A New Circle

Summary: Cassie has everything she could ever have dreamed of. She is leader of the coven and has Adam as her prince charming. Someone or something wants revenge. Can Cassie and the Secret Circle figure out what is going on before they are broken forever?

Pairings: Adam/Cassie, Diana/Nick

I don't own anything, just having some fun. It would be good to know if people like this story, so pretty please let me know in a review, I love reviews! Spoiler alert, just so you know, I won't be killing off Nick like they did in the stupid TV series! Am really wondering if I should keep watching it or not, part of me wants to cos I don't like giving up on things, but they are changing it too much in ways I don't like. Vampire Diaries changed in a good way, this show it is a bad way. Maybe you can help me decide if I should watch it or not?

Chapter One

Just The beginning

Cassie Blake looked in the mirror at her reflection and smiled in satisfaction, running the brush one more time through her light brown hair. She had straightened it especially for the occasion and she was getting better at applying her make up in the way that Suzan had taught her, to make her look more mysterious and adult, more like a witch. She wore Leggings and a dark blue jumper dress that clung to her curves. All in all she felt care free and just over all happy.

It was a feeling that she hadn't felt in a very long time, maybe she had never felt this way. She had spent the last year fighting with Black John and feeling weak and afraid. She had let herself be manipulated by Faye and had been too afraid to make her own decisions, but no more. This was the new and improved Cassie, who was stronger than she had ever been before. She sprayed a bit of rose perfume on her, not too much, just a subtle hint and finally thought she was ready to face the world. And what a world she belonged to.

As she hurried down the stairs, her heart beat started to race and she felt the familiar butterflies in her stomach that she hoped would never go away. Adam was waiting in the kitchen, sitting at the table talking with her mother. His dog Raj was sitting patiently at his side. She hesitated before entering her favourite room in the house, the kitchen, watching the scene with a smile on her face. It was all so perfect, like a fairytale or a dream. She felt like Cinderella and here was her prince charming. He was hers now, and they didn't have to live in the fear of betraying Diana or hurting her or anything else, there were no more secrets and it felt wonderful. Diana had accepted that they were soul mates and there was nothing anybody could do except to accept things, because they were connected by a silver cord that couldn't be broken. Adam looked up as if he sensed she was there and he probably had sensed her, she thought. He had been able to read her mind or thoughts when they first met so long ago. She had thought it wasn't fair the way people were treating him and he had told her that life wasn't fair. She couldn't imagine her life without him now, because he completed her.

"Hey Cassie," he smiled warmly at her and stood up to give her a hug. "Are you ready to go?"

"Ready as ever," her eyes sparkled back at him and she took his hand in hers, the feel of his fingers entwined with hers was still unfamiliar and taking time to get used to, but it was a good getting used to, not like the dread she had felt at having to get used to a whole new life and a new school and finding a place for herself again. But she had a place she belonged now. It had been decided that she was the leader of the coven, along with Diana and Faye. She still could barely believe it was true, that all of her dreams were coming true. She had been described as a shy unicorn by her friends, and now she was leader of the witches. She felt like laughing out loud at it all. "Is everyone there already?" she was worried now that she had made everyone wait.

"Near enough, but don't worry though. Suzan isn't ready yet either."

"I can imagine. I think Raj is getting impatient."

She was suddenly aware of eyes on them and turned to her mother apologetically. "I'm sorry, I'm being rude. Thanks for entertaining Adam while he was waiting."

"It's the least I can do," her mother laughed. "After everything the Circle has done for us, that whole Black John nightmare..." Her mother was speaking light heartedly but Cassie could see the pain in her eyes. After all, Black John had been Cassie's father and he had hurt her mother so much, not by killing her as he had killed others, but by using the power of love against her.

Cassie was still grieving for the loss of her grandmother. She had been a lady that you wouldn't ever forget, with all her wisdom and guidance. Cassie felt she hadn't had a chance to be able to learn everything from her grandmother, by the time she had found out she was a witch, there hadn't been much time for stories. But before she had died, her grandmother had told her the most important story of all, about how the parents of the coven had died. It made her sad that she couldn't hear anymore stories, happier ones. Her grandmother had a way with words, a way to help visualise everything perfectly, even so near death. She had been strong up until the last minute and that was what had changed Cassie, made her stronger and able to stand up to Faye and Black John. If her grandmother could do this, so could she.

"Mum, I won't be long, I promise," she started. She didn't like leaving her mother alone for long these days.

"Cassie, don't be silly. Go and enjoy the day, Adam, don't let her worry about me for one second ok?"

Adam looked doubtful. "I'll try Miss Blake."

"Mum, how can I not worry?" Cassie said forcefully. It was an impossible task her mother had set her.

"It's what your grandmother would have wanted, darling."

With those final words Cassie stepped out into the cold winter day and told herself, no more dark thoughts allowed. She had been feeling happy and that's how she would stay. It had been the thought of seeing Adam that had done it, and now the thought of spending an entire day with him was enough to make her smile again.

"This is still so..." she couldn't find the words to describe it.

"Impossible?" Adam guessed. "I never even dreamed we could be like this. I didn't let myself dream it."

"It's wonderful though,"


"I still don't think the coven have gotten used to it though," she tried telling herself that she didn't care about what they thought, but it wasn't true. "I just want to be accepted."

"They'll get used to the idea soon enough," Adam reassured her kindly.

The truth was, she was still worried about Diana. Diana had been so good and supportive about everything, she hadn't even cried in public, but Cassie still wondered. Diana and Adam had been through a lot together, had been together for three years. It was them who had founded the coven in the first place. If it had been Cassie, she would have been devastated. She wasn't sure she would be quite as forgiving, but that was Diana all over. She was kind and sweet, and pure. She was a vision of loveliness, with Blonde hair a colour like sunlight and moonlight woven together. She was the picture of innocence. But Cassie new there was a well of strength inside that girl, like there was inside every member of the Secret Circle. They were all so much more capable of anything they put their mind to they just hadn't known it before.

Diana's house was one of the prettier ones on Crow haven Road. Yellow in colour and in better repair, Cassie looked up at the window she knew was Diana's bedroom and smiled at the familiar sparkle of light that was the glass prisms hanging up in the window. They were meeting the rest of the Circle here, having spent Christmas day quietly with all of their families, they were now celebrating together, which meant lots more food and partying. They had done a lot of celebrating lately.

Diana let them both in with a friendly smile. "We're now just waiting for Suzan," she laughed, ushering them into the huge dining room. "Dad's agreed to keep out of the way while we eat, then we can all go upstairs or, whatever we want to do."

"Hang out like normal teenagers?" Cassie smiled back at her. "I like the idea."

"Dinner's almost ready to serve up," Laurel called from the kitchen as Adam and Cassie sat down.

"Ok," Diana called, but she was distracted by the ring of the doorbell again.

Cassie looked around at all of them, feeling very proud that they were all actually getting on well. Faye, with her mane of pitch black hair falling around her in curls, was talking to Melanie. It was a surprise to see the two of them sitting together. Melanie was the brains of the Coven, she had grey, intelligent eyes and looked as if she wore glasses when she didn't, and long dark brown hair. She wore a green top and black jeans, where as Faye wore a long jumper and leggings like Cassie, only hers was a dark red. Then there was the Henderson brother's, who were twins and dressed in their usual gothic style. They were talking to Nick.

If Cassie had been worried about Diana, she was worried about Nick too. He hadn't spoken more than a hello or goodbye with her or Adam since they had gotten together on the 10th December, and even though he had told her he knew what he was getting into with her, she wasn't so sure. Sean sat near the Doug and Chris, quiet as usual. She smiled at him, not forgetting her promise she had made herself, that she wasn't to ignore him. "Hey Sean," she waved and he smiled back. Suzan looked as lovely as ever with her blonde hair and china blue eyes, her very low cut dress looked beautiful, and she sat down by Deborah, who still had a tough aura about her, but looked more relaxed these days, full of smiles. It was good to see everybody so happy, like she was, and there didn't seem to be any sides anymore. Melanie and Laurel, Adam and herself had always been on Diana's side, Deborah and Suzan had been on Faye's. Chris and Doug, Nick and Sean had had mixed opinions. But since the big fight had gone down with Black John, all of that seemed to have changed. Although, Faye could still be awkward at times, like now.

Faye looked up at her, her honey coloured eyes sparkling with mischief. "Well, if it isn't the two love birds. Been keeping to yourself lately? Are you enjoying all the privacy?" She said this just as Diana walked into the room of course.

"Don't be a jerk, Faye," Deborah said sharply. "I thought we had gotten past all of this?"

"Its fine," Diana waved it all away. "Since she's being annoying, she can help, me serve dinner."

Everyone stared at her in shock. Sweet Diana never said anything bad about people, not even Faye. Nick raised an eyebrow at her and Diana shrugged. "What?" she said defiantly at them all. "My new year's resolution is to stop being so naive. Isn't that what you used to call me Faye? Stupid and naive and other people have said I'm too nice for my own good. This is the start of a new me people, so get used to it!"

"Not too new I hope," Cassie murmured. The thought of Diana changing at all had her scared. Was this her fault?

Diana smiled reassuringly at her. "Don't worry. I'm not going to turn into a bitch. But I'm not going to be afraid to use the word either, ok? Do you understand? So, Faye, a little help please?"

The rest of the day went without incident, with laughter and spell casting and present exchanging. But Cassie couldn't help but look at Diana and worry, and she noticed that Adam and Nick were both doing the same thing.


Diana Meade had to take a breather. She sat on her bed, looking around her classy, yet cosy bedroom and listened to all the laughter downstairs, and tears streamed down her face. She was trying to act strong, and she thought she was doing a reasonable enough job of it, but every now and then she needed to break down. A simple little illusion spell would fix any make up issues. Cassie and Adam spent so much time together these days that she had barely spoken to Cassie, who she had said had been like her little sister. They had both always wanted sisters, so had sort of adopted each other, back in the good old days. It had been so lonely without Adam, she felt as though she had lost half of herself. She often wondered if she had a soul mate out there somewhere, and if she did, was it always an instant attraction? You instantly saw the silver cord, all the lights and everything around you, like Cassie had described? Or...could you have a soul mate and not even know about it because you never believed in it before? It was something to look into.

She missed Adam and wondered how long it would be until it stopped hurting. There was a sudden knock on the door and it made her jump. "Who is it?" she asked shakily.

"Nick," his answer was soft and with quiet concern. "You've been a long time I was just worried about you."

"It's ok, I'll be out in a minute," she said, trying to sound firm and not like she was falling apart. Nick was the sort of person who would respect your privacy and she heard, with relief, his footsteps retreating down the stairs. Ok, Diana, she thought to herself, standing up. It's time to go face the world again and be brave

Am really excited about this story, I already have lots of ideas, so once again, please let me know what you think. There will be more soon!