
But how? Lila's parents were in Hawaii and a vampire would not dare to take the risk of being discovered in a sunny place like Hawaii. How?

Quil continued, "Your parents weren't in Hawaii. They were in Seattle. Your entire family was telling you this huge lie."

None of this made sense to Lila.

"Lila." Quil touched her hand.

"How do you know?"

"Paula confessed to Embry. She said that your parents left and they had to come up with a lie when your dad called saying that they were being hunted."


"Remember the dread head? Supposedly, he had a mate."

"The mate killed my parents? To get back at me?"

"Exactly. We don't know what coven they're from. The Cullens do."

"Edward don't sit here and tell me you don't know." Lila was filled with anger.

"Lila, I-" Edward stopped. "They're from Alaska."

"Guess I'm going to Alaska." Lila went to walk out the door, but Edward grabbed her.

"That's family, Lila. I can't and won't let you do that."

"They killed my family!"

"'They' is alot of people. Only one killed your parents."

"Then, let me make the coven feel the pain I'm feeling."

"Lila, I can't." Edward followed her outside. "Why get even? Why can't you just go bigger and better?"

"My parents are dead." Lila scoffed. "What do you know about anything, Edward?"

"I'm over a 100 years old."

It got quiet.

"Edward, those are my parents."

"Wolves already have a bad name. Why make it worse by killing another vampire?"

"Vampires already have a bad name for killing wolves. What makes you think wolves give a damn?"

"I know you guys don't, but Lila-"

"FINE!" Lila gave up talking to Edward. "Fucking vampires."

Lila paced in front of Embry's house for almost thirty minutes. She kept trying to compose herself because she didn't want to shift in front of Paula. Wait. Did Lila even really care?

She banged on Embry's door. Embry came to the door and already knew what Lila was there for.

"Where is she?" Lila asked.

"Lila, she's not feeling good-" Lila pushed by Embry and saw Paula laying on the couch with a trashcan next to her.

"You fucking liar! If you weren't pregnant I'd kill you!" Lila yelled.

Paula sat up. "What?"

"You knew this entire time that it was vampires and you told me that it was heart attacks and that the doctors couldn't identify it."


"Vampires! Do you know what I am Paula? I am a very, very big dog. A very big dog that will rip your insides out and then feed it to Embry. Keep lying and the last time you will ever breathe is right after that baby is out of your fucking uterus."

Embry paled and took a seat on his couch, at a loss for words.

"How were we supposed to tell you that vampires were hunting your parents? Your attitude and temper is already ridiculous."


"Lila, listen!"

"No! You knew! And you still staged this whole fucking scene? We fucking fought, I whooped your ass and you still went along with it!"



Paula got quiet.

"Yeah. Your parents are alive, mine aren't. Hope everything goes good for you, the baby and Embry." Lila turned to Embry. "So much for packmates right?"

"Lila, I recently found out. Don't-"

Lila slammed the front door before driving away to her house.

This all started because Lila's parents wanted to get a divorce. She was forced to move to La Push which triggered the gene which made her into this dog.

She was okay in Seattle. She was okay living in the dark, pale and filled with heartbreak. She hated what she saw in the mirror- she hated seeing herself then seeing a dog.

Now, Paula was dragging another baby into this. What if the baby was born with the gene and then sixteen years later turn into a wolf because of vampires? What would happen?

Her parents were dead and it was because of Vampires... Now, she had to make the decision if she wanted to go to Alaska or wait... Wait for them to make their way down to Washington.

I am so sorry for such a long wait guys. Review!