Summary: Orihime wants nothing more than to become the mate of Ulquiorra, the Demon Lord of the castle. So one of her friends tell her just what she has to do.

Warnings: Lemon.

Enjoy :D

Orihime was listening to Tatsuki's words very closely, some of which she found unbelivable.

"You have to wear only one layer of silk for easy access to your body." She explained. Orihime nodded, mentally noting it.

"Make sure your hair is up and away from your neck, maybe in a high bun." She added.

"Why?" Orihime asked.

"This is common sense, Hime. A Demon wants no trouble with hair when he gives you the mating mark." She explained and Orihime gave a mental face palm.

"Anyway, make sure you just have your own natural smell so you should take a bath. Don't put on any perfumes. If you really have to, you can put on a little lotion." She said.

"Is there anything else?" She asked.

"The last two significant things. Make sure you present yourself on all fours and do not show fear when he lets his demon out, okay?" She said.

Orihime nodded slowly.

"Well then! Let's get you dress then!" Tatsuki said, smiling.

Orihime looked taken back at her sudden outburst, they were two of the same. Servants, that was it.

"You don't have to. I am of no higher level than you in this castle, Tatsuki." Orihime said.

"Yes, but you are the closest to the Lord, and you don't wear these," She pointed to the brown cloth. "things..You have the finest silk. You're quite lucky. And soon you'll be the mate of our Lord." She said.

"What if he turns me down?" She asked, turning her head to her feet.

"No man could turn you down. You shouldn't even be in the servants quarters right now. You should be the one having servants waiting on your every desire." She said.

Orihime smiled gently. If she were to become the mate of their very Lord, her life would finally be complete.

"Thank you, Tatsuki." She said, giving her a warm smile.

Orihime awaited the call of her Lord. He always called her by this time, either to receive his bath or just for any normal servant job. To cook for him, pick out his clothing or something else. When one of the servants came in saying the Lord wished to see her, she stood with a brave look on her face.

Her hair was clipped up in a neat bun, a few strands hanging down the sides. She wore one of the most recent silks her Lord had given her. He truly treated her like a Queen. It was red and it reached down just below her knees. She figured the easier access, the better chance of becoming his mate.

She hadn't put on any perfumes and she didn't decide on any lotions either. She washed out all products in her hair and after shampooing it, she made sure she was still in for an extra 10 minutes to get the fruity smell out as well.

Orihime was right down the hall from her Lord's room and took her only mere seconds to stand outside of the double doors. She gave her normal three knocks and waited for the monotone voice to call out her entry.

"Enter." The voice called from the other sides of the doors.

She pushed open the doors and walked in, kneeling down immediately.

"Good evening, My Lord." She said.

"You have changed from what you were wearing early, I see." He said.

"Yes, My Lord. What did you call for?" Orihime asked.

"Haven't I told you to drop all formalities when we were behind closed doors?" He asked.

"Hai, I am sorry, Ulquiorra-sama." She said.

He stared at her, as though she had made a mistake.

"Ulquiorra.." She corrected.

He nodded and motioned her with a finger to come closer.

"Why have you changed clothes and your hair?" He asked, sniffing her. "And you showered before coming here." He added.

She was nervous and she didn't quite know what to say.

"My Lord, ..ah." She began. "My deepest apologies my Lord, I was having my childish fantasies again." She answered.

"Of?" He asked.

"That..only I, a lonely servant, would become.."

"My mate?" He answered.

Her gaze fell to the floor immediately, her cheeks felt hot. She chewed on her lower lip gently and nodded slowly. Ulquiorra tilted his head to the side. She was only inches from him so he reached for her, grabbing her and pulling her to him.

"You wish to bare my children?" He asked. She nodded immediately.

"My demon children?" He added. Orihime flinched slightly, she thought he was trying to talk her out of it.

"If my Lord is finished humiliating me, I will do what he has asked for me and take my leave." Orihime answered.

"I asked you a question, woman." He said, his tone frightening Orihime.

"I..yes, My Lord." She answered.

"Then you will have your wish."

Orihime's eyes widened and her mouth dropped open when she felt Ulquiorra's lips on her neck. He nibbled on her lobe gently, fangs poking at her.

"The real question is however, can you take what I have to offer you?" He whispered against her ear.

She shivered as chills went through her body and he pulled her closer to him, hugging her body to his chest.

"Your answer?" He whispered.

Her knees bucked underneath her weight and she would've fallen had Ulquiorra not been there. Orihime gave a quick nod and moaned when she felt Ulquiorra's lower body grind into her back side.

"My Lord.." She cried out.

He stopped then as if waiting for a correct answer to be said.

"Ulquiorra.." She whined.

He gave a pleased growl and pulled her body even closer. Orihime could feel the growing erection on her backside and she stiffened slightly. Ulquiorra then pulled away.

"Strip me." He ordered.

She then saw the growing tent of all the layers of his kimonos. He had still been in his night wear. In fact, she had wondered why he hadn't demanded of her to change his clothing when she first came here. She had seen him stark naked many times before but right now he was hard and still growing. He was a demon, after all.

Orihime brought her hands to his torso, untying the knot that held his kimono on him. Once undone, she slid the kimono off of his shoulders and she repeated the same process with the next two kimonos, leaving him in his hakama. She tugged it down with ease and her eyes widened at his erect member. She wouldn't lie, she had only ever saw her Lord's member and she was completely inexperienced. She however, had never seen him in such a turned on state that he grew much larger.

"You seem more interested in my body than usual." Ulquiorra stated matter of factly.

Orihime blushed a maroon color but stood her ground.

"And now's the time where you prove to me that you are better than any concubine or demoness in this castle." He said, he played with a strand of hair that came out of her bun, tucking it behind her ear. He leaned down to her ear, "It's time to prove to me that you're ready to be my bitch." He whispered.

A chill went through her body as he whispered against her ear. She could feel the goosebumps forming on her arms as he began to push her to the bed.

How could I prove that I am better than any concubine or demoness in this castle? She thought. Afterall, she was nothing more than a human.

Ulquiorra thought otherwise though. He pushed her down to the bed and pinned her down. And if he didn't, she wouldn't be laying underneath him right now. They both knew that.

"H-How?" Orihime asked.

"You'll find a way." He responded.

Ulquiorra leaned back down to her neck and planted a kiss on it. He bit down gently with his fang, making it a light red so he could remember that spot. He moved the silk robe down her shoulders. He'd only just realized how the yellow complimented her skin. He would keep in mind to tell his assistant to buy more.

He pushed the yellow fabric down past her chest and down past her breasts. Orihime blushed softly when he grasped one of her breasts in his hand. She looked the other direction, avoiding any type of eye contact. Ulquiorra frowned at this and gave a rough squeeze, elicting a gasp from the woman.

"I am touching you in such a way. I am about to grant the one thing you truly want, and you wont even look me in the eyes?" Ulquiorra asked.

Orihime felt that she insulted the man, so she turned her gaze back to him. He seemed pleased after that and didn't bring up the subject anymore. Ulquiorra used two fingers to squeeze the bud on Orihime's breast and it hardened almost instantly. He enjoyed having such an affect on her.

Leaning down, he caught the other bud between his teeth and Orihime jerked a little. To feel his canines biting gently and the feel of his hot breath made me moan gently. Orihime shivered slightly when Ulquiorra used his free hand and guided it down her flat stomach, and between her thighs.

Two finger tips pressed delicately against her opening. He was surprised at how wet she had become in such a small period of time. Her scent was strong and he felt more confident in being the one to take her. He'd always felt that if he would go this far in his relationship with her, he might hurt the fragile human body. Or worse, when she was impregnated, that she'd die during the birth.

She was proving to him that she was ready to be taken as she let loose her needy moans and he didn't let it go unnoticed how she parted her legs for his hand. He wanted to get this over with as soon as possible. He guided a finger into her passage and she tightened around it. Ulquiorra was just thinking how it would feel to be inside of her right now.

She wiggled her hips a little as if she was getting used to the uncomfortable feeling of having something inside of her. She moaned softly when he curved the single digit into her tight walls. His fingers were quite long and if he actually tried, he could probably break her barrier by using his very own fingernail.

He wouldn't do that though, if he were to break the barrier before he was even inside of her, that might have her back down as wanting to become his mate. That hadn't seemed like a bad idea at first but he had waited long enough to finally take her as his own.

He slowly began to fit a second finger into her tight passage and that was when she gave a soft whimper. If she couldn't take only two, skinny fingers, she wouldn't be able to take his much larger member. She took those two fingers though. Orihime moaned at the second intruder and she looked so impatient.

Ulquiorra watched as Orihime began to move her hips against his fingers and he realized how ready she was. He scissored his fingers a few time to stretch her opening before pulling the fingers out of her. Her aroma was much stronger now and he brought his hand to his face, licking her wetness off of him.

Orihime instantly became embarrassed. Her red blush coating her face. Ulquiorra looked at her with a seductive look and he declared that she did taste quite divine. He wanted to taste more but he would save that for another time. He took her wrists in one hand and used his other to guide his erect member to her awaiting warmth.

He gave her a look that she didn't understand. She gave him a questioning look.

"Once I'm in you, I wont be able to stop. You still have a chance to back out." Ulquiorra said.

Orihime shook her head no. She had waited so long for this and she wanted him to just take her already. Nothing was going to change her decision of wanting him. Not now, or ever.

Ulquiorra gave a nod of his head and began to push the head of his member into her tight passage. He could see how unrelaxed she was and how she tried to push her body back.

"Relax, it only gets better." Ulquiorra promised.

She stopped her struggles and allowed him to keep pushing inside of her. She whined and arched her back. Ulquiorra sighed. He was only hurting her by going in slowly and so he snapped his hips forward, ignoring the cry of pain. He leaned his head into her shoulder, desperately trying to keep from thrusting into her like a mad man.

Orihime saw his distress and she wiggled her hips, followed by her saying it was okay for him to move. Despite her pain, she didn't feel right torturing her Lord like she would be if he had to go slow for a human like herself. Ulquiorra looked at her and inwardly said his sorries. He pulled out and before long, thrusted back in.

Orihime squeezed her hands into fists and bit her bottom lip. She refused to show any sort of pain that would have Ulquiorra feel regret. His thrusts continued. He didn't bother looking at her to see if there was any pain written on her face. His eyes were squeezed shut and he had been in a different world.

He'd waited so long to feel her wrapped around him, and now that he has, he just didn't want to stop. Ulquiorra growled in disapproval at this current position and pulled out of her. Orihime gave a startled gasp as he grabbed her and flipped her on all fours. She remembered now that Tatsuki had mentioned to present herself.

She didn't hesitate in sticking her butt in the air and Ulquiorra growled in approval. He lined himself up with her opening and surged in immediately. He groaned at being wrapped in her tightness once again. It was also much easier for him to find her tight wall that would give her an immense amount of pleasure.

He thrusted only a few times before hearing Orihime's crys of pleasure begin to emit. He'd found that tight wall and wasted no time in thrusting harder into it. Ulquiorra gripped her hips and squeezed them. He knew his roughness was sure to leave bruises and he would remember to apologize for them.

Orihime gripped the headboard of Ulquiorra's bed and held on as she was taken mercilessly by the Demon. Her stomach rumbled and she cried out and let out whatever it was that wanted out. Her heart beated much faster now and her breath quickened. Her body fell a little but her hips remained up in the air as Ulquiorra held them.

She may have orgasmed already but Ulquiorra still searched for his release. He was being selfish and didn't realize that Orihime could barely withstand so much pleasure and she was pushed into a second, more intense orgasm. He rippled through her so fast and it was much shorter than the first one but it felt a lot more better.

Ulquiorra pressed his chest on her back, and in a final thrust, came inside of her. His teeth found her neck quickly and bit roughly into it. Orihime cried out in pain as the canines broke through her skin. Jets of his semen filled her to the brim and she moaned as she began to feel his member softening inside of her.

He retracted his teeth from her neck and licked the wound clear of blood, also healing it so it wouldn't hurt her later. Orihime could barely hold herself up and she fell down, taking Ulquiorra with her. He rolled off of her and onto his side and gathered her into his arms.

Ulquiorra had used all of Orihime's strength and she muttered a small thank you before falling to sleep. He gave a small smile, finally able to hold the woman in his arms with no regrets. He took the clip that held her hair up and pulled it out. He closed his eyes and followed Orihime into the darkness.

Harro. Sorry for the long wait on this Update. I was a bit busy and I also had other stories to update. Thanks for baring with me. The Lemon was indeed quite short, but I liked it either way (: I guess that's a bit Ironic that I like it considering I'm the author, but whatever xP

Until The Next Update..
