Rachel felt Quinn's teeth pressing against her collarbone. She shuddered and gave out a small moan. "Do you like that?" Quinn asked, a dark chuckle escaping her throat. "Uh, yeah." Rachel wrapped her arms around Quinn's neck and ran her fingers through her hair. "Are you sure you want me to do this?" Quinn's tongue slid up to Rachel's neck and her teeth pressed down harder and harder, so close to breaking the skin. Rachel moaned louder and bit down on her lip, ready to embrace the pain. "Yes, please. I've wanted this for so long." Quinn laughed again and kissed her dark red lips down to the back of Rachel's neck. "Okay," she ran her tongue across her sharp teeth, making sure her fangs were ready, "-you asked for it." She bit down, the warm blood running through her mouth, dribbling down Rachel's neck onto her blouse, staining her lips an even darker hue. "Yum."

Rachel Berry had just transferred to St. Vincent's catholic school. Her dads felt it was time they move out of the crappy small town they were from and to a bigger area, somewhere near New York City. They ended up in the small town of Ainamor. Her dads seemed to enjoy it and she was happy it was only a 45 minute train ride to the beautiful city.

She tugged on her braids and tightened each ribbon on the ends. She looked around. The school was composed of a bunch of old, gray, stone buildings. The sun was shining, coming through the chapel's stained glass window, casting a variety of colors on the cobblestone ground. She noticed a girl with short pink hair smoking a cigarette under the huge window. She hag plump red lips, heavy eyeliner, and her cardigan scrunched up to her elbows. Her shirt was tied at the belly button and her skirt was hiked up. Rachel thought she looked so stunning. The girl caught her gaze and smirked. She tapped her cigarette, threw it on the ground, and stomped it out. Her skirt swayed when a cool breeze blew by and Rachel could have sworn she saw a tattoo that appeared to be some kind of family crest on the girl's thigh. She brushed it off and peered down at the piece of paper she had neatly folded in her hand. She opened it and looked at the small print, looking for what building she was supposed to be in. Alucard. That didn't sound like a very Christian name. She ignored the thought and peered around, looking for a sign to indicate where she was supposed to be headed. She found no such thing.

"Looking for something?" She jumped a little and turned around. A girl with raven black hair, placed in a low ponytail smirked at her. "Um, I need help locating the Alucard building please." Rachel rubbed the tips of her braids and peered at the ground. "You're new, cool." A devilish smile came across the girl's face. "What's your name?" Rachel looked back up and analyzed the girl in front of her. She had long black hair, her uniform was in the right condition, unlike the pink haired rebel she had seen earlier, and she had full lips that looked nice against her tan skin. "I'm Rachel Berry." She held out her hand and the other girl grabbed on, shaking gently. "Nice name. I'm Santana. Lopez." The other girl placed her hands on her slender hips. "Come with me." She smirked and turned on the heels of her chunky buckle-shoes. Rachel followed behind and noticed they entered the library. The book shelves looked like they were at least thirty six feet tall. She wondered how you could even fill a library this big. "Keep up, new meat." Santana said, turning around to grab Rachel's hand. Her skin felt slightly cold. Much more cold than Rachel's. She kept her grip anyway and followed her. They took some lefts, rights, and ended up at a large staircase. "Go up those stairs, take a right, and the first big door is the classroom you're looking for." Rachel was confused. She had never told Santana what classroom she needed to be in. She had never shown her the schedule. "But, I didn't tell you"- Santana held up her hand and placed her finger on Rachel's lips. She leaned forward, brought her mouth close to Rachel's ear, and whispered "Trust me, fresh meat. That's the classroom you need to be in." Santana tucked a few strands of hairs behind Rachel's ear. She leaned back, waved 'bye' in a flirty manner, and walked back outside. Rachel had goose bumps from what had just occurred. What was that Santana girl talking about? The room she needed to be in? And what was with her being all over Rachel? She brushed her bangs back and peered up at the staircase. It had deep red carpeting and cherry wood banisters. She jogged up them and went right. She did see a big door. The knobs appeared to be made of onyx. Was that possible? She grabbed them and was surprised when a cliché loud creak didn't occur and only a small breeze came from it. She stepped in a looked around. There were only a select few round tables dotted around the room. She shut the door behind her, assuming maybe she was early. She looked around and noticed on each table there was a thick, red candle lit. It was eerie since the sun hardly brought any light through the dusty window. She found a chair and brought it to one of the tables. She sat down and tapped her fingers on the table, humming a random tune.

"What are you doing in here?" A cool, husky voice asked. She looked and saw the pink haired rebel from before. She stood up and put her hands on her hips. "Oh, well, someone told me this is what classroom I needed to be in." She tugged on her braids again and felt like untying the ribbons just to give her something to fix. "Who told you that?" The rebel walked up closer and placed her hands on the back on the chair. "Uh, Santana Lopez?" Rachel scratched her forehead. "She did, did she?" the rebel leaned closer and was three inches from Rachel's face. "Let me see…" she leaned even more close and seemed to sniff around Rachel. "What are you doing?" Rachel leaned back. "Hm…not sure why she sent you." The rebel licked her lips and smirked. "You should probably get to class in about 3…2…1…" the bell tower went off and Rachel looked back at her schedule. Damn. She was late. "How do I get to Alucard?" Rachel pleaded to the girl. "Ask someone else, don't have the time." The rebel sat near the window on a dusty, velvet chair and lit a cigarette. Rachel peered at her. Something about her cool demeanor and soft voice made her want to talk to her more. But she couldn't waste time on her first day of school. The rebel turned her head to look at Rachel and smirked "You better get going, new meat." What was with everyone messing up that phrase?

The phrase was fresh meat.