You want something done right, you've got to do it yourself. And yeah, I don't own Naruto or any characters therein. I also want to let you guys know that I stopped reading and watching Naruto years ago, so this is mostly based after older versions of the original series, which I loved.

I thought of this one after listening to Sara Bareilles' "King of Anything."

Hinata hunched gently against the wind of the coming autumn. It was chill and sharp, a stinging touch. She cringed, but it had nothing to do with the cold. The talk that morning with her father had left her feelings raw. The wind was insult to injury.

She pulled the bag up higher on her shoulder with a sigh. Was she ever not an embarrassment to her family? Her own little sister could kick her butt with two hands behind her back.

And now this.

If she didn't say yes….. She would be even more of an blight on her family's name.

Hinata tried desperately to not think. If only she could unscrew her brain for a while, and just zone out. Shut out her feelings somehow.

"BANZAI!" Naruto crashed suddenly into Hinata, causing the groceries she had just bought to fly onto the ground in varied directions. Hinata herself landed squarely on her butt, scraping her hands in the process. "Mou, Hinata, are you alright?" Bright blue eyes peered at her, worried.

She blushed furiously. Oh dear. She couldn't meet his eye. "Eh, hai, dijobu, I'm fine." She skittered to her feet, collecting her fallen supplies. The packaged goods were alright, if a bit dusty, but the produce was toast, so to speak. Irreparably crushed.

"Gomen nasai, Hinata, I was just…." For the first time, Hinata noticed a slight pink flush to Naruto's cheeks. "Never mind." He was attempting to help her gather her things. They reached for the same can and their eyes met for a brief second.

Naruto had always made Hinata feel uncomfortable and awkward under his gaze, but for that split second, something was different. His eyes held the same shyness, the same feelings reflected back at her.

Hinata leapt back, her face turning a cherry red, and the moment was over. Naruto picked up the can and handed it to her, the other gloved hand scratching the back of his head. "Sorry."

"Oh, it's, it's okay, I'll j-just…..well, bye." Hinata whipped around, anxious to stop making such a fool of herself. She would replace the squashed vegetables later, when she didn't feel like she was about to faint.

"HINATA!" Naruto called after her, running to catch up. She kept her head down, silent. "Can I make it up to you?" Hinata snuck a quick look at Naruto. He still looked embarrassed, and genuinely sorry. "I destroyed your food…if we go down to the farmer's market, I can replace them for you?" The statement sounded more like a question, as if he wasn't really sure what he should do in this instance.

"Um, sure, I mean, I guess, if, you know, you want to." She was stuttering out the reply. Naruto immediately perked up.

"Yosh! Let's go!" Naruto marched off in the direction of the market, in classic Naruto goose stepping style. The market was only two blocks from them, but to Hinata, they were an eternity. She liked him, for sure, but she was on edge. Was she supposed to be goose stepping with him? Or was it correct to be creeping behind like she was now? Oh dear, she must look like a cave dwelling creature! Each deliberation made her withdraw more and more. By the time they got there, she looked like a turtle desperately trying to withdraw into a shell much too small.

"Neh, Hinata, what do you need?" Naruto turned around, a grin as wide and as open as the sky beaming straight at her. Hinata flushed with awkwardness as an answer refused to come to her lips. "I saw tomatoes. Let's get you some tomatoes. Where's the tomato man?" People were turning to look at him. Hinata let out a small "eep!" of fear. She hated scrutiny. It never seemed to affect Naruto though.

"Here!" Naruto waved wildly at Hinata, motioning her to come closer. She shuffled closer as fast as she could, avoiding eye contact with anyone. "These look good. Don't they, Hinata-chan?" Hinata sucked in her breath and stared at Naruto. That was the first time he had used "chan" after her name! Naruto peeled off a glove to pick up a juicy looking specimen. "Ah! It's heavy! And it smells good too! This is the one for you! Feel!" Naruto placed the tomato in her hand, cupping his hands around hers to help her hold the round fruit. "Don't you think so?"

Hinata's terrified eyes locked with Naruto's grinning ones. "I-I-I-" He suddenly looked worried.


She promptly fainted.

Naruto's POV

Her eyes rolled back in her head and down she went. I managed to catch her, but I was in a panic. The tomato man was looking at me like I did it on purpose. 'SHOVE OFF, STUPID TOMATO MAN!" I heaved her up into my arms, but her head was rolling around. It didn't look comfortable, but I wasn't sure how I was supposed to hold her.

I quickly scooped up her bag and hauled ass to Sakura's. If anyone knew how to get me out of trouble it would be her.

"SAKURA!" I kicked down the door of her apartment. No one in the living room. "SAKURA! I MESSED UP! BIG TIME! I AM SO DEAD!" I wandered through the apartment, a limp, pale girl swinging from my arms. No one was here? Screwed!

Sakura came out of the bathroom, dripping wet, dressed in pj's, looking about ready to take my head off. "BAKA! I'll kill you for destroying my door for the FIFTH TIME THIS MONTH! What is it? Ramen sale?" I thrust Hinata in her direction, her limbs flapping every which way.

"Her father's going to KILL ME!"

Sakura frowned. "What happened? And don't forget, Neji will kill you too."

"I AM SO SCREWED!" I wailed.


"I don't know, I was running down the street-"

"You're a little old for that at 21."

"And I ran into her, crushed some stuff and she blushed and kinda didn't look at me, and I took her to the market, and I was trying to help and be nice and she fainted!"

"That barely made sense."

"I'M DEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAD!" In my anguish, Hinata slipped from my arms and onto the floor with a crash.

"YOU FREAKING DOBE! PICK HER UP RIGHT NOW!" I hauled her up under her arms, like a child holding a doll. "NOT LIKE THAT!" I heaved her over my shoulder. "BAKA! Put her on the couch!" I flopped her over onto the couch. Sakura gave me the death glare, but didn't shout anymore. As Sakura checked Hinata's forehead and eyes, I crawled on the floor to cling to her damp pajama leg.

"Pleeeeeeeease, Sakura, tell me she's okay!" She glared down at me.

"Well, your drop didn't seem to hurt her, but she's out. I'm going to get a cold cloth and some smelling salts. YOU," she prodded a finger on my nose. "Stay here and look after her. Let me know if she looks like she's waking up. STAY!" I sat on my butt on the floor, staring up at her like a wounded puppy. She snorted and walked off.

I stared intensely at Hinata, looking for any sign she was stirring. Resting my chin on the cushion, I let my eyes wander over her still face. Such pale skin. I could see little blue veins by her temples and eyes. Wow, she had really long lashes. They fluttered for a second, and I held my breath, but she didn't wake. Her cheeks weren't as round as they were when she was twelve. I locked onto her lips. Pink, curved, parted slightly in the middle. Her lips looked like she naturally was puckering up. How did I not notice these lips? I checked over the sofa to see if Sakura was coming back, but all I sensed was water running in the bathroom.

I put my head back on the cushion, tilted slightly to one side for a better angle. Trying to move as slowly and carefully as I could, I reached up my index finger and touched her bottom lip, just below the part. It yielded softly to pressure. As I pulled my hand away, I noticed her bottom lip started to flush where I had touched her. Well this was confusing. I know I didn't hurt her. But how come her lips were swelling, becoming slightly redder and fuller, giving her a more pronounced pout? It was kind of…well…

"Back up." Sakura nudged me away with her foot. I shuffled back, feeling confused. Hinata was stirring something in my gut. Or maybe I was hungry? Mmmm, ramen…..

"Huh?" A soft noise from Hinata jolted me back to reality. Her eyelids fluttered over her lavender eyes, which looked unfocused. Her lips moved. Once again, I locked on to them and couldn't stop staring. The way they moved, molding around unknown words, left me speechless. There was something incredibly beautiful and mesmerizing about them. "Sakura-san?"

"How are you feeling?"

"Dizzy…..what happened?"

"You fainted at the market." Hinata's eyes suddenly snapped open and focused. She looked at me and gasped, pulling up her legs and sitting up. Her brow immediately furrowed in pain. "You shouldn't sit up so fast, Hinata-chan. You need to rest. Just stay here for a while, and I'll have Naruto walk you home." Sakura placed the cold cloth on the back of Hinata's neck. She was still staring at me with wide eyes.

"You alright, Hinata-chan?" She was blushing so hard I thought she was going to faint again. She nodded rapidly. "Sorry. Again." I scratched the back of my head, looking away so she couldn't see my face. Warmth was rushing to my face in embarrassment.

"Sakura-chan, what happened to the door?" Sasuke walked in, his first born daughter perched on his shoulders. Sakura sighed, going over to kiss Sasuke.

"Naruto made Hinata faint."

"Dobe, stop destroying my door." He lifted Tenmaki from his shoulders, placing her on the floor. She immediately ran to me for a hug and a kiss.

"Naru!" She gave me a big kiss on the cheek. I couldn't help myself, she was too cute.

"Ten-chan!" I rubbed her soft charcoal hair.

"Daddy took me to the place where you and Mommy and Daddy used to train!"

"Did he? Did he tell you about how our sensei kicked his butt?"

"Hey!" Sakura hit me over the head. "Watch the language!"

"Iitei!" I rubbed the lump forming on my scalp while Tenmaki laughed. "Mou, Sakura, you're meaner than usual." She sighed again, looking at Sasuke. He shrugged.

"He's going to find out anyway."

"Find out what?"

"Mommy is having another baby!" Tenmaki jumped up and down with joy. For a four year old, she was sharp.

"Eeeeh? Really?" I jumped up. Sasuke narrowed his eyes in annoyance.

"Yes, you dobe."

"Congratulations, Sakura, Sasuke," Hinata smiled at the pair. Sakura smiled back, a hand over her stomach. "When is it due?"


"Whaaaa? You've been pregnant for four months already?" I stared intently at Sakura's stomach. "I don't see anything! Last time you were a hippo at four months!" Sakura's eyebrow twitched violently. Sasuke sighed, putting a hand on Sakura's shoulder.

"He's not worth it." She backed down, but I could see her homicidal desire.

"Ano, Hinata-san," I looked back at her, desperate to leave before I ended up with new bruises. Sakura was even more violent when she was a bag of hormones. "You ready to go home?"


"You sure?"

"Yes. If this won't work, nothing will, and I'm running out of time to save either of them. Set up the room and wake him up."

I'm ebil, aren't I? Review, sil te plait!