Ahh, if feels good to have more time to write stories. So..wait. Why aren't I writing chapters for 7 Digits again?

Title of Chapter: May I Bathe You, My Lord?

Summary of Chapter: Ulquiorra is the Lord of his castle and Orihime is a lowly servant. But then again, who said love couldn't develop between servant and master? No Lemon.

Warning: Oral

Drabbles of Ulquihime!


Ulquiorra stood in the bathroom, clad in many heavy robes. He continued to stare at the door, awaiting for that certain orange haired servant to walk through. And as if right on cue, the door knob turned and in came his favorite woman in the entire castle.

"I'm sorry I'm so late, My Lord!" She said franctically.

He stared at her, his eyes telling her that it didn't matter. He made a gesture for her to come and begin to remove his clothes already. And so she did.

She reached up, removing the armor that rested along his shoulders and settled them down onto the counter. Next came for first layer of robes. It was a crimson color, making it look like blood clashing with his pale skin. She pushed it off of his shoulders, letting it fall carelessly to the floor.

The next two colors were both the same dark black and were soft silk. They easily slid off of his body and when they did he was left in nothing but his underwear in front of this woman. It was this part that always embarrassed her the most.

She fixed her fingers around the hem of the last remaining cloth on his body, pulling them down past his waist and letting them fall the rest of the way. He stepped out of them and glanced down at the unfilled bath.

Orihime sighed, "I'm sorry, My Lord. I'm afraid I forgot to start the bath." She said, kneeling down to turn on the spicket.

"It is fine." He replied, finally speaking a word to his servant.

Orihime blushed. She knew that her lord would only allow her to bathe him. She didn't understand why though. This man had much prettier woman, not to mention concubines. Why would he allow her, of all the women, do this job?

"Of all the women in the castle, where as 97 percent of them aren't even considered women in my eyes, I'd rather call them sluts, I find you the most beautiful." Her lord spoke.

At the time she had been waiting for the water to get warm, unfortunately his honesty had her dumb struck and her poor hand burned.

"Ow!" She squeeled, pulling her hand away from the water.

He grabbed her hand, pulling her up. "I forgot to mention she is one of the most clumsy." He said.

He walked her to the sink depite his nude body. He turned the spicket on to cold and held her hand under the cold water. She blushed lightly.

"I'm sorry, My Lord. You shouldn't have to do this." She apologized.

He turned off the faucet and looked at her through the mirror.

Oh god, Orihime thought. He's naked..and holding me. She blushed harder.

"My bath?" He questioned, his head cocking to the side as he saw the water almost over filling the tub.

Orihime ran and turned the running water off.

"My deepest apologies!" She said.

He walked over to the bath, stepping one foot in and lowering himself.

"You apologize sometimes to the most absurd things." He said.

She kneeled down to the bath and grabbed the bar of soap that rested on the side. She was about to lather him with it before he grabbed her wrist.

"Join me." He said.

Her eyes widened and she immediately disagreed with his request.

"My Lord, I couldn't possibly! What would anyone say if they were to see us? I'm just a servant!" She exclaimed.

"Let them talk. Now do I have to undress you or will you do it willingly?" He asked.

Orihime turned her gaze downwards and let the rather expensive silk Ulquiorra had given her fall off of her shoulders. She now stood exposed in front of her Lord. They had never even thought of given her under garments.

Ulquiorra made a small gesture for her to come here and join him already. He wasn't ashamed of his growing erection as she placed a foot in shyly, her hands covering her privates. When she was lowered in the bath, she removed her hands.

The tub had been big enough for both of them and the water had just barely made it over her exposed breasts. She was beyond embarassed, being naked in a bath with her Lord.

"Do not be ashamed of your body." He said.

He grabbed her wrist, pulling her body to his.

"Would you allow me to bathe you?" He asked.

She blushed softly.

"I couldn't possibly allow you to do that. This is your time." She said.

"And in my time, I say what I want to do. I want to bathe you." He said.

"If that is your wish, My Lord."

He grabbed the soap out of her fumbling hand, dipping it under the water before lathering her body with it. His main target; her breasts. He was a demon, and he always allowed his desires come first. It was somewhat true, one of the only reasons why he was so attracted to this woman was indeed her breasts.

Her words never meant much to him and he never really bothered to listen to half of the things she said. It was true, he did have concubines and other servants he could do this with but none of them met this womans beauties. He bent downwards to her ear.

"So beautiful.." He whispered.

He lathered her body with the soap, it smelled of some type of blossom. It was much better than her usual vanilla body wash though. Ulquiorra picked up the rag that rested along on the bath. He felt the need to embarass his servant. His hands were coated with soap, bubbles and foam. He then began to rub the substance along her breasts with his bare hands.

Orihime gasped, "My Lord?" She questioned.

"You are being lathered by your very Lord, I would enjoy it while I can." He said.

She shut up then, understanding immediately that she was probably the most luckiest servant in this entire castle. She let out an almost quiet moan none the less. It felt good. His hands on her bare body, rubbing her in such a way.

"My Lord, .." She moaned again when she pinched her nipple between his fingers. "You're embarrassing me."

"Why so Formal? Call me Ulquiorra when we are alone." He said.

She blushed. "I am not worthy enough to speak to you with such casualty" She said.

He scowled at her. "Do not tell me what you are worthy for and not. I told you that you may speak my name when behind closed doors." Ulquiorra said.

"Yes," She paused for a moment. "Ulquiorra." The name rolled off her tongue in an accent.

His eyes stared at her full lips, much longer than he would've liked to. He wanted to kiss her, though he would not. But she was beautiful and deserved higher in her place. Though she was small, weak, and scared ever so easily. Yet, she was brave. If she didn't have those other three qualities, she could be easily brought up in her place.

He would be laugher at, however. Had he made such a weak human his mate. Some part in his mind, though, continued to say that he shouldn't give two flying fucks about it. The other half, his pride, told him otherwise.

The water became warm and would soon turn freezing. He grabbed the rag and rubbed the substance off of the womans body.

"Turn around." He demanded.

She stood, slightly embarrassed. She raced her hands to cover her body, but a pale hand came up to the hand that went to her warmth. He sniffed and the odor the radiated from between her legs grew ever more.

"That smell.." Ulquiorra said.

Orihime blushed greatly.

"You..can smell it?" She asked.

"Yes, it had only just occured to me that my actions had such a great affect on you." He stated.

He didn't want to hear her speak anymore, "Present yourself to me."

Her eyes widened and she broke into denial. "No, My Lord! I could never!"

"Hush. Did I not tell you to call me by my name? And you should know better than to disobey your Lord. Now present yourself to me." He commanded.

She blushed, turned around and sat on her knees. She turned her head to Ulquiora. He nodded. She placed her hands on the edge of the bath, and leaned forward. Ulquiorra waited patiently for her to raise her hips.

Orihime mumbled nonsense, and raised her hips into the air, presenting herself on all fours in front of him. He leaned towards her and began to sniff. This time, between her legs. Orihime could hear as he breathed in the air through his nose and felt the need to get up, and run far away. He was a demon though, he could catch her.

Orihime gasped in surprise. She felt his breath hitting her most sensitive spot. And even worse, or better, she didn't know, he molded his lips against her nether ones, his tongue coming out and pushing into her warmth. She cried out in pleasure. His tongue wasn't the normal length of a human. His was more long, more pointed and had easier access to move inside of her.

"My Lord!" She screamed, her voice begging for something. She didn't know what for though.

He pulled away then, earning a cry of disapproval.

"God, please! Don't stop." She pleaded.

Ulquiorra smirked at her sudden outburst and the fact she referred to him as her God. He flipped her over in the bath, ignoring the fact as he did this, he managed to splash a puddles worth of water on the floor. He spread her legs apart with his hands and leaned back down.

"Do not close your legs." He said, bringing his lips back to her warmth.

His tongue was back inside of her in a second as he resumed his tongue fucking. Orihime was crying out, screaming loudly and it was driving Ulquiorra insane. He had sensitive hearing and he would stuff something in her mouth if there was anything near.

She arched her back and wrapped her legs around Ulquiorra's neck. She thrusted upwards against his mouth, wanting something more. She wanted to grab his head, to push him further between her legs, but she didn't feel worthy enough. It was okay though, the heat that coiled in her stomach began to shoot through her body, giving her a complete shock. She jerked forward and cried out loudly.


She fell back and made a loud splash in the tub. Ulquiorra pulled his head from between her legs. There was a clear substance that had coated his lips and he had licked it away with his tongue. Orihime found it quite..sexy.

"Are you satisfied?" Ulquiorra asked.

Orihime gave him a lazy nod and a weak smile.

"My Lord, if you will, I ask for something of you." She said, hopeful.

Ulquiorra stared at her, wondering what else she could possibly want. He looked at her, questioningly.

"Kiss me." She said.

He was taken back and din't know how to respond to that. But he did anyway. He leaned down, placing his lips to hers.

Finally. Orihime thought.

And had they not been lip locked at this moment, a large smile would be on her face. Ulquiorra only allowed the kiss to last for a few seconds, but the few seconds were of heaven to Orihime. She pulled back just as Ulquiorra did.

She looked at him in the eyes, "Ulquiorra-sama, ..are we going to.." She stopped mid-way, not wanting to continue her sentence.

"No." He responded. "You've had your release already."

She didn't drop her gaze though. She wasn't ready for that kind of attention anyway. She then popped the question Ulquiorra had been waiting for since their incident ended.

"Would you allow me to bathe you now, My Lord?"

"Hmm." He responded, and leaned back in the tub expectantly.

My first drabble of Ulquiorra being King (: There's another coming soon, it's just about half way done.

So, I heard if you play with fire, you get burned. Pretty much with me, if you flame me, you get trolled. :D

Until the next update,
