to eliminate the Hollows that come by here. Sometime they don't show up for months, which is a good thing seeing as med school really can get a bit tough. With all those exams, and paper work, no one can afford to miss a day or else you'll be left not knowing what to do. It's not like high school anymore, where you can just ask to go to the nurse's office, or ask to go to the restroom. Nope, here the rules and professors are a bit stricter.

Sometimes I miss being in high school. I miss all those times where I would chokehold Keigo, or when Inoue would try to make us eat one of her weird concoctions that she calls food. But most of all, I miss everything being simple, and… normal. Something, that I never would have expected to have missed, but I can't come to comprehend, as to why this type of stuff was happening. Why would anyone pay any attention to such rumors, and why would anyone become offended by it. There just something's in the world that I would never understand.

Yeah, I'm Ichigo Kurasaki, a Junior Medical College student, age nineteen, orange hair, permanent scowl, on and off substitute Shinigami. All these things would usually make me a target to start up fights around the neighborhood, but for some reason, I've seen to become yesterday's news. Apparently there's a new threat to the student body, no, to the whole Karakura Town. I for one find it disgraceful, and very shameful.

Who would have thought that this town, the town I tried to save, would have become so disgusted about a way a person, a human being lives his, or her life. I would have expected more, but the more I say that to myself, the more I know I'm lying to myself. I still can't wrap my mind around the whole situation. If you don't know what I'm talking about, let me educate you in today's news.


"This isn't right, why would these kids, these adults act this way. There're polluting our children with their disgusting habits. Someone needs to put a stop to this now! Or we'll stand out here for as long as we need to."


The only words that stood out to me, and disgusted me was, "polluting," "disgusting habits," and "our children." Do these people really feel this way about what's going around in the world? This isn't the 1800's. Everyone has a right to live their life however they feel suited. No one can tell a person who they can, or who they should be. The thing that bugged me more about that interview was that it was a woman, a mother who was spurting out those words of hatred. And for what? Something, that doesn't involve her at all. Just so she can so call, protect her children from being polluted.

That's right, you guessed it, these people believe that their trying to stop a plague from striking a poor defenseless college. They believe that their saving the student body, and the town by preaching their truths. I just think they want attention. Right now, even as we speak, their outside that poor college marching around with their shame hanging high above their heads, screaming so that everyone can hear them.

I wish I could say that this was just another ordinary day. But, then I would be lying, to me and to all those in fear of coming out to attend college. Oh, by the way, that poor college I was talking about. Funny story, that's the same college I attend. Ever since this chaos has spurted out, I was yesterday's news. For once I was glad the attention was taken away from me, but now I wish I could just take it back. Because I can take it; because I'm used to it, because I know what's it like to stand out in a crowd. These poor people don't deserve this one bit. They deserve to be able to live out their lives to the fullest, that's the damn reason I would bleed for this town, now, I'm just not sure anymore.

Sometimes after all this started, I would sit in front of that TV and question whether if I should rescue them anymore or just give up, and wait for some Hollow to eat them up. I know that sounds wrong, but some of these people deserve it. I protect Karakura Town for its resilience, it's capability to pick themselves up from the ashes, and make a new. But now I'm starting to see that this town has become prejudice, and unfair. I truly wish that I could do something for all those who are suffering, and who are in fear of their own town. But this isn't something I can just charge into like I usually do. This is none of my business, but I just can let it sit in my conscience, and walk away.

In this town, there are two types of people, just like there are two types of genders, and two different entities. That's the way it needs to be, this status quo can't be unbalanced. Because when you have one rotten apple, many believe that it will rotten the whole lot. I say that's bullshit, since when have I followed the rules, and gone with the flow. Now all these people think that Hell has risen for something someone did. For being different, for being who they are.

I grit my teeth when I turn on the damn TV, and notice that the news has the same repeated information of what happened yesterday, and the day before that, the day before that, and the day before that. It's an endless cycle of hate, and biasness to all those who just want to be themselves, and be left alone.

Hell, do they really know the meaning of that word? Do they really think just because someone stands out it's the end of the world? No one who marches with their shame high above their heads know the meaning of that word, they just want to pass judgment to all those who try to change their way of life, their perfect way of life. They need to open their eyes, and see that their perfect union, their utopia is nothing more than a fools dream. If anyone should pass on judgment, it's going to be those who are worthy to risk their lives-no, no one has the right to pass on judgment. It is inhuman for someone to do such a thing, it would take a true monster to be standing outside my college, and parade around like it's their new holly ground, and pass of as God himself.

At the same time, I wish I knew what to do. All I can do is just sit back, and grit my teeth at the chaos that has taken over Karakura Town. I've always wanted to save everyone from harm, from any danger that lurks. Sadly, this isn't any normal danger. This is madness, this is judgment placed on the ones who disturbed the perfect balance. I truly hope for their safety, and well being.

Right now, I'm just a bystander watching from the outside. I never thought that I would be watching from the inside, out. These things just happen, and no one has the right to stop it. That is human nature that is what it means to be human. To be able to steal your destiny right from the hands of faith. Life is a passion; you have to fill up your cup of love, to survive one must fight, so they can win a true pure heart. You have to fight for a single star, survive so you can fight for what you truly believe in. Life is competition; you have to dream to be a true champion. Natural instinct will help you overcome your rival. With true honor, and pride inside yourself, never losing your way, but lending your hand out to a someone you truly trust. That is what makes the strongest of hearts beat. I just never thought that I would be overcome.

Yeah, this is Karakura Town, and in this town, everything is about to change. Take a turn for the worst. Either way, we all fall for something that has always been right beside us. We're just too stupid not to see it. I just wish I had seen it coming; it's almost like a punch to the gut. How could such a peaceful town tear down the life of one of their own, the boundaries of life? All, because of a damn rumor, here in Karakura Town, rumors spread like wild fire. I just hope that I don't come out burned, for me, and for him.

A/N: Review, and read!